40+ Club: Spring Fitness Challenge



  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning!

    Friday check in day. TGIF!!!! I had a pretty good week of exercising this week. I am attempting to clean up my diet a bit, and not eat too much junk food. I am very pleased with my strength gains the past month or so. I am also very anxious to start my cardio-fat loss routine next month.

    To all of our new friends, a big WELCOME!!!

    I am working only a half day today. We are going to buy a new Macbook this morning and we meet with our financial advisor later in the day. We are going to take out a long-term care insurance policy. Yes, we are in very good health, but you never know! We are trying to protect our assets carefully as we get older. I would hate to have saved faithfully for retirement, only to have it eaten up by a heath care facility.

    Hey, more snow tomorrow! Can't wait!! What is everyone doing for the Super Bowl? We are making a new Hungarian Gulash recipe. It's just the two of us for a quiet time in front of the fire and the game on the big screen.

    Stiring, I hope you are feeling better! :flowerforyou:

    Have a great weekend!
  • KimKelly65
    Good Morning,

    Its Friday! YAY!
    Had a decent week, stayed within my calories daily and excerised three times. Today is a day off of exercise but will have a workout Saturday and Sunday. Tomorrow morning is weigh in day, I am hoping to see some loss for all my hard work. :smile:

    Stiring - I hope you feel better!

    Sing - Sorry you are due to get more snow. Thats stinks! Good idea with the long term care policy. I had the opportunity to obtain one from a prior employer and I am glad I did so.

    Btrflyflutter- Welcome! Good luck on your journey!

    Super bowl party this weekend! I grew up in Pittsburgh so I am super excited. I plan on bringing some healthy food, or should I say healthier options as my contribution to the party. Should be a good game.

    Everyone have a great weekend!

    GO STEELERS!:happy:
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Good Morning!

    altushe, you and I are very similar in height and weight. I did the exact same thing you did....set my calories to maintenance and active lifestyle (though I don't have an active lifestyle outside of exercise). I find that I can maintain my weight really easily with eating anywhere between 1800 and 2100 calories. Alot depends on my exercise though. Regarding the scale, I honestly don't remember the last time I weighed myself. It was sometime during this past summer, I know that. I have a scale that sits on my bathroom floor and there are times I'm tempted to step on it. But I opt to just turn around and look in the mirror instead. I really can get obsessive about the number on the scale and I don't like that feeling. So as long as I'm at a healthy size and am happy with how I look and feel, I can't think of a single good reason to specifically know how much I weigh.

    Cbaker, will you always have pain with walking? I hope not. Hopefully your PT will give you good suggestions on how to move forward after these sessions end. Ask LOTS of questions while you've got him!!!!

    Kim, congratulations on a successful week! Hope you enjoy your party on Sunday!

    singfree, I'm really happy you continue to enjoy your strength gains. I think you're going to be amazed at how much that impacts you when you go into you 'lean' phase next month. We're not planning anything for the Super Bowl. It will be just the two of us, and we will definitely be watching. I'm thinking about making some homemade pizza (my own whole wheat crust, homemade sauce, canadian bacon, pineapple, cheese, etc). Other than that....no big plans.

    Nothing for me to report this week since I've been down for the count. I don't feel like I've gained any weight this week, which is good. I think I'm probably at least a week away from being able to exercise again. I want to be back up to 100% before I even attempt it since this is so deep into my chest. But at least I'm getting more energy now, so I keep wandering around the house looking for little things to do. That's a good sign that I'm on the mend! Because my appetite has been so on-again/off-again, I'm really just eating what sounds good to me at any given time. Some choices are better than others, but the balance is not bad right now.

    I hope you all have a great weekend!
  • Shelle68
    Shelle68 Posts: 432 Member
    Hi all,

    Sadly I am 40+ and would love to be part of this group. So many changes has and is taking place in my body that I sometimes wonder if it is too late to be what I should have been in the 20's. But we will see cause I have no plan on giving up.

    Have a great day everyone!

  • Cbaker5156
    Cbaker5156 Posts: 76 Member
    Morning 40+,

    Its Friday, Its Friday, Its Friday.. That means friday night date night.. Whoo. I've done pretty good this week aside from the Margarita on my birthday, but I stayed in my calories. However this cold snap is dealing my body fits but im working to get through it.. My weight im kinda plateaued at 196.4.. Hmmm.. I'm ready for it to drop..

    Stiring, Sorry to say but, yes I hurt all the time, but worse when I walk. But the more I push through it the better I am physically so I feel like it is the right thing. My injury is scar tissue on my nerve root. Not alot they can do about it.. iI just stays aggravated. Unfortunately it is in my L5-S1 (My right cheek) and makes it hard to sit for extended periods. But enough bad stuff..

    Were supposed to go to an offroading (Jeeps) event this weekend. I went to the last one and just sat and watched all the fun. I'm not sure if I wanna go this weekend, especially since it is soooo cccooolllddd.... Brrr... I may just sit this one out and stay home with my labradoodles which I refer to as my girls often.

    I hope everyone has a fabulously healthy weekend.. Enjoy the cold?

    I hope everyone has a great day. .
  • Robin1117
    Robin1117 Posts: 1,768 Member
    Good morning and Happy Friday!

    I'm psyched--great exercise week for me, and eating wasn't too bad either. I have continued the week w/the 30 day shred (1 did 6 days of level 1 and went to 2 yesterday), and then about a 1/2 hour of the elliptical after that. The elliptical was actually restful after the exercises. I also went snowshoeing every day with the dog for about 15-20 minutes, and although I don't log or eat the calories back, I know I am burning a ton since I'm tromping around in about 2 ft of the white stuff..... On Fridays for the last month I have been going ice skating w/my son (they have an after school program during the winter). I'm not sure my heart rate ever gets up there, but I am on my feet. I look forward to that this afternoon.

    I have been helping my hubby round out week 1 on MFP and I think it's a go for him--he's psyched about it--and this actually helps me a lot too as I can make the meals even lighter w/ his buy in.

    Great to see all the activity today. Welcome all the new folks!

    Altushe, about weighing---I was never a weigher for years and didn't even own a scale until I had been on MFP for about 6 months. I guess before that I knew my "range" from yearly Drs. office visits. When I did finally buy the scale, I really just wanted to benchmark my loss. I had lost the bulk of my weight already from this program and just started obsessing from day 1. I think I stopped 8 months later, in October ( I did have to put it out of sight so I wouldn't be tempted). I finally got on again after the New Year. I weighed again a few weeks later to make sure I lost the few lbs I gained over the holiday but don't plan to weigh myself again for awhile. As long as my clothes fit I'm good. If for some reason I lose or gain, I'll probably drag it out again because I might need to adjust my calorie level. It really just takes a few days for me to get out of the weighing mindset....the obsession really does stop quickly.

    Stiring--glad you are up and around and feeling better.

    Super Bowl?? What super bowl?? I didn't even know it was this weekend. Yes, we are of of the few households who ignores sports altogether........luckily it won't hurt the eating plan. Hope the rest of you have fun and enjoy it!

    Take care everyone--enjoy the weekend!
  • Victorious_One
    Victorious_One Posts: 174 Member
    Hi, everyone. I'm 42 and proud! :wink:

    Today my goal is to move for 60 minutes doing housework. It may not seem like a lot (and it sure isn't glamorous!), but that's a lot for me. I've been on the mend from surgery and a serious protein deficiency, so that's an aggressive goal for me. I may not do it all at once, but I'm going to get it done. For no other reason that the bathrooms are super-gross! Ew. :noway:

    Looking forward to getting to know all of you.
  • pepper06
    stiring -yes there are steelers m&m's-mine hv nt arrived yet-I do hv the cupcakes made. I am thinking of attempting to mk soft pretzels and spell out STEELERS.

    cbaker-not sure where moody al is?? My Mother's side is born and bred AL(unfortuantly distant cuz to elvis). I go down yrly since allot are up in yrs & my Mother had a major and minor storkes. I will be going down in May for the cemetary decorating-that is my relaxing time-even though I am busy-I can just kickbk!:wink:

    kad-glad to hear your husband has joined in on your/our mission! My husband is looking so much better and seems to enjoy going to the gym now-yipppeeee

    oh-i have a new trainer at the gym for my 2 of my classes-he is actually a personal trainer there, so for our 1st day yesterday he asked me how he should do the class(easy, challenging, mod etc)-I told him challenging, and boy oh boy was it EVER! What a workout and different-should hv worn shorts instead of the pants.

    DOES EVERYONE WATCH THEIR SALT/SODIUM INTAKES? :heart: There has been allot of discussions in the news lately and they are even taking this into account for changing lunch menus. I began paying more attention to this a couple of yrs ago w/my mother had her mini stroke so I inquired w/the dr for her. I am amazed how so many items(even frozen are so high in salt). I purch mostly items that are 180mg less-especially whole wheat/grain breads-what a diff.

    More snow on the way!

    welcome newcomers to our springtime:blushing:
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Hello!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well, the roads are clear now. We had some snowfall overnight, nothing much though, but we also had freezing rain so the roads got really dangerous. It is all clear now and we have sunny skies and the temps above freezing. The storm moved south east. I checked in yesterday so not much has changed. I am planning on working on some zumba choreo this weekend so that will be extra exercise. I really would like to continue with my light resistance trng but I am not sure I should. Grr!! I hate this!!!!

    Altushe, I understand your concern with maintaining and all. It will take time to figure out exactly how many calories you will need to maintain. Keep doing what you are doing and you will not have any problems. Most of us are not weighing because we find it frustrating. I still have a scale at home and like kadtr I am tempted to get on the scale but I really refuse to get disappointed. :laugh: I am at a point right now that I want to focus on how I feel inside as well as out and fixating on a specific number on the scale can be frustrating. During the Holidays I knew I had gained weight (who knows how much) because some of my clothes were feeling tighter but now it is back to normal, whatever that is. So dont worry so much about your weight, be proud of what you have accomplished and continue eating well, exercising and enjoying life!!!! :flowerforyou:

    Pepper, when I was logging my foods I was watching my sodium intake. I still do but I dont log it in. I pretty much eat the same things Mon-Fri and sometimes on weekends so I know I am in the right range. When I do grocery shopping I always check the sodium content of the products I eat. And I dont add salt when preparing foods myself...

    Robin (kadtr), Super Bowl? LOL We are the same. Wow, I thought we were the only ones not getting into it...I only like to see some of the commercials or the half time show but I usually miss it. Congrats to your hubby for joining. My husband tried once but it only lasted a couple of weeks at most. LOL

    Stiring, glad to hear you feel better!!!

    Welcome to all the new members!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :drinker: :flowerforyou:

    Have a wonderful weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    Wow! I had such a difficult time getting on this sight this week. Every time I tried to log in my computer froze up.... :frown:

    Glad I found you all. I have had such a busy week running around with my family. We went into one of our local florist places to buy yellow ribbon to wrap around the tree along with putting one in my daughters car and they were so sweet and made them and gave us them for free,,,, Said they wont last too long being outside and that we can come back for more anytime we wanted. So now I have a yellow ribbon tied around the old..... Blue spruce tree, mail box, and fence post. :wink:

    On Monday I am going to Nevada. The hubby got a ticket for not stopping at a stop sign which he claimed he didn't see. He's gonna fight it in court I guess. It's not marked on the street and sits a back a tad so if there was a truck parked there I could see how it would be missed. Me on the other hand I would look at it as no I didn't see it but I did run it so.... I would just pay the darn thing.
  • Cbaker5156
    Cbaker5156 Posts: 76 Member
    Good night everyone, I hope yall had a fantastic day. Its still too cold here in Alabama.. We went to the ORV park today and watched some of our friends ride. We did not ride because of my back, but it was good to see some of our friends.. im home now thawing out.. Being out a lot today is not so conducive to my back either.. Gonna go to bed now.. Must be better by tomorrow got lots planned. Church, cooking and SuperBowl.. Whoo....

    I hope yall have a great evening...
  • LadyPersia
    LadyPersia Posts: 1,444 Member
    New HRM and it is awesome! Just doest tell me how far I've traveled. But I burned 998 calories while moving so I am very happy
  • Victorious_One
    Victorious_One Posts: 174 Member
    I contacted some classmates for high school to ask about our 25th (gulp) year reunion. No one was planning one, so guess who was nominated to do it? :-) Joy. I'm happy to go to it. For the first time in about 20 years, I'm normal weight. Everybody's 40's something, so age is not a factor. :laugh:

    I am thinking about getting a neck lift. I know it sounds vain, but when I lost the 90+ pounds I dropped recently, I swear 25 lbs of it must have been in my neck because it gobbles back at me when I look in the mirror! It's not even wrinkles, just hanging skin.

    I ate like a fool today, something crazy like 200 carbs. Poor food planning. I'm still under my protein goal and I'm trying to cram it in now at 3 in the morning.

    That's all I got!
  • sixpackgoal
    Hello Everybody! I am glad to find this thread. Just turned 40 three weeks ago. Spring Fitness Challenge sounds great. You had me at Spring. Looking forward to sharing fitness goals with my new age group.
  • vero_1
    vero_1 Posts: 85 Member
    Hi everyone. Happy weekend :)
    This last week was on and off for me. Kept track of my calories as much as Icould but had some days when I just HAD to have sweets :blushing:
    On the really great side, I lost a lb! Now it's 4 down and 13 to go!!!
    Hope everyone has a great day. :flowerforyou:
  • altushe
    altushe Posts: 57 Member
    Ok…so today was weigh-in and AGAIN, I am up in pounds - this time 1.5 pounds (3.5 up in total over the past 3 weeks). I am about to cry…

    I know you are all screaming that you wish I would throw the scale away (or at least not get on so my husband won't get mad!), but I am still fairly new to maintenance and feel like now I really need to reassess the caloric intake/exercise combination. But first, it is just not humanly possible to gain 1.5 pound (or 3.5) without calories being over 4,000 over what is needed to maintain. So even the math doesn't make sense… I am not retaining water and not sure that one can say I am gaining muscle at such a quick rate. I don't look 1.5 or even 3.5 pounds heavier, but it's that what we all saying as the scales are going up too? Just don' want to wake up in a few weeks and find I am 10 pounds up, clothes don't fit and….

    Have to run because we I have to get to the gym and home pronto today - have to be at the synagogue early for a meeting.

    I will write more later but seriously feel so bummed out right now and no one to talk to about this either….
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    altusche, carbs and sodium have a way of making your body hold on to excess water. You might not think that this is the case, but I would bet that one of these, esp. sodium is the culprit. Stay the course, you are doing fine. Just don't give up!

    ps, certain meds could affect your weight as well.
  • Texssippian
    Hi all! Finally home after a two and a half day trip to Michigan turned into a seven day trip! I flew in on Sunday and was supposed to leave Tuesday afternoon. Monday night, I got an email that my flight from O'Hare to DFW was canceled due to ice and snow in DFW. Luckily, I have family in the area so I was able to stay with them. Two rescheduled flights on Wednesday were canceled due to weather. NO flights available on Thursday. My uncle took me to airport on Friday at 4:30 am for a 5:50 flight. I got all the way to the gate before it canceled. My aunt took me to the airport on Saturday for a 6:50 am flight. I was able to be rescheduled for a 5:50 direct flight to DFW. Good news is I got in a very good visit with family I don't normally get to see and with all the ice and snow in North Texas, no one else was at work to notice I was not at work. Did get to take some long walks in the snow in MI with my aunt. Luckily, I had packed enough underwear to last the extra days! Borrowed cousin's snow gear for hikes in the snow.

    Snow is melting here, just in time for the Super Bowl. Take care all! TxMs
  • KimKelly65
    Hello everyone,

    Welcome to the newcomers! Good luck on your journey.

    Weigh in was Saturday, I did well, another pound. :smile: Slow and Steady wins the race!
    So I have now lost 11.5 lbs, I actually miscalculated with my last post. (my daughter says I am mathematically challenged)
    Anyway its less and Im happy, plus I pulled on a pair of jeans today which just a month ago were so tight my belly hung out and I couldn't sit down comfortably and now they are actually fitting nicely with a little give!!:happy:
    My goal for this week is to up my exercise to five days a week.

    Excited for the game tonight. Will probably eat too much but will really try staying in my calorie goal!

    I hope everyone is having a great weekend.

    Go Steelers!!!
  • altushe
    altushe Posts: 57 Member

    Thanks for the note and encouragement. I looked back at my carbs and although nothing changed over the past three weeks, since early December they are up (only about 40 grams) as I needed to add more calories at that point since I was still losing. Maybe it just caught up with me and it's too much. As far as sodium, I am very sensitive to sodium (have been for years) and eat essentially no processed or canned foods and nothing with salt or sodium as an ingredient. I buy everything salt free (nut butters, rice cakes, tuna, etc.) and stay away from any foods naturally high in sodium, so I don't think that's the culprit. Nor any meeds…

    So, what does stay the course mean? I am debating cutting back the carbs…What do you think? Mentally/emotionally, I cannot go another week with a gain. As it is I am feeling totally down in the dumps and anxious right now...