TIFnFIT Member


  • I recommend the book SPARK by Ratey. I'm reading it now and it talks about just this with some pretty cool and remarkable transformations on our YOUTH when FITNESS is taught in school (as opposed to "gym class")! Thanks for this post!
  • Where are you located? If you like the classes then find a Jazzercise class nearby. We are EVERYWHERE! Jazzercise.com for locations close to you and FAR cheaper than $65/month and WAY MORE FUN!! Friend me if you have any other questions! Good Luck to you!
  • JAZZERCISE!!! Not only do you get your cardio in a "Girls Night Out" like class but you also get Strength Training all in 1 hour!!! Jazzercise.com for locations and get yourself into class -- You'll LOVE IT!!
    in Dancing! Comment by TIFnFIT January 2012
  • TEBOW TOWN.... Everybody knows where that is, right? Denver, CO - GOOOO BRONCOS!! :drinker:
  • Calcium chews come in chocolate flavors and are pretty darn good. I have to be careful because I could eat a handful, but at least it's not too bad for you! Good luck!
  • "Dance Will Shape You!" Get it ALL in 1 Jazzercise class! Cardio, Strength, Stretch = 60 minutes of PURE FUN! Bet there's one close to you but if you need help finding one, message me! Cheers - To Dance:drinker: !
  • Rest, ice, ibuprophen for swelling and perhaps see a Dr. just to make sure it's just a muscle strain. Rest it until it heals though, or you could damage it worse. Sorry to hear!! Good luck!
  • You can add me. My hubby is an IT guy too - I know how many loooong hours you guys work and I'm sure it's hard. This site is FULL of encouragement and support but you have to ultimately do the hard work! Sounds like your in the right frame of mind and that's half the battle! Feel free to add me, I'll do what I can :)
  • I try to "earn" my goodies. If I know I'm going to eat some not-so-good food, I put in an extra workout to allot for the extra calories. Earn it and it will be even sweeter :) ....without the guilt!!
  • Your over-thinking it. Just do as it recomends and you will succeed. Slow, steady and healthy is how MFP calculates. You must burn more calories than you consume.... plain and simple. I know that sounds "simple", but it really is just that simple. Good luck!
  • Put them in your ice water! You can freeze them whole too. That way they don't go bad and just pop it in the fridge to defrost. Enjoy!
    in Lemons... Comment by TIFnFIT April 2011
  • Well, did you gain 50 lbs in 2 months? You would have to really crash diet for that and I think slow and steady wins the race.... and the "race" is adopting a healthy lifestyle for LIFE. You will feel good at 10 lbs lost, then 20 lbs, then 30...... and you'll do it without starving yourself and letting your body adjust…
  • Yes, I can relate - ever since my friend and I started MFP, we (she) usually carrys the nutritional info in her purse so we stand at the counter planning our meal out. We make sure we don't hold up the line, but I'm sure those employee's are thinking we are crazy!! Oh well!! We enjoy our lunch - guilt free!!
  • You want to target your Rhomboids - those back muscles that I call "Bra Back Fat". Bent over rows using weights are good for those muscles. You can add a rotation - thumbs in thumbs out - to vary the move. Stand with your feet hip width and tip forward, pressing your heels into the ground. The further tipped over you are,…
  • AND I Love the 30g of protein within 30 minutes of waking advice (Dr. Oz). This has done wonders for my mind, body and appetite!!
  • I heard somewhere that you were supposed to eat half of your weight in protien. So if you were 160lbs, you should eat at least 80 grams per day. I try for at least 100 grams per day.... no, i don't weigh 200 lbs either. :tongue:
  • Cardio is the best to shed pounds..... muscle toning, ie: crunches will create lean muscle which will burn fat. I suggest you find yourself a Jazzercise class and do cardio 3-5 times per week and body sculpting 1-2 times per week. It's a no brainer workout that is fun, motivating and teaches proper technique. My guess is…
  • Jazzercise! It works all of it - especially those trouble spots specifically for women! You'll have the Time Of Your Life in class and see results! Good Luck to you!
  • I drizzle a little honey and fresh berries on top too! My hubby likes peanut butter on top. We love this recipe! I got it from a mag. can't remember which one tho! Thanks for posting!
  • I weight every morning too. This way I know what I need to do..... and I can change up either a workout if I gained a little or diet for the day.... I can't imagine going a whole month! But I track my body fat % once a week. To me, that is the best number control!
  • Add some interval training into your weekly workout, at least 1x/week 2x if you can, if you don't want to extend the time. The fast/slow/strength combo burns more caloriesand fat than following the typical curve. Good for you and Good luck!!!:heart:
  • I go for the 100 cal popcorn bags. If you want some sweets with it, you can put a small handful of semi-sweet chocolates in the warm bag and shake. I got this snack idea off of this site and LOVE it. It's only about 170 cals, probably not that nutritious though :ohwell:
  • Yup! You can also substitute it when it calls for butter too :)))
  • I ALWAYS replace the oil for applesauce in my cakes and brownies. They are super yummy and moist-er - YUM!
  • Check your shoes. Get new ones if you have more than 100 hours on them. Also, make sure you pressing into your heel when you run or do any exercise. Good Luck - shin splints suck!
  • There is also something called the "Jane" strap. I know some ladies use it when Jazzercising. You can get one from Jazzercise.com click on the JazzerTogs icon, or you may be able to google it too. Good Luck!
  • Thanks Anubis! Good insight too.
  • I think you make perfect sense! That's kinda what I was thinking too. I don't want my body to store it as fat, but I may want (and need since I won't have extra exercise calories to eat) to eat a little more. Thanks so much for your insight!!
  • REALLY?? OH my you just made my weekend :)) or should I say SAVED my weekend!!