

  • I love cauliflower. I know it is bland looking, but it has a great flavor and is very versatile. Also love artichokes--when they are on sale. :)
  • Happy Easter to you. The Lord is risen! He is risen indeed! :)
  • For me it was seeing that I continually gain weight--gobbling up everything in sigh--each time I start to lose the last 15-20 pounds that need to come off. I just don't feel well at this weight--get breathless, etc.
  • This one hit me, as I've set goals, but maybe not the right ones. Sure have not been keeping my goals. sigh I plan to be pondering this whole 'goal' thing this weekend and see what I feel led to do that would be best for me. I seem to sabotage goals after setting them--consistently. sigh So does that mean I shouldn't set…
  • Mexican/pizza/fried food! :(
  • Congrats on your report being under calories! What is Oyster Sauce? I assume it's something you buy from the store rather than make on your own. Does it have wheat in it--or do you know? And if not, what section of the store would I look for it? THANKS
  • Great list. And cherries--about 10-20 a day can ease gout and prevent if eaten daily. Thanks for the reminders of whole food answers for pain. :)
  • WOW, this one sounds like a winner. I will make one this week! THANKS.
  • This sounds so good. Hey, are you feeling better??
  • OK, at the title, I was reminded of fried termites--sold on the streets in Africa. YUM--Really. This sounds better for me. I will try it for a meal or snack. THANKS
  • This sounds yummy, and with substituting almond for the cashews, it is VERY do-able for a meal. Can't wait to try it. Oh, did I tell you I made granola bars and LOVE them. :)
  • Great suggestion about the water. I'm going to try that today. :)
  • I bought a new measuring cup (glass) that is marked WELL. My old one was so worn, I could never tell what was where on the lines and amounts. I love your "We're worth it" attitude. THANKS.
  • Thanks. I made some last night and can't wait to try them. Couldn't last night, since I had already hit my limits. Is there a 'breading' for fish, etc. that would be less calories than mine--I just use a cornstarch/spice mix.
  • This one sounds very do-able. THANKS.
  • Sounds great. I love cooking with apples--adds all sorts of yummy good-for-you stuff. What is your mainstay for keeping carb sides down?
  • Agree. Went to Chick-Fil-A yesterday to celebrate with DH. Got grilled chick, waffle fries (they don't look greasy), 3 honey-mustard sauce, and a reg. coke. yikes--lots more calories than I had dreamed were in that meal. Looked on line to see what I needed to put in my 'plan' (actually change plan for the day) and was…
  • Interesting, but still wish there was a magic method--ha ha!
  • A great grain. I mix it with rice when cooking. :)
  • I did something similar for lunch today. I like the sweet and sour taste, so do a mix of lemon juice, gluten free soy sauce, and some apricot jam mixed in with all the meat and vegetables. YUM.
  • OH, I love kidney beans and rice. Your version looks yummy.
  • I do something VERY similar.--YUMMY! :)
  • Thanks for posting that. So far I've just used mixes already made up. Since I'm the only one going gluten free, it isn't too expensive to buy a mix--especially since I rarely use them. Having said that, I am jotting this one down for reference. :)
  • I will let you know if I think of some, but so far you have covered or answered my questions/topics and I do so appreciate all you put into this.
  • I LOVE your posts, and though some recipes would be hard for me to convert to gluten free/dairy free (or LOW dairy), each one sparks my brain into thinking of some options I CAN do. That's what I love about this group. I hope Many are reading it all, even if they don't have time to post here--because your hints and recipes…
  • Sounds yummy. I once had a lot of zucchini (if you live in the South, you understand how friends or strangers can drop off their surplus in anyone's car where the windows are left open!) that I had chopped up to freeze for breads, etc. My kids HATED the stuff, but I got tired of freezing it all, so put a cup or more into…
  • Those are great. If you don't mind a tiny bit of alcohol: Mix together: 1 tsp. honey 1 tsp. fresh lemon juice (or equivalent) 1 tsp. pure vanilla The honey makes it cling to the throat (at least that's the theory-- never stuck my head down a throat to find out!) and the lemon is supposed to 'cut through' the phlegm (Don't…
  • Great plan. Mine is similar, but with fish. Hope your special day is full of hugs.
  • Yes, that does sound yummy. So... I guess I should check out the tofu at the store too, huh? :)
  • OK, you have me curious. I will at least check out kale at the store today and see about POSSIBLY buying some to try. :)