Rock That Dress Challenge! (Closed Group)



  • myboysmomx2
    myboysmomx2 Posts: 505 Member
    Good Morning Ladies....I didn't get to weigh in yesterday. I got up at 5:30 a.m. on my Saturday to get ready to take my 16 yo son to his advanced drivers class with the sheriff's department. Oh...he had a blast...skid pad, evasive maneuvers and all! Anyway, since it wasn't my usual weigh in time, I thought I'd weigh in today. I lost 2.5 pounds since my last weigh in. I'm so excited! I seem to get on these plateau's for a couple of weeks then BAM! I'm down again and by a decent amount. Just remember ladies, weight loss takes TIME. Hang in there if you're discouraged. You'll get there...just don't quit! My goals for this week is to be able to get back in the swing of exercise like I need to. Five-six days this week to be exact and do weightlifting three of those days. I have been so exhausted this week with doctors appointments, cooking for our church, school, and life in general. Yesterday I had to take a nap for 1.5 hours. I'm trying to "catch up" on my sleep...that's hard to do. I'm looking forward to church today. I teach 6th grade Sunday School, then will sing in the choir - we have a great song planned for today. After church, we're heading to the river for a fun day of swimming and BBQ! Have a great week...remember to post your goals for the week if you haven't already!
  • scubaangel
    scubaangel Posts: 41 Member
    Managed my three runs this week so still need to get the bike out, but while I was reading the papers at work thought it made quite interesting reading (hoping the link works and can be read from the US).
  • myboysmomx2
    myboysmomx2 Posts: 505 Member
    Burned 488 calories and 63g of fat today while doing step aerobics. Felt good! How is everyone else doing?
  • Janie5605
    Janie5605 Posts: 182 Member
    HI ALL! Sorry it's been days since i checked in with everyone. I am back in full force starting today. My vacation was amazing...while horribly stressful it was still worth it. Not looking forward to explaining why i spent 2k on emergency repairs at the restaurant while my parents were in London but...they're called emergencies for a reason I'm sure they would rather have that bill then a destroyed restaurant.
    Also had an employee fix the mess that was my hair from my last minute haircut...THAT MADE MY WEEK! My knee is SORE so working out will be limited today...also have physical therapy today.

    Over my trip i walked a total of 26 miles in 9 days (two of which were travel days so not much walking done those days) and didnt do any of the other misc working out id planned...but i drank MUCH less then i anticipated given it was my bday celebration.

    Sorry for not being super supportive it was a busy busy week and i hardly had time to breathe. That being said my husband and I had a nice little talk last night...given my fears about fertility we aren't telling our friends and family but since he didnt say i couldn't tell you guys I'm telling! We are going to start trying...nothing serious ATM because we don't want to stress out about it but we will be trying for a baby! and if the Psychic i saw Sat was right...twins...eek. i hope shes not right haha i doubt she was
  • TwinMommy2CnC
    Hey Ladies! Sorry it has been a few days since checking in. Didn't get to work out like I wanted to last week because of the rain, but still had a small loss of .4 lbs.

    Yesterday, my family along with another homeschooling family took a day trip over to St. Augustine for their homeschool day. We had such a good time walking around the oldest city and learning some really cool things. Wishing that I would have worn my HRM to see how many calories I actually burned because we walked a lot and it was HOT!

    My goals for this week are to start Turbo Fire, which I did today for the first time. (WHEW!) and to walk 3-4 times. Really hoping to see that scale move this week!

    Janie5605, Twins are AWESOME! I can tell you one thing...there is NEVER a dull moment in my house and I wouldn't have it any other way! Have fun trying! :wink:
  • scubaangel
    scubaangel Posts: 41 Member
    Good luck and have fun trying Janie!

    This week I managed to put on .3kg but in the main I think it'll be because of my increased exersize - I always gain a little bit when I start running again.

    This weeks target is 2x 2mile runs (did one today), 3x 'home from work' runs (1.3 -1.5 mile depending on which route and what the gps feels like). Plus a bike ride. Not sure when I'll have a rest day but as am going to meet a girlfriend for a pizza night on Thursday I think I need to make that one of my longer runs or a longish bike ride.
  • CindyLynn28
    CindyLynn28 Posts: 32 Member
    Hi Ladies! Sorry it's been so long since I last posted. I fell off the wagon for the last few weeks and have been having a hard time getting back on. I finally feel like I'm back at it though. I didn't get any exercise today, but I will be able to tomorrow afternoon. I'm looking forward to it! It has been way too long. :)

    I hope you are all doing well!
  • RDH77
    RDH77 Posts: 36 Member
    Busy week ahead for me. Have my first interview in over 10 years tomorrow, then a job fair and then my husband's promotion pinning on Friday. I've been job searching for the last 3 months and this is the first interview I've been called for and it's only for a temp position. It's rough out there for Dental Hygienists....anyway I was able to get a good total body workout in. I think my HRM is on the fritz because I normally burn at least 350 calories in this particular 40 min workout and it said I only burned 270. I also noticed it wasn't picking up my heart rate halfway during the exercise. Guess I need to change the battery on the chest band. Good Luck on your week ladies!!
  • myboysmomx2
    myboysmomx2 Posts: 505 Member
    Hi everyone! It is SO GREAT to see all of your posts here today. We are all so busy coming and going, some of us recovering from injuries, and some of us having a hard time with our exercises. However, your posts today really encouraged me because you're still in the fight for a better, healthier YOU! I'm so happy for you!

    @RDH77 - I hope your interview goes well! My sister-in-law is a dental hygienist and has dealt with the same issues you are. Hang in there and just keep trying!

    @ CindyLynn28 - Welcome back! I'm glad to see you're here again. Stick with MFP and your exercises and you'll be able to reach your goals :-)

    @Janie5605 - Congrats on your decision to start trying for a baby. I agree with everyone else...have fun trying!

    As for the rest of you, great goals you've set for this week. Hope all of y'all are doing well and excelling daily.

    ******************I have a challenge for you***************************** Would you like to submit a yummy but healthy recipe that you love ever since switching over to a healthier lifestyle? One that's appealing to the eye and your palette? Here's mine, a friend of mine shared it with me at the lake and it is SO GOOD!

    Serves 17 (1/2 c. servings)

    1 Medium finely chopped vidalia (sweet) onion
    Hunt's - 100% Natural Petite Diced Tomatoes, 1 container, undrained
    1 Large Can Bush's Best - Black Beans, rinsed and drained
    Del Monte - Summer Crisp Golden Sweet Corn, drained
    2 Medium Avocados cut into medium chunks
    2 T. Bertolli - Olive Oil - Extra Light
    2 T. Colavita - Red Wine Vinegar
    2 T. Chopped Canned - Jalapenos

    *Nutritional Information Per serving:
    Calories 106
    Total Fat 6.2 g
    Saturated 0.9 g
    Polyunsaturated 0.8 g
    Monounsaturated 4.1 g
    Trans 0g
    Cholesterol 0mg
    Sodium 204 mg
    Potassium 348.2 mg
    Total Carbs 11.7g
    Dietary Fiber 4.2g
    Sugars 1.9g
    Protein 2.6g
    Vitamin A 4.8%
    Vitamin C 14.4%
    Calcium 2.4%
    Iron 5.7%

    *I chose to add a 1/2 c. of chopped cilantro and 1 small can of sliced & drained black olives to my recipe. Then I seasoned it with a sprinkling of salt, pepper, & garlic powder.

    I also like to serve this over a bed of spring salad mix and 97% lean ground turkey breast with taco seasoning for a wonderful taco salad (no chips). When I do eat chips, I like to serve Baked Tostitos Scoops.

    Enjoy everyone!
  • GypsysBlood
    GypsysBlood Posts: 42 Member
    Hey Ladies! I also fell off the wagon and just jumped back on yesterday! I am planning to hold on tight this time and not let ME get in MY way!

    Burned around 400 cals today (hoping to get a HRM soon so I can be more accurate) doing the cardio section of Power 90. I am crazy sore but already looking forward to working out again tomorrow.

    Stayed within my food calories...pretty hungry right now but just gonna drink some sleepytime tea and push through :-) I have been there already so I know that after a week of staying on track I won't be hungry at all.

    Hope everyone is doing great and I am looking forward to seeing some yummy recipes, I will get one ready and post it too.
  • MereMe
    MereMe Posts: 312 Member
    Hi girlies! I have been swamped at work so I haven't been able to chek in too often to post stats. I am meeting all of my calorie, water, and workout goals daily though! I just wanted to share a board message I posted this am. Hope it offers a little "hope" to some else! Y'all are doing FABULOUS!!!! :)

    Sooo today is THE DAY! I am finally giving myself credit for a NSV!

    Little history - I have a 4 month old who I only gained 3 pounds with of pregnancy weight. I lost 15 after delivery and I don't count that as "loss" since it was kind of a "freebie" and I didn't work for it. In the past 2 1/2 months, I have lost an additional 21+ pounds and in the past two weeks, tons of people have complimented me and said they can really tell I am losing weight. Yada yada... the reflection in the mirror still looks the same as pre-pregnancy, so I haven't been counting those as NSVs. I also haven't counted how huge my pants are, that my rings are loose, or that I really am down a whole Tshirt size. So, yeah, I have been cheating myself out of a back pat.

    BUT NOT TODAY, folks! Today I decided to try on a shirt I bought SEVEN years ago while pregnant with my first (of 3) child. It never really "fit" and the arms were always too snug to go out in public in (IMO). And so - I pulled it on without any stuggle (yes, I totally got stuck in in at the beginning of this pregnancy) and to my absolute AMAZEMENT - there is "room" in the sleeves and EVERYWHERE! Wow... really - W O W! Just 75 or so days into my new way of living (I am NOT dieting ever again!) and I am just a pound or so from my pre-marriage and pre-pregnancy weight. A-mazing! That's what that is!

    -Just wanted to share with y'all because I know somewhere out there, there's someone else who just isn't giving themselves credit where it is DUE! If YOU are that person, forget that mirror (I think it lies anyway) and pat yourself on the back!!!
  • myboysmomx2
    myboysmomx2 Posts: 505 Member
    Hi girlies! I have been swamped at work so I haven't been able to chek in too often to post stats. I am meeting all of my calorie, water, and workout goals daily though! I just wanted to share a board message I posted this am. Hope it offers a little "hope" to some else! Y'all are doing FABULOUS!!!! :)

    Sooo today is THE DAY! I am finally giving myself credit for a NSV!

    Little history - I have a 4 month old who I only gained 3 pounds with of pregnancy weight. I lost 15 after delivery and I don't count that as "loss" since it was kind of a "freebie" and I didn't work for it. In the past 2 1/2 months, I have lost an additional 21+ pounds and in the past two weeks, tons of people have complimented me and said they can really tell I am losing weight. Yada yada... the reflection in the mirror still looks the same as pre-pregnancy, so I haven't been counting those as NSVs. I also haven't counted how huge my pants are, that my rings are loose, or that I really am down a whole Tshirt size. So, yeah, I have been cheating myself out of a back pat.

    BUT NOT TODAY, folks! Today I decided to try on a shirt I bought SEVEN years ago while pregnant with my first (of 3) child. It never really "fit" and the arms were always too snug to go out in public in (IMO). And so - I pulled it on without any stuggle (yes, I totally got stuck in in at the beginning of this pregnancy) and to my absolute AMAZEMENT - there is "room" in the sleeves and EVERYWHERE! Wow... really - W O W! Just 75 or so days into my new way of living (I am NOT dieting ever again!) and I am just a pound or so from my pre-marriage and pre-pregnancy weight. A-mazing! That's what that is!

    -Just wanted to share with y'all because I know somewhere out there, there's someone else who just isn't giving themselves credit where it is DUE! If YOU are that person, forget that mirror (I think it lies anyway) and pat yourself on the back!!!

    YAY! You're doing fantastic!!!! I'm SO PROUD of YOU!!!! You do deserve a pat on the back. Thanks for sharing your NSV with us!
  • Janie5605
    Janie5605 Posts: 182 Member
    Today is weigh in day! ALSO My birthday! Hubs is flying all day and i get to go to fun physical therapy...ew. Hope to be able to work out later but if its anything like tuesday ill be lucky to walk. Tomorrow i go to Dr McHot Pants my orthopedic surgeon and expect to hear the again. I suspect a weight gain from my 9 day fun CA visit but i hope not the 7 lb gain i saw on tuesday morning...eek that was painful. I earned it but ugh. I know how to take the weight off so I will just do it. Period.

    I'm going to weigh in! DUN DUN DUNNNNN.......2 lb gain....not horrible! Not good but not 7 pounds!
  • GypsysBlood
    GypsysBlood Posts: 42 Member
    didn't get a chance to post last night but I met all of my goals yesterday! Including that pesky water intake :wink: looking forward to another great day! hope you are all doing well!
  • scubaangel
    scubaangel Posts: 41 Member
    Managed to stay within the calories yesterday even though it was a pizza night with my friend - although I think I somewhat under ate if I'm honest, too many chores during the day and I didnt leave myself time to sit down to a reasonable lunch.

    I've only been back in my running shoes since last week and tonight I managed to run 0.5 mile in under 5 mins before I needed to take a short walking break, I'm pleased as although it's not far it was the start of my route home from work and is up a fairly steep hill - never managed to get all the way up it before. Still took almost exactly the same length of time to get home as the last time I ran the same route but I usually take around 7 mins to get up that hill.
  • myboysmomx2
    myboysmomx2 Posts: 505 Member
    Good morning everyone! It's our weigh in day :-) This week, I lost one pound. YAY! I didn't meet all of my goals because I went over on my calories some this week. It happens and I could do better, but it's the choices I made. No biggie! Just get up, get moving, and do it all over again. I hope everyone has a blessed day today whether your enjoying time with family, working, or cheering on your favorite college team!

    This coming week, I'd like to stay under my calorie goal every day and work out six days this week. I need to add weight training 3x this week.

    PLEASE POST YOUR RECIPE IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO SHARE ONE WITH THE GROUP! Recommendations from other people are always fun, so please share the wealth. Are you taking anything yummy but good for you to a tailgating party today??? If so, what is it?
  • RDH77
    RDH77 Posts: 36 Member
    Bust: 38
    Waist: 33
    Hips: 42
    Thighs: 24 1/2
    Neck: 13
    Arms: 13

    Weight is still 174. I'm cranky today. I'm not seeing good results at all and I can't pinpoint why and it's becoming very difficult for me to keep hitting it as hard as I've been. It's totally a mind game to work out hard, eat right and not see the scale move and only see maaaaaybe a half inch loss in two weeks. Gonna go for a run and get over myself and throw my scale out the window. Sorry I'm not much of a good support today but I'm just not in a good mindset....Hope you gals have a great weekend...
  • myboysmomx2
    myboysmomx2 Posts: 505 Member
    Bust: 38
    Waist: 33
    Hips: 42
    Thighs: 24 1/2
    Neck: 13
    Arms: 13

    Weight is still 174. I'm cranky today. I'm not seeing good results at all and I can't pinpoint why and it's becoming very difficult for me to keep hitting it as hard as I've been. It's totally a mind game to work out hard, eat right and not see the scale move and only see maaaaaybe a half inch loss in two weeks. Gonna go for a run and get over myself and throw my scale out the window. Sorry I'm not much of a good support today but I'm just not in a good mindset....Hope you gals have a great weekend...

    Hang in there girlie! I've been there. In fact, I had hoped that I would be at my goal weight my the end of October. That will not be the case because I'm about 20 pound behind where I wanted to be. In the beginning, my goal was to lose 2 pounds per week. I have had ups and downs with the scale and even inches lost. I have hit plateau's also. When that happens, change things up. Maybe you can do interval training, or incorporate a new exercise with your current routine for a couple of weeks and see what that does. I haven't looked at your diary, but you could also try something like lowering your carbs and increasing your protein for a couple of weeks then see what the results are. Don't forget how wonderful weight training is. All you need is a set of barbells or your own body as resistance. The great thing about weight training is that your body will continue to burn calories from that workout all throughout the next day too...not just during the weight training like you would with other cardio! Whatever you do, don't know where that will get you - back to where you started or worse. I believe in you! Keep up your hard work because IT WILL PAY OFF! You can do it :-D
  • myboysmomx2
    myboysmomx2 Posts: 505 Member
    I achieved a new personal best record today for walking distance. I walked 10.16 miles at an average pace of 15:35 per mile and I walked an average speed of 3.85 miles per hour. It was not my goal to go for time. Rather, I wanted to try and keep my heart rate in my target heart rate zone for maximum fat burning. I did pretty good. Here are the results: Below - 1:00 minute, In - 2:10:45, Above - 25:53 minutes. Not too shabby! I think I budgeted my calories so that I'll have some left over for tailgating tonight don't you??? My back and foot did great. Walking didn't bother either one. It's just the bending over that I can't do without resting my hands on my knees and using my legs. :-)
  • myboysmomx2
    myboysmomx2 Posts: 505 Member
    It looks like I'm going to be changing my goals this month to adjust for my back hurting. I won't be able to do any weightlifting except for maybe some dumbbell exercises in a standing position. No step aerobics, but I can walk...I'm just gonna have to slow my pace even further. You know how it is...I have the "itch" to get out and do something but I have to be smart and safe about it. Right now I have a hard time putting my pants and shoes on. Just a nice slow walk is better than nothing and at least it keeps me somewhat active. Maybe my sweetheart and I can walk hand in hand for a while and enjoy the beautiful countryside. Chuck and the boys are having to do all the laundry, vacuuming, mopping, and dishes for me. There's an upside to just about everything! ♥♥♥ I love them so and am thankful for them!