WFBspantran Member


  • Agreed with ceoverturf. As they say your abs are made in the kitchen. That said, I have done P90X and then did Insanity. I lost more weight for sure with Insanity with a clean diet for both. It depends on your goals. One thing I did after awhile was on "cardio" days for P90X I did Insanity workouts instead.
  • I will take chicken (boneless/skinless) and slow cook it for 8-10 hours, usually overnight. It shreds and besides in meals I will pack some plain or with sauces (measured) for protein snacks as well throughout the day.
  • Accuracy is a big deal, but the fact that you are even bothering to measure is the biggest step! It is amazing how "eyeballing" portions is so far off.
  • I agree Insanity is fantastic if you are motivated and can keep at it. So many people I know quit after a few days b/c it is hard. That said, it is a great kick starter! Best of luck!
  • Pretty much what was said above... it won't happen overnight. Do high intensity cardio. Get your heart rate up. And as for toning I like many different exercises including adding weight for resistance to core work. You can't spot reduce true, but you can strengthen your core and build the muscle up... over time.
  • The app and website are simple to use. Don't get too bogged down on everything, the fact that you are here is what is important. Consistency is the key. Good luck and if you wish feel free to add me. I have for various reason re-dedicated myself in 2015!
  • They (wilsoje74 and jwhited71) are right on... As they say, Abs are made in the kitchen, not in the gym. Log log log, make sure you workout, and workout hard! Don't just go through the motions. Change things up, rely on MFP and other friends for support and then you should start seeing changes. Feel free to add me, I am on…
  • It is a great site. Feel free to add me. I am on quite a bit and am deticated. Stick with it!
  • Totally agree... how fake is this. Move on elsewhere.
  • That God forsaken move! By the end of P90X I had really learned to like that move... probably b/c the workout was almost over... but I agree it is hard at that point.
  • Start slow again. Jumping all in may be overwhelming. What did you do to get moving the first time when you lost all of the weight? Try that? The good thing is that you know how to do it, what you are capable of, and how it felt to achieve your successes last time... use that as proof and motivation to get back on it! Best…
  • Lol... very good point!
  • The good thing is that you know what it takes from your swimming days etc. You can do it again. Best of luck and you (as can anyone) always feel free do add me. I am on here often and track my food almost everyday.
  • Oddly enough I never strictly did Insanity. I did P90X and then after one round of that, I incorporated Insanity in as the cardio 3 days a week using the Plyo, Pure Cardio, and Cardio resistance DVD's in days 1-30. That said, with-in 60 days last spring/summer I had lost an additional 7 or so pounds and for the first time…
  • I always have water with me. Take a LARGE drink of water. If I am at work (and there is always food around) I will take the drink of water and get out of my office and just walk. It will help divert my attention and get me away from the food. On a side note, if it is a constant thing at a certain time of the day, maybe…
  • I love Insanity. I will start to incorporate it again as cardio when summer is closer and my cut is in full motion. Awesome program though. Feel free to add me...
  • Just do something. Once you are done you will feel so much better. I would also suggest that you do not have "free days" (I assume you mean diet related) on your off days. Unless you are really disciplined that is a bad combination. Less activity + more food will often = lethargy the next morning.
  • As with many things in life, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. This is especially true in weight loss and fitness... there is no substitute for a clean diet and working out to achieve your goals. I always laugh when you see products like Sensa, if you look hard enough you will see something like, "When used…
  • In short yes you cut a lot of the calories and fat etc. Is there still a lot of salt and more fat than regular chicken? Absolutely, but what you did is much much much better health-wise than just eating the full chicken with skin and breading etc. Way to go!
  • I aim for a minimum of 3 liters or about 12-13 cups of water a day. I just keep a liter bottle with me at all times at home and work and when my eye catches it, I take a large drink regardless of whether or not I am thirsty.
  • It sounds like you are working out and burning calories. Check your diet. Diet really is 80+% of losing weight and getting healthy. There is no magic pill for weight loss and all the supplements in the world can't help a diet that is not in check. Feel free to add me and good luck!
  • The only real good option is to by a heartrate/calorie counting monitor. They generally are like watches and will track that for you after you enter your height, weight, age etc. Polar makes several. For between $30-$100 you can get one, it depends on how many bells and whistles you want.
  • Anyone who will be active and consistent on MFP can always add me. I do post and take health and working out etc. seriously. Best of luck to everyone!
  • I agree... just watch out for lots of added sugars that are empty carbs. If your progress stalls out and you are looking to see what you could change maybe just look into it and see where you are at. Like everything in life, moderation is key.
  • But to be clear, probably not a good idea to just eat chocolate bars all day... it isn't quite that simple. :)
  • Well fist congrats on what you HAVE achieved! I would agree with a couple points that have been mentioned here already. 1. By faithful. Log everything as soon as you can after eating so you truely know here you stand for the day. 2. Measure by weight food. It is amazing the difference in using a measuring device to get 1…
  • I am not particularly religious but was raised Cathoic. I know that there are many people who will not eat meat during Lent but I say it would be WAY more difficult to give up the fish fry... beer battered fish, fries, tarter sauce with beer? Now THAT would be dedication! On a side note however I agree that now is as good…
  • The whole saving money is a great excuse, especially at school/work. The other thing I have noticed personally and with others is that those who give you the most grief for your lifestyle are often the most jealous of your commitment to success. Ignore them and move on. Summer is coming, show them why they should have…
  • Insanity is awesome. but you know that. I would agree check all your macros for food, and then also ditch the scale. It is only a number. How do you look in the mirror or in pics? That is what matters! Dig deel as Shaun would say...
  • What was your caloric intake before you were hurt? Start there. Then adjust as needed based on results. As far as what to do for exercise... just go. Do something. If you like running then slowly hit the treadmill to see how your ankle take the "punishment." If you like Zumba do that. I would say make sure that no matter…