RDH77 Member


  • I have the same issue myself so I understand. I do a combination of what other folks have mentioned. I bank a bit and eat a lighter breakfast, usually a piece of protein and a carb. I also either purchase my own beer (I look for low cal like Michelob Ultra or the Bud 55 calorie) or I'll pick a glass of red wine (I'm…
  • Good Morning! Weighed in today and weight is still the same but have lost inches! Did a mishmosh of exercising yesterday. A quick 15 min kettlebell workout with another 15 mins of abs and a little yoga. Today is a run day, so Bailey and I will be headed out there soon! Here's the measurements compared to the first time…
  • Hi Ladies! I want to apologize for not checking in and for my pity party last post! I needed to take a mental (and physical) break from tracking on here. But I'm back on track now! My eating patterns were a bit naughty over the weekend as we had quite a few events to attend but I moved on, and am back to tracking my…
  • Sounds like food poisoning. It can set in pretty quickly, at least 4 hours in some cases. Here's a few links I found... http://www.livestrong.com/article/387513-raw-oysters-food-poisoning/ and http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/dbmd/diseaseinfo/foodborneinfections_g.htm#mostcommon
  • Bust: 38 Waist: 33 Hips: 42 Thighs: 24 1/2 Neck: 13 Arms: 13 Weight is still 174. I'm cranky today. I'm not seeing good results at all and I can't pinpoint why and it's becoming very difficult for me to keep hitting it as hard as I've been. It's totally a mind game to work out hard, eat right and not see the scale move and…
  • Congrats and you look gorgeous!!! So glad dress shopping was a fun experience this time around!! Can't wait to see pics of the dress on the big day!!
  • ^^^^This! Do not exercise if you have a fever or body aches or if you have chest congestion or coughing. You CAN exercise if you have a head cold only. Keep the intensity low. Also, don't forget if you are really feeling sick, then let your body do it's job of healing itself and just rest. No need to push through and make…
  • Busy week ahead for me. Have my first interview in over 10 years tomorrow, then a job fair and then my husband's promotion pinning on Friday. I've been job searching for the last 3 months and this is the first interview I've been called for and it's only for a temp position. It's rough out there for Dental…
  • Well, no weight lost this week so still at 174lbs. Had a better track record with working out this week. Today I did a 2 mile run and just had lead in my legs. Just wasn't feeling it. I had done a lower body workout the day before and I guess my legs just weren't ready to deal with running. Tomorrow is my rest day and I…
  • Good day today. Burned 430 cals and stayed within my daily food cal limit. Tomorrow is going to be a rest day. I feel run down today and I really don't want to get sick again. Might just go for a walk with the dog...
  • Hi Ladies! Did pretty well today. Decided to go for a run today outside and really enjoyed it! I haven't run in well over a week. Did 2.23 miles for about 27 mins and burned about 286 cals. I just took it easy and walked for about 60 secs twice to get my heart rate down a bit. Tomorrow will be a TRX day. As far as goals,…
  • Almost didn't work out today. But I bought a 15lb kettlebell and some new workout pants yesterday and I really wanted to try them out. I did a quick 15 mins kettlebell workout and burned about 200 cals. I still went over my food calories today, but it's sunday and though I track on Sunday, I don't go follow it too closely…
  • Here are my measurements... Bust: 38 Waist: 33 1/2 Hips: 43 1/2 Thighs: 25 Neck: 14 Arms: 13 I'm still at 175lbs this week.
  • Life has taken over this week. Sick, busy, blah, blah, blah. I managed one workout this week and have sort of tracked my food. tomorrow is back on track with both tracking my calories and working out. I really hate when life gets in the way and I allow it to derail my efforts, but that is life and I just keep getting back…
  • Finally back to working out! Did a 40 min kickboxing video burned about 413 cals or so. Stayed within my cals but went way over in Sodium (damn panera bread sandwich!) Unfortunately not gonna meet the 15-20 mile goal this week either. I will try that next week. Being sick killed my routine for a bit but back on track now.
  • Hey gals, I went over on my daily cals today and I didn't work out but I still can't breath through my nose so...trying to get over whatever this bug is! At least I was able to move around today unlike yesterday. I hope tomorrow I can get a light workout in.
  • I'm sick for the first time in over two years. So yesterday and today become impromptu rest days. I don't workout if I'm sick. I just don't think it's a good thing. So hopefully tomorrow I will be feeling better and I can get back to exercising. Congrats to myboysmomx2 on your 40lbs lost!! WTG! Welcome to the new members!
  • Yay! I'm down 2 lbs! I'll take measurements next week. I know it's silly but after not seeing the scale move but like 2 lbs in 2 months, I feel like I'm finally seeing some forward movement!
  • Back on track today. Did a circuit training video from on demand on cable. It was a total body workout and was really good! 40 mins and 417 calories burned. Stayed within my goals, and the dinner for breakfast and salad for dinner plan is going pretty well! I thought I would start feeling really deprived but it's keeping…
  • Hello gals! I took a rest day yesterday due to an overloaded schedule and a rest day today because I'm PMS'ing and I have a migraine. Working out was pretty much not going to happen. HOWEVER, tomorrow I will be back at it. I ate like junk yesterday but am back on track with some advice from my doctor today. I was telling…
  • I was really tired and cranky today. I'm currently trying to find a job and it's not going well. I almost didn't workout. But I figured if I was going to be mad and cranky I would get mad and cranky at Jillian. So I did Shred level 1 and burned 260 calories. I also stayed within my food calorie goal. I am hoping that…
  • Had a fantastic day today! The weather was just gorgeous so we went for a really awesome hike in a state park and did the 3.25 mile hike, a mile of which was either stairs or uphill. Used my HRM and found I had burned about 637 cals. Stayed within my calorie goals today and am on track to meet my goals this week. I think…
  • One of my friends makes little desserts by putting a tsp or two of apricot jam with a little chunk of brie in them. Then she bakes them for a just a few mins until the cheese melts. Soooooo delicious!
  • Burned 460 doing my TRX system today. I seriously love that thing! Then we bowled for about two hours. Was really bad and didn't get a good lunch in but had a decent breakfast and dinner and was under my calorie goal. ALSO, after not seeing the damn scale move, like at all for well over a month, I lost a 1lb. LOL! Yay for…
  • Did a 35 min kettlebell, dumbell arms, and a sprint workout on the treadmill. Burned 381 cals. Stayed within my calories for today so I met both of my goals!
  • Hi Ladies! And yes, thank you for setting up the group! I will post my measurements because I tend to lose inches before scale weight and need a good place to see progress. SW: 178 November 12th GW: 170 DAILY GOAL: To stay in calorie goal by eating healthy foods and workout for at least 30 mins per day. WEEKLY GOAL:…
  • I don't have anything specific to rock the dress for. I just really would like to look nice in clothes again! LOL! Would love to join you guys! I have only been on MFP for about 2 and half months and I've been stalling a bit, only lost about 2 lbs in a month and a half but have noticed inches lost so it's something! I'm an…
  • My gosh, I'm so sorry for your loss.
  • I can absolutely relate. I've been out (AD AF) for 10 years and the pounds just totally crept on. Two kids, and being a SAHM killed my energy and because I didn't make my health my priority, it got away from me. My husband is still AD AF and keeps up with his PT. My turning point was two months ago when I had to buy a…