Rock That Dress Challenge! (Closed Group)



  • RDH77
    RDH77 Posts: 36 Member
    Did a 35 min kettlebell, dumbell arms, and a sprint workout on the treadmill. Burned 381 cals. Stayed within my calories for today so I met both of my goals!
  • CindyLynn28
    CindyLynn28 Posts: 32 Member
    I did a 50 minute Jillian Michael's DVD (No More Trouble Zones), burned 254 calories, and logged all of my food. I met all of my goals for today. :)

    I also looked at my measurements from when I first started and realized that I have lost 18 inches over all!!! Today was a great first day of the challenge.
  • Twinmommy how do you find time????

    I usually do my morning walk before my kiddos wake up and while my hubby is still at home (leave my house at about 6:30ish). I homeschool my boys and they are 8 years old, so in the afternoon I usually do either step aerobics or some other video while they are upstairs playing. Yesterday though, I mowed the grass...which has become my favorite chore (weird, I know!!! Hehe) I was surprised how many calories you burn, even on a riding mower, once I got my HRM. So now I want to do that job all the time!

    I don't know how anyone with kids and jobs find the time, but we just HAVE to do something for ourselves. The time is NOW! :flowerforyou:
  • Well I definitely didn't stay in my calories today...I had super annoying chocolate cravings. Then had a few beers...:ohwell: But I did go to the gym with my hubby and we played racquetball, then later on I did 30DS. Even though today is my rest day I want to do my 30DS, but I'm off to babysit and have no idea how long I'll be gone.

    Just a note to all you moms....I admire you! I've been babysitting on Sundays and OMG! I'm SO exhausted when I get home! It's crazy how one tiny little girl can suck up all my energy!
  • WOW so when I started this on monday I was like my goal is to walk 3x a week for 30 mins each. Then I started this group I read your goals, and I feel like I am taking the easy way out. I am hoping this week I find time to actually put in more excersise.
  • Janie5605
    Janie5605 Posts: 182 Member
    Had a bad night last night calorie wise...not gonna lie it was alcohol related. Yet another airman going away party to attend and for once my husband offered to drive...bad Jane bad. We've seen so many guys leave this training program I'm not gonna lie Im kinda happy this looks like it will be the last going away party. If there are any more then well...there'll only be one person in the class either my husband or his closest friend here! Neither of those are good options! BUT while my goal was walk 2 miles and 300 crunches....i did 3 miles and 400 crunches...

    and still went over on calories...yuck. lol. Good luck everyone!!!

    My daily goal today (Sunday) is 3 miles (already 2 down) 400 crunches 200 leg lifts 100 push ups 100 chair presses.

    Trying to get ready to start physical therapy on tuesday! WOOHOO FINALLY! its only been 3 months since i "broke" my knee!
  • RDH77
    RDH77 Posts: 36 Member
    Burned 460 doing my TRX system today. I seriously love that thing! Then we bowled for about two hours. Was really bad and didn't get a good lunch in but had a decent breakfast and dinner and was under my calorie goal. ALSO, after not seeing the damn scale move, like at all for well over a month, I lost a 1lb. LOL! Yay for small victories I suppose! Hope you guys all had a great day today!!
  • Annie5859
    Annie5859 Posts: 280 Member
    Went to the gym and did the elliptical for 30 minutes and 15 minutes of weights. I burned about 300 calories.
  • myboysmomx2
    myboysmomx2 Posts: 505 Member
    I stayed within my calorie goals today. 548 Calories burned. Walked 4.32 miles at 4.27mph. Pace was 14:02 per mile. :-) Great walk tonight! Be back in touch in a few minutes ladies. It's been a crazy insane day. I want to take time to read/answer your posts if you have questions or concerns....brb....
  • myboysmomx2
    myboysmomx2 Posts: 505 Member
    To Vkcooper -- (I mean to quote you, but somehow it didn't work???)

    Hey girlie! Stay focused on your goals and your progress with regard to exercise so far. Don't overdo it and only compete with yourself. If you can just do a couple minutes more than the previous day or a little less intensity yet more time, you'll be upping your exercise time and intensity in no time at all. Hang in there and progress when your body says it's ok. :-)
  • I stayed on calorie range today and finally walked! I burned 150something calories today which really made me move! But had to stop because my 9 year old step daughter was tired and did not want to walk anymore... I probably could have gone another 15-30mins. As for my dress... I have yet to try it on and see if it fits any better. Any idea what our weekly challenges are going to be?
  • myboysmomx2
    myboysmomx2 Posts: 505 Member
    For those of you that wanted the code for the "Rock That Dress Challenge" banner, I have included the code here, but you MUST change the uppercase IMG at the beginning AND end of the code to a lowercase "img" Make sure that you leave the brackets and everything else the same. In order to include the banner in your signature line (just like your weight loss ticker), go to the "Community Tab", then "Signature" and insert the code there. Save your changes and that should work. You are welcome to use it if you like!


    I've read all of your posts on the forum and it looks like most everyone met their goals today. A few people did not post. CONGRATULATIONS to those of you who stayed under your calories and exercised to meet your goal for the day. Keep it up and you'll have weeks & months under your belt and lots of pounds melted off! I want to make sure that we don't overwhelm people that haven't posted, yet I DO want to be there to encourage everyone to reach their goals. If you want to print out the banner with everyone's names on it and post it by your computer at home, you can look at it to see who has not participated recently and send them a note of encouragement because...we're all in this together.

    Please, if you have suggestions on challenges that we can post each week, let me know. Our first challenge will be posted this coming Saturday, but I haven't decided what it will be yet...will let you know soon!
  • For those of you that wanted the code for the "Rock That Dress Challenge" banner, I have included the code here, but you MUST change the uppercase IMG at the beginning AND end of the code to a lowercase "img" Make sure that you leave the brackets and everything else the same. In order to include the banner in your signature line (just like your weight loss ticker), go to the "Community Tab", then "Signature" and insert the code there. Save your changes and that should work. You are welcome to use it if you like!


    I've read all of your posts on the forum and it looks like most everyone met their goals today. A few people did not post. CONGRATULATIONS to those of you who stayed under your calories and exercised to meet your goal for the day. Keep it up and you'll have weeks & months under your belt and lots of pounds melted off! I want to make sure that we don't overwhelm people that haven't posted, yet I DO want to be there to encourage everyone to reach their goals. If you want to print out the banner with everyone's names on it and post it by your computer at home, you can look at it to see who has not participated recently and send them a note of encouragement because...we're all in this together.

    Please, if you have suggestions on challenges that we can post each week, let me know. Our first challenge will be posted this coming Saturday, but I haven't decided what it will be yet...will let you know soon!

    I want to test this banner out! lol
  • CindyLynn28
    CindyLynn28 Posts: 32 Member
    Today went OK. I only had coffee at breakfast and then ate a bit more than I wanted at lunch, which evened out because of no breakfast. I had a grilled steak, half a baked sweet potato and a cucumber and tomato salad for dinner. I stayed within my calorie goal for today and didn't go over on the sodium!

    For exercise, I did 30 Day Shred level 2. I was really not wanting to exercise at all and my workout was pretty blah. I only burned 184 calories. But I did get it in, so that is progress. :)

    Hope you ladies have a good night and a fun and safe Labor Day tomorrow.
  • bayerngirl
    bayerngirl Posts: 44 Member
    Hallo ladies! I am still here, lol! I just saw this thread already started? I will read through this thread this afternoon and will answer questions. Although this week is my recovery week from STS M1 (from Cathe Friedrich),I am doing a 8 month rotation (it's heavy weight lifting) I am still doing JM30DS L2, walking my dogs and abs this week. Working out isn't a probleme for me. I do enjoy working out. I will be back this afternoon!
  • For a challenge how about run/walk/ or use a machine to log 20 miles~
  • Janie5605
    Janie5605 Posts: 182 Member
    I met my goals for yesterday! Including going out for sushi!! My goals for today are to use today as a rest day....I've been sick and didn't rest on Sat (I've worked out the past 9 days in a row) so today will be all about maintaining calories and getting over this cold!

    So my goals are:

    Maintain calorie goal of 1200

    Plan weekly menu...this means MEALS every single evening ---this is hard for me since my husband is on the flight line and comes home crazy late or really early and I won't cook for just planning meals that work with this schedule has always been difficult and I used to lean towards A. not eating at all (like maybe 400 cals a day!) or eating frozen meals that make my sodium intake real meals!

    And avoid the left over brownies from the weekend that I made...BUT DIDNT EAT!

    Weekly goals-Get healthy, 15 miles by next sunday (walked) 1500 crunches by next sunday and 1500 leg lifts by next sunday....also Physical therapy starts TOMORROW! YAY! So I hope to add to my exercise list since i've been a little scared to try anything too intense on my knee.
  • Good job to avoid the brownies! Keep it up with planning meals no harm in reheating them when he is ready to eat!
  • myboysmomx2
    myboysmomx2 Posts: 505 Member

    Hi everyone...I want to welcome "MereMe" who had requested to join the group, but I somehow overlooked her. I'm so sorry MereMe! At any rate, I've updated the banner & ticker to reflect that she is part of our team! Friend her if you would like to :-)


    If you use the banner, please go back into your signature line to update it on your profile too so that it will show all members of our team. Doing so will go back to anything you've posted in the past and update it automatically! As always, remember to change the uppercase "IMG" to a lowercase "img" on both ends of the code. Here it is:

    UPCOMING CHALLENGE FOR NEXT WEEK (beginning Saturday 9/10 - Friday 9/16):

    I would like to challenge you to add something NEW to your routine. If that something new is extra time, distance, or intensity, to what you're already doing, that's fine. Please choose one of the following two options:

    1. Walk, power walk, interval train, jog, or run a total of 15-20 miles next week . Remember that we are all at different fitness/progress levels, so choose what is reasonable for you at the current time. If you need a boost to help you get started, so that you can keep track of what you're doing and if you want coaching along the way, go to: to download their free app onto your phone. There are other sites like this which do the same thing, but this is the one I'm familiar with. If you're already at this level, try adding either more time/distance or a faster pace. Whatever you do, SWEAT, SWEAT, SWEAT! If you're walking, really walk to the point that your heart rate is up, you're sweaty, and you find that you're really pushing yourself!

    2. Add weights, squats, sit ups, jumping jacks, kettle bell exercises, stability ball exercises, or jump rope to your workout. Choose one of these things to see what you like best. Just as a suggestion for dumbbells, here is a workout I do for my arms with dumbbells. You can search the internet for other exercises to do with equipment you already have. If you don't have any equipment, you body is one of the best resistance tools you have (push ups, sit ups, squats, lunges, jumping jacks, etc)....there's no need to buy new equipment to get you started.

    Hope you all are having a great day striving for your goals. We've been at this since Saturday...are you on track toward reaching your weekly goals too????? I'll check back in with all of you this evening before bed when I post my calories burned, etc. Have a wonderful day!!!
  • :noway: Oh wow! I am going to do everything in my power to do option 1. I need to get some weight down before I can think about running or sit ups lol but I think this challenge is going to be challenging and attainable. :wink: