Starting over.....suggestions appreciated :)

So since August I've been down and out. Broke my ankle and then had some other medical issues that didn't allow me to workout and had to maintain my weight. But now that everything is back to normal ( or as normal as expected) I don't know where to start. I used to run/walk daily, do zumba, etc. We have just moved to a new town and I joined a gym. Does anyone have any suggestion on how to start back up. What should I set my calorie intake to?? Any suggestions or opinions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks :smile:


  • WFBspantran
    WFBspantran Posts: 59 Member
    What was your caloric intake before you were hurt? Start there. Then adjust as needed based on results. As far as what to do for exercise... just go. Do something. If you like running then slowly hit the treadmill to see how your ankle take the "punishment." If you like Zumba do that. I would say make sure that no matter what you do you incorporate some strength training as well. If you log all of your foods and write your workouts down as well, it will be easy to see if you need to adjust something in the future.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    1.) Don't kill yourself with isn't necessary for weight loss and most people can't fuel their activity when they're doing a ton of cardio every day. Cardio is for cardiovascular health...with some calorie burn as a bonus, but really you can easily achieve a reasonable deficit through diet alone. Too much cardio puts undo stress on the heart and cardiovascular system in general...those muscles need rest too. I would recommend about a 50/50 split of cardio in the aerobic zone and recovery zone respectively for good heart health and overall fitness...30-45 minutes 5-6 days per week. Also, 3x weekly of weight training. If you're going to use the MFP method make sure you're eating back exercise calories or at least a good portion of them.

    2.) maintain a reasonable caloric deficit...this will greatly depend on how much weight you need to lose. If it's over 50 Lbs, you're probably good with 2Lbs per week...30-50 Lbs go for 1.5 Lbs per week....15-30 Lbs 1 Lb per week...15 Lbs or less, .5 Lbs per week.