Anyone try a mixed martial arts class??

They are starting this class at my gym and I'm really interested in trying it, add some spice to my workouts I guess. If you've done this, what's it like? What's the intensity? I'm just afraid of going in there and looking stupid lol.


  • nick1109
    nick1109 Posts: 174 Member
    MMA is a fantastic workout. Intensity is high and full body too
  • Yzfdude1
    Yzfdude1 Posts: 23 Member
    Don't worry about what you look like doing it, just do it. You will love it and it will really challenge you as well!
  • gangstagirl625
    gangstagirl625 Posts: 187 Member
    I've never done a MMA class but my BF and I are huge UFC nuts as well as Black Belts in Karate. As soon as my money isnt funny i'm for sure gonna take one. I started karate when i was in 9th grade and 230 lbs at a size 20 with in the first year i went from a size 20 and 230 lbs down to a size 14 and 190lbs just by doing the class did not change any other thing still ate whatever i wanted. so in my opinion MMA is one of the best workouts.
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    I've never done a MMA class but my BF and I are huge UFC nuts as well as Black Belts in Karate. As soon as my money isnt funny i'm for sure gonna take one. I started karate when i was in 9th grade and 230 lbs at a size 20 with in the first year i went from a size 20 and 230 lbs down to a size 14 and 190lbs just by doing the class did not change any other thing still ate whatever i wanted. so in my opinion MMA is one of the best workouts.

    What form of karate?
  • mikeyml
    mikeyml Posts: 568 Member
    It will be a great workout and it will teach you ways to exercise that you will be able to use for the rest of your life. I learned Taekwondo from ages 7 to 12 and I still remember the kicks to this day. Later in life I took a more violent karate called Kenpo (not what you see on P90X) and that was one of the best workouts I've ever had. However my school was full contact and one of the instructors broke my elbow while teaching me a technique so I haven't been back since. But once I shed some pounds and build up my stamina I'm definitely going back to try a mixed martial art like Krav Maga.
  • exercisesucks
    MMA is great. I teach Krav Maga, but I work with a lot of MMA heads. Great total body workout. You should definitely do it. Any martial arts style is awesome to learn for fitness and self protection.
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    Haha, Mike. We took a similar path. I too took Tae Kwon Do when I was younger (9-15), but then highschool got in the way. A few years ago I started taking Kenpo (such a bad *kitten* martial arts). Unfortunately my school closed so I stopped. Yes Kenpo is not like Kenpo X, although Wesley Idol is a legit Kenpo Black Belt and star block is used in Kenpo X. Kenpo X is more cardio kick boxing.
  • mikeyml
    mikeyml Posts: 568 Member
    Haha, Mike. We took a similar path. I too took Tae Kwon Do when I was younger (9-15), but then highschool got in the way. A few years ago I started taking Kenpo (such a bad *kitten* martial arts). Unfortunately my school closed so I stopped. Yes Kenpo is not like Kenpo X, although Wesley Idol is a legit Kenpo Black Belt and star block is used in Kenpo X. Kenpo X is more cardio kick boxing.

    I would love to go back to Kenpo but right now it would kick my butt. I'm way too out of shape to make it through a 60 minute class. I saw you're near Philly so if you were desperate enough to get back into it I would suggest Jim Fredericks Kenpo in Towson, MD. It's a small studio but Mr. Frederick is in the world wide hall of fame for Kenpo and he also teaches ground fighting techniques. It's funny though, I often think of the Tae Kwon Do classes being more of a cardio kick boxing classes now that I look back on it. Since it's mostly kick based you get a great cardio, core, and leg workout.

    To the OP, if your gym is doing a Krav Maga program then definitely start going. Not only is it an awesome workout but it will build your self confidence.
  • thinkz
    thinkz Posts: 11
    MMA classes are the best !
  • princessdrake
    princessdrake Posts: 54 Member
    Thanks for all the replies!! I'm definitely going to take this class then! I was a little nervous about doing it thinking that I would look all stupid but I know in time I'll get the moves. I'm really excited now hearing such a positive response to my question!! Thanks again guys!!