Yzfdude1 Member


  • I wear a HRM while training Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, I find the numbers are accurate for me. I have the cloth strap and a bluetooth HRM (zephyr hxm) I use athletic tape to keep the hrm puck on the cloth strap and then I wear it a little off center of my chest. Only had one training partner know I was wearing it. it's sweat…
  • Depends on your diet if you need protein shakes or not. As always you should try to get most of your macro nutrients through whole foods. I take Whey protein as a meal replacement for my pre workout and post workout snacks (meals 2 and 4) however I'm building muscle and I'm a low carb dieter. I take an extra Casein protein…
  • My two cents, is that when you ingest a lot of carbs your body needs to make extra insulin to handle the glucose in the blood for transport and the like. If you have too much insulin you can get certain side effects. From Webmd about insulin levels: "It doesn't matter how it happens. An insulin overdose always has the same…
  • My Goal 14000 Wed: 1,932 90 min Brazilian Jiu jitsu http://connect.garmin.com/activity/72258167 Thur: 1,442 90 min Brazilian Jiu Jitsu http://connect.garmin.com/activity/72355110 Fri: calories burned (how they were burned) Sat:calories burned (how they were burned) Sun:calories burned (how they were burned) Mon: calories…
  • If you look at the FDA totals for foods like, Salmon, tuna, chicken breast and corn cereal you more likely to get arsenic poisoning from that than a protein shake. From http://water.epa.gov/lawsregs/rulesregs/sdwa/arsenic/basic-information.cfm Arsenic occurs naturally in rocks and soil, water, air, and plants and animals.…
  • @nin4dnine Your true Maximum Heart Rate (MHR) is the highest pulse rate you can attain during all-out effort, so by definition, it is impossible to exceed this limit. Your MHR is most accurately determined during an exercise stress test, when you run on a treadmill and are connected to an electrocardiogram that measures…
  • It's pretty accurate for me. I put in 90 minutes in one class from start to finish and my HRM calculated about 2100 calories, MFP says 2116. I use a Garmin FR-60 HRM, I put the chest strap on and then tape the watch to my upper arm out of the way and I haven't had any problem. I'm looking into a bluetooth enabled HRM…
  • I've always heard that the body pulls energy from fat stores from the extremities first, then works it's way toward your core.
  • I never eat my calories burned, I find when i do, I don't lose weight.
  • Sure do both, since the HRM is giving you an accurate amount of burned calories you can keep track of which workouts are better than others.
  • Steve, The only real sure fire way I know to get that last bit of fat is a really strict diet. By strict I mean you have to really watch what your eating, it's not just about calories. As Danny has explained your body goes through Catabolic and Anabolic phases especially since you are weight training. The upping of your…
  • Great advice, I see a lot of people doing squats wrong because they are trying to lift heavier than they should. FORM is everything!
  • It would seem like the Machine would be more accurate, since it is probably taking into account your intensity level. MFP is probably guessing on your intensity. bsymom2x is right, get a heart rate monitor and it will be the most accurate measurement of what your burning while exercising.
  • @Nightowl, do you have any links to those studies? I'm really interested in reading how a high carbohydrate diet allows you to lose weight.
  • when people drink they think OMG empty calories, but that's only half the battle. Alcohol affects blood sugar, which in turn affects insulin levels. If you eat a meal then drink alcohol your insulin levels may be too high causing excess glucose levels in the blood to be turned into fat more quickly than you think. But I…
  • Don't worry about what you look like doing it, just do it. You will love it and it will really challenge you as well!
  • The BMI was developed to create a statistical model by a statistician in the early 1850's. It doesn't apply to children, or any athletes. In fact the BMI doesn't discriminate between healthy muscle mass and fat mass at all. Yup I give my doctor the anti BMI lecture every time she weighs me at an office visit and starts to…
  • I was amazed to learn how the body metabolizes alcohol. When ingesting alcohol even small amounts the blood sugar level spikes up, your body will compensate by releasing insulin. Your cells will use the insulin to convert the sugar to energy, but what's left over will be converted into fat. Here is a really chemistry…
  • I'd have to disagree with the cardiologist. I live in a desert at high elevation, 32 oz wouldn't even replace what I lose from breathing let alone any workout. I typically drink a liter of water for every hour I exercise, I try to drink it at regular intervals during training. One of the best suggestions I've ever tried…
  • Awe MILK, the original sports drink!
  • I'm currently training and competing in BJJ, Gracie Barra out of New Mexico. I've been training for about 2 years now. I've lost over 65 lbs from when I started. Unfortunately my body is really smart and compensates, so now I have to count calories. I usually train 5 days a week at bjj 60 to 90 minutes each, 4 days of…
  • I use a tanita BC 568 scale. As to the accuracy it was only 2% off of a measurement done at a sports lab using both calipers, and hydrostatic testing. The calipers were over 5% off of the gold standard which is the hydrostatic method. A disadvantage of the caliper test is that you need some one to do it, hopefully they are…