vero_1 Member


  • I will join you! I'm trying to join a local group (Santa Rosa, CA) and their first run is tomorrow but I missed their info meeting because of being sick all week so now have to wait and see if i'm allowed to join. If not, I'll do it on my own!
  • Great job!!!
  • You are an inspiration. :flowerforyou:
  • a long time ago I read somewhere that a lot of what we see in the mirror is a refection of what we believe we are seeing (an image we have already in our minds), this was also used to explain why sometimes we don't see things that are right infront of us until we look at them from a different angle (ever gone crazy looking…
  • I started with 17 lbs to lose and still have 12 to go and only see a little over a half a lb loss per week... I also have a sweet tooth that can be difficult to resist at times and if I stray at all the weight creeps right back up... and to make things worse I keep seeing people's exercise calories hiting the 500+ per…
  • I was first anorexic and then bulimic as a teen... Still struggle sometimes with binge ating and the chew it and spit it out trick but it is mostly a memory of my younger years. It's a hard road to learn to accept your self as the beautiful being that you really are but try to remember that you are not alone. :flowerforyou:
    in Bulimia Comment by vero_1 February 2011
  • Welcome!:flowerforyou:
  • The plank is great for helping you train your middle section and so is hulahooping. I have seen results after only a short time, not so much that I have lost lots of fat from doing it but more like after a while I find that it is not so flabby around the middle and have better muscle tone to help me "keep it all in".
  • I did it for a while and really enjoyed the workout. Found however that depending on your instructor you can either get a really good workout or not so much of a burn and I would recommend that you try different instructors to see how they approach the class :) Over time you will definitely become stronger and toned and…
  • yum! thank you :flowerforyou:
  • That is how I do it too!
  • those sound yummy. Will definitely try this Sunday!
  • Roasted chicken breast on nine grain wheat with pepper jack cheese, mustard and all the vegies (jalapenos too) hold the onions please! Yum!
  • I think as you lose weight and start feeling better about your self you feel healthier and sexier. I know when I dont' have to keep trying to hide my "wobbly bits" (thank you Bridget Jones) I can actually enjoy the moment and become the sexy woman my hunny keeps telling me has been there all along! :wink:
  • I have chocolate every day. One tablespoon of baking cocoa in my protein shake along with some peanut butter is yummy... also I will take 10-15 chocolate chips and eat them with a cracker and a couple of almonds and for some reason it makes me feel like I just had a cookie!
  • I find that I actually have to chew my food and not just take a bite and quickly swallow like with the softer overprocessed stuff. Usually my coworkers are done swallowing while I'm still half way through my chewing but that's ok by me. They also microwave everything in the plastic containers it came in where I heat it up…
  • sounds yummy. Thank you!
  • Hi everyone. Happy weekend :) This last week was on and off for me. Kept track of my calories as much as Icould but had some days when I just HAD to have sweets :blushing: On the really great side, I lost a lb! Now it's 4 down and 13 to go!!! Hope everyone has a great day. :flowerforyou:
  • I'll have to check it out!.Thnaks for sharing!
  • An ostrich egg! It was sitting right there around my middle and now that it's gone my pants fit me much better around the waist!:tongue:
  • You look fantastic! That dress look sgreat on you!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Did you take before and after pictures? Sometimes the weight does not go down but you SEE the difference!
  • I have done the zone in the past and it worked really well for me, lost weight and was never hungry, if anything I was tired of eating constantly (ate 5 mini meals per day). Back then I had recipes for each meal that were figured out for my caloric needs already so didn't have to think about it just measure and cook with…
    in The Zone Comment by vero_1 February 2011
  • I place the pb (about half a tablespoon) and chips (about a tablespoon) in the microwave for a few sec's to melt... then spread it on a crunchy cracker or just eat it with a spoon!
  • This is perfect! You must have read my cravings!! Thank you for sharing :flowerforyou:
  • Sometimes men just want to make us happy by giving us treats that they know make us happy (or used to)... if these things used to make you happy he will probably continue doing it for a while until he finally realizes it is not working. Have you talked to him about it? I mean, tell him you recognize that he is trying to do…
  • yeap! so are dried cranberries, pears, apples, mandarin oranges, pomegranate, figs.... oh the list just goes on!!! Now I want a salad :flowerforyou:
    in Grapes Comment by vero_1 February 2011
  • I don't know how you are with fat... I add a little olive oil (1/2 tsp to 1 tsp) or butter (no more than 1/2 Tbsp), some finelly choped onions (if you saute them in the oil or butter it's tastier) and black pepper and pinch of oregano to the rice while it is cooking.
  • At first I was looking for something not too expensive and feeling reluctant to get a chest strap but after talking to a couple of friends and the staff at the local sporting store and because I did not have to buy a cheaper one first, end up throwing it out and buying anotherone anyway, I decided to give my self an early…
  • Hi Kim and singfree. Thank you for the welcome!