Shin Splints???

I have been having some pain in my shins. I don't want to get too bad so what can I do to prevent shin splints?



  • ♥_Ellybean_♥
    ♥_Ellybean_♥ Posts: 1,646 Member
    My trainer told me there are exercises to prevent them... maybe you can google it to find out.. they are kind of hard to explain.

    Also he told me after a run, to put ice on them for 5 minutes and then a warm rag for the next 5 minutes.. and switch off for a total of 30 minutes... and do that repeatedly throughout the night.
  • KPagels
    KPagels Posts: 11
    I would get them every spring when track would start up. I would ice them for 20 minutes before I ran and after. You can also run every other day. I am not sure if you run on cement but if you do, try to run on the dirt or softer surfaces.
    TIFnFIT Posts: 46 Member
    Check your shoes. Get new ones if you have more than 100 hours on them. Also, make sure you pressing into your heel when you run or do any exercise. Good Luck - shin splints suck!
  • farsc8per
    farsc8per Posts: 2 Member
    When I first started to do major running and physical activities (Over 14 years ago and I wish I kept myself in shape) I had the worst shin splints ever. The pain lasted months. Some of the things that I started to look out for I will list out here in this reply. As a disclaimer these are things that affected me and may or may not apply to you.

    Shin splints can be attributed to a few things:
    Bad, old worn out shoes.
    Shoes that don't correctly support you (Arches, cushion, ect..)
    If your running, how you run. If you jog or run you want to glide as much as possible. Don't run stomp (ouch)
    Stretch Stretch Stretch Stretch Stretch Stretch.

    And don't forget to stretch. :-)

    I hope any one of these points help you.
  • angelmuss
    Thanks! I am actually not running though. Just in home DVD. I notice it when I am doing the jumping jacks and the jump rope in the Jillian Michaels videos the most.

    I will try the ice and do more stretching than she has you do.
  • gillleeman
    gillleeman Posts: 397 Member
    Agree with farsc8per. You can also get them if you overpronate or oversupinate so get your new shoes fitted at a proper running shop (you may need supports in them). You can also get shin splints from increasing your activity too much, too soon. Very important to stretch out your leg muscles daily before and after exercise. Ice during the first acute stage (3 days) for no longer than 10 mins (ice effect starts to reverse after this time and can cause frostbite particularly on a boney area like the shins), roughly every couple of hours. Then apply heat on days 4 onwards (hot water bottles good) especially before training (10 mins is good) and after.

    It must be stressed you must rest from the activities that cause the pain, find some non weight bearing exercises i.e. swimming or cycling for the duration, but keep stretching. You must also find out what has caused them in the first place i.e. wrong shoes, wrong support, too much exercise too soon, tight muscles from not stretching because you'll never be rid of them if you don't.

    Also take anti-inflammatories for the pain.

    Hope this helps.
  • kgillikin
    kgillikin Posts: 191 Member
    Thanks! I am actually not running though. Just in home DVD. I notice it when I am doing the jumping jacks and the jump rope in the Jillian Michaels videos the most.

    I will try the ice and do more stretching than she has you do.

    I get them really bad as well doing her jumping jacks.
  • SuzanneRogers
    SuzanneRogers Posts: 250 Member
    Stretching and warming up will help before your workouts.. Stand on the edge of steps. curb and let your heels hang off and put down on your heels repeat 20 reps.. If you insole in your shoes are worn down, your shins are taking too much impact on your landings. I have to buy new shoes and put insoles to help absorb the shock.

    For pain you try RICER- Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevate, Referral to Dr.
    Rest ( day between high impact) so every other day do jumping jacks -march in place on the other days.
    Ice- put ice after workouts
    Compression - wrap it after you remove Ice - make shin wraps for runners work great - I use them with my stress fracture on shins
    Elevate - Keep your leg up at night.
    Refer Dr..- this is only if the pain continues with all of the above done..

    This is how I got stress fractures, too much high impact, too many days in a row, make sure you are doing strength training on you legs. Google exercise to strength muscle around the shins. If you calf are stronger you have great chance of hurting your shins. Balance is key.. I have tons of info if you need more.
  • Echoshill
    Echoshill Posts: 42 Member
  • angelmuss
    Thanks for your help everyone!!!