

  • Muscle and user error.
  • First off, make sure you are eating enough. You may be putting your body into starvation mode. Secondly, it takes time for your body to deviate from its set point. You will build muscle under the fat which is good and bad. Good because muscle burns more calories in a given period of time. Bad because you don't notice a…
  • I find the less process food and sweets I eat the less I crave it. For me, its an all or none thing. But you should not be having a FULL cheat day. Its only a cheat MEAL. A cheat day will compromise your entire week.
  • I suppose I am happy for the muscle, but it still doesn't change the fact that I want to lose 20 lbs haha. Preferably by summer.....Anybody have suggestions to induce the weight loss (of fat of course). I naturally gain muscle easily, but i still have fat to lose so I guess I'm just frustrated that the fat isn't going…
  • Phentermine? Bad stuff......
  • You shouldn't be getting really hungry...make sure you have food (good food) within reach at all times. You'll find you won't crave your high sodium meals as much. I personally love fresh carrot sticks and raw nuts.
  • The weight loss is about your caloric deficit. However you achieve that deficit doesn't really matter. if you prefer the elliptical then go with that :) If you like running on the treadmill go with that, I will say you burn more calories/min running
  • It was probably invented by a man...with a target audience of women.. if you catch my drift
  • This made my night! We joke about this at school...(physician assistant school). I will always recommend the shake weight to my patients...ahahhahaha.
  • Not to worry! Muscles burn calories, so that means the more muscle mass you have the more calories you burn working out or even being lazy! Its a win win overall. Fat does NOT burn anything. Its a waste of space hence the reason you need to get rid of it. I think that a gym is a good place to get a good workout, but at the…
  • I would probably say its food related. You are probably set at 1200 calories a day but don't forget that you MUST consume the calories you burn during working out. If not your body will go into starvation mode and eventually hibernation to conserve energy. This is bad because it will deteriorate your muscle first, which is…
  • That's a lot of working out. Just because you are working out doesn't necessarily you'll lose weight. You can work out like that but you MUST eat enough to supply your body with nutrients. I personally work out 3 days a week or so, or as time allows, but I make sure to hit my calories and I am losing weight. You won't lose…
  • what I do is I put in the little food database whats near me and look at the calorie content of various things. The places your are thinking about eating may also have nutritional information on their website. so figure out how many calories you have left for the day and have at it! don't forget to log your house work that…
  • You can't burn fat unless you eat carbs plain and simple. Get your carbs form better places. Anything white should go so bread, white potatoes, etc etc. Try doing sweet potatoes (which are just as good as some fruits!), lots of veggies, whole grain bread, more wheat pasta. Everything in moderation and well balanced. Our…
    in Carbs Comment by meglane February 2011
  • so why do you want to lose weight? I'm a bit confused. Maybe your just getting older and your body is reseting fat distribution. who knows. don't be so hard on yourself.
  • i personally just don't eat processed foods. I will eat bread but good bread that doesn't contain a lot of sugar. Sugar is in everything! like milk, cheese, bread, sweets, etc etc. Start eating things such as fruit to curb your sweet cravings. I notice when I have simple things like a tall soy latte my sugars are much…
  • as I said before. be careful this stuff is not a quick fix. If there were quick fixes to get skinny then we'd all be skinny! and 18 lbs in 18 months is 1lb per month. and if you don't learn how to cope with stresses, cravings, and portion control you will always struggle with this. Also, 18 lbs is not a minuscule amount of…
  • as I said before. be careful this stuff is not a quick fix. If there were quick fixes to get skinny then we'd all be skinny! and 18 lbs in 18 months is 1lb per month. and if you don't learn how to cope with stresses, cravings, and portion control you will always struggle with this. Also, 18 lbs is not a minuscule amount of…
  • Phentermine is not a long term thing. It is as good as crack and the reason you gain all the weight back when you are off of it is because you haven't learned how to deal with your cravings and want for more. I am not trying to be harsh but from a medical stand point phentermine is very bad for you and only for the obese.…
  • so the birth control you are on is a type of birth control that has the same amount of hormone for the entire 21 days that you are taking them. This can result in major PMS and side effects. There are 2 other categories of birth control that have varying amounts of hormone depending on the week of the cycle. I think you…
  • you could also try vitamin b12 shots
  • you could also try vitamin b12 shots
  • Are you on any meds like birth control?? I know personally I've been on birth control for a long time and about 4-5 months ago I quit taking any medication, only vitamins, and oh boy have my emotions evened out. Working out to get my endorphins running really help too. Its like a natural anti depressant :) But I do notice…
  • Are you on any meds like birth control?? I know personally I've been on birth control for a long time and about 4-5 months ago I quit taking any medication, only vitamins, and oh boy have my emotions evened out. Working out to get my endorphins running really help too. Its like a natural anti depressant :) But I do notice…
  • exactly what I was thinking. I am someone that used to use diet pills as a way to lose weight and honestly none of them work since they took the ephedrine out of them :) in other words, i think that diet pills and weight loss accelerators can ruin your liver and your metabolism. I am committed to this as a lifestyle not…
  • well said! I just made a decision that what I got isn't what I deserve! so I'm movin on...
    in Life Comment by meglane February 2011
  • Dizziness is caused by a lot of things. Are you getting enough water? food? It may be due to your meds too. I would look into the side effects of your medication. You shouldn't be getting that dizzy on the machines. You can call your local pharmacist about your meds and maybe consult with a doc about your weight loss goals.
  • human nature = ego no matter how much or how little you know
  • Water is a funny thing in our bodies and it is all about equilibrium. If you are ingesting too much salt then you will be really thirsty all the time. If you are working out then you will be thirsty. Urinating is a good thing, if you weren't after all that water I would be concerned. Medications can cause this also. Also,…
    in Water Comment by meglane January 2011
  • Well really any brand is ok you just need to understand the different types of protein and why you are using it. I am personally trying to lose weight so I use Casein protein (gold standard) because it is a long lasting protein. I am able to drink and it lasts me a bit longer than a whey. Its also only 120 calories for a…