Rock That Dress Challenge! (Closed Group)



  • Janie5605
    Janie5605 Posts: 182 Member
    I am sorry I havent been around much! I've been struggling a little with motivation but I'm going to try to force myself back onto the right track! My October goals are:

    Lose 8 Pounds (be at 204 by Halloween)
    Do a total of 10,000 crunches (2500 a week/500 a day)
    Do a total of 4,000 Leg Lifts (1,000 a week/200 a day)
    Do a total of 4,000 Chair presses (1,000 a week/200 a day)
    Walk a total of 40 miles (knee has REALLY been bugging me)
    Do a total of 10 hrs on stationary bike (30 min a day 5 days a week)

    Along with this I have Physical therapy 3 times a week and have a group of girlfriends getting together twice a week to workout together...lets see if they stick to it haha I will force myself to go but i've already started its hard to make that first step.

    We have started to actually track our spending so i doubt we will be going out every weekend like we have been doing...this is good! Said yet another goodbye to one of the kids in the class behind my husbands So thats one less person who will want to go out...we're down to a little tiny group of friends and well i hope this works out for both saving money and save calories!
  • bayerngirl
    bayerngirl Posts: 44 Member
    Hey girls,

    Sorry for not checking in the last few days, I am still here and working out hard. Lost over 2 lb since last week. I am so happy the scale is finally moving in the right direction. This check in, is really helping me to stay on track. I still doing Cathe's STS rotation 3x a week plus 3x a week cardio. Today I started the C25K today, I found FREE download with very cool upbeat music. Most of the downloads are very borning, lol. But this one I like and it's free. I still have to work my legs and abs later today.

    Jen - congrats on your dress. Thanks for starting this thread and keep us going. You rock, girls!

    RDH77 - hope you feel better! Hang in there, girl! It will get better.

    Janie - sending you lots of motivation vibes! You can do this!

    Waves Hallo to veryone I missed!
  • scubaangel
    scubaangel Posts: 41 Member
    The technology has been fighting against me lately! I think my laptop has finally completely bitten the dust, so have had to unpack a box to find my netbook.

    Not been losing as much as I would have liked so have upped my target from 1lb per week to 1.5lb for a while, think having to take a little more care about my food and knowing I have to exersize more to eat more will hopefully lead to more steady weight loss.

    I've also dug out a tape measure and am putting the measurements on my profile to track them as well as my weight, I'll post up the weekly difference.

    Managed to fall while I was running home on Sunday night - got picked up by the Regimental Police who must have seen me fall as they drove past and ended up getting a lift home, so didn't risk running on Monday as my ankle was still very tender, so tonight was the first run since, felt good, better than I expected and was quicker than previously.
  • CindyLynn28
    CindyLynn28 Posts: 32 Member
    I have to apologize again for not being as present as I could, but with going to college and taking care of my family, I forget to post here like I should.

    The month of September was a total bust. I lost about 6lbs, but I gained and lost that weight over the entire month, so I ended up where I started.

    My goals for October:
    1) Burn at least 200 cals 4x/week.
    2) Keep moving!! Even when I feel unmotivated/sad/upset/bored...whatever the emotion, there's no excuse for not getting some exercise in. I have an elliptical at home!!
    3) Focus on eating healthy, nutrient dense foods.
    4) As little fast/prepackaged foods as possible.

    Hopefully I'll be a little more successful this month. :)

    Good luck, Ladies!!

    Oh, I finally got the dates for our ball and it's November 19th. I definitely have the motivation to finish what I'm starting here.
  • myboysmomx2
    myboysmomx2 Posts: 505 Member
    It's great to see you on here again ladies! I really did miss you, and I want you to be able to succeed in your efforts and goals. You can do ANYTHING that you set your mind to. Sure, we will all have ups and downs, but every day is a new day and it's up to us to get up, get moving, and go get our goals. I'm proud to see that y'all are still in it to win it!!!!!!

    Personally, I went over my calories today because I caved into the popcorn that my husband cooked tonight. However, I only ate two cups, not an entire pail! LOL!!! I've changed my exercise for a while (unknown amount of time) because of my back. I saw the doc this morning and he said that I can still walk (which I have been doing). I so want my back to get better so I'm babying it for now. I really have no choice because my back won't let me do much. I'm not gonna let it stop me though. I miss exercising too much when I skip. Boy! Who thought I would ever say that! Times have changed!!!!!

    Have a great night everyone! Again, it's good to see your posts! Love to all of you ladies!!!!
  • RDH77
    RDH77 Posts: 36 Member
    Hi Ladies! I want to apologize for not checking in and for my pity party last post! I needed to take a mental (and physical) break from tracking on here. But I'm back on track now! My eating patterns were a bit naughty over the weekend as we had quite a few events to attend but I moved on, and am back to tracking my calories. It's easy to forget how "expensive" some of the food we eat can be calorically. LOL! The past two days I've done a two mile run and did Shred level 2. Today was another 2 mile run. I take my overweight golden retriever and since I run so slow, it's more like a trot for him! But it's good exercise for both us and he gets so excited when he sees me get his leash out! So he's helping to motivate me to get out there! Another motivator for me this week is my husband. He decided a couple of weeks ago that he was going to run a half marathon. He has kept to his training schedule religiously and I'm so incredibly proud of him! The race is on the 23rd of this month and I can't wait to be there at the finish line to cheer him on!

    myboysmom and bayerngirl thanks so much for the kind words of encouragement! I truly appreciate it!!

    Let's all keep up the great work gals!!
  • myboysmomx2
    myboysmomx2 Posts: 505 Member
    Hi Ladies! I want to apologize for not checking in and for my pity party last post! I needed to take a mental (and physical) break from tracking on here. But I'm back on track now! My eating patterns were a bit naughty over the weekend as we had quite a few events to attend but I moved on, and am back to tracking my calories. It's easy to forget how "expensive" some of the food we eat can be calorically. LOL! The past two days I've done a two mile run and did Shred level 2. Today was another 2 mile run. I take my overweight golden retriever and since I run so slow, it's more like a trot for him! But it's good exercise for both us and he gets so excited when he sees me get his leash out! So he's helping to motivate me to get out there! Another motivator for me this week is my husband. He decided a couple of weeks ago that he was going to run a half marathon. He has kept to his training schedule religiously and I'm so incredibly proud of him! The race is on the 23rd of this month and I can't wait to be there at the finish line to cheer him on!

    myboysmom and bayerngirl thanks so much for the kind words of encouragement! I truly appreciate it!!

    Let's all keep up the great work gals!!

    Looks like you're really working hard at it again. It's fun to workout with your spouse and it's fun to encourage each other too! Keep us posted on the marathon. In the meantime, you and your golden retriever are gonna have some great times out there on the road. I know he's happy to be outside with his mommy! Y'all have FUN!

    Today I enjoyed a really face paced power walk. My legs were tingling and firing on all receptors for a good 30 minutes after my walk. It was TOUGH but good. Have a great day everyone! See you tomorrow!
  • CindyLynn28
    CindyLynn28 Posts: 32 Member
    Hi ladies! I haven't exercised today because I have a test tomorrow morning and I've been studying for that. My food intake went well today. My DH made s'mores for dessert and I still didn't go over calories for the day.

    I'm hoping to get a long workout in tomorrow. It's a DONSA for my DH, so he can pick up my oldest from school and I can stay on the elliptical for a long while. My goal will be for 45 minutes to an hour. :glasses:
  • RDH77
    RDH77 Posts: 36 Member
    Good Morning! Weighed in today and weight is still the same but have lost inches! Did a mishmosh of exercising yesterday. A quick 15 min kettlebell workout with another 15 mins of abs and a little yoga. Today is a run day, so Bailey and I will be headed out there soon!

    Here's the measurements compared to the first time I've posted.

    Baseline Measurements
    9/03 10/08
    Bust: 38 Bust 37
    Waist: 34 Waist 32.5
    Hips: 44 Hips 41.5
    Thighs: 25 1/2 Thighs 24
    Neck: 14 Neck 13.5
    Arms: 13 1/2 Arms 13

    I'm glad I'm taking measurements because it can absolutely kill my motivation to not see that stupid scale move! At least I can look at this and know that my body is changing. It's very slow, but it is working! Hope you ladies have a great weekend!!
  • Janie5605
    Janie5605 Posts: 182 Member
    I havent taken my measurements yet but will update you when i do! Hubs is sleeping still and I dont want to wake him by going into the bedroom to get my tape measure haha...cranky hubs will ruin Balloon Fiesta for me.

    BUT this morning I weighed in (three times mind you!) at 209.6

    This puts me at my lowest weight in 6 yrs. Post baby weight even! We're talking Senior year in High school pants! BUT that all being said I weighed in on thursday at 212.4 SO I'm a little skeptical. But i will weigh in tomorrow and take that as my official weekly weigh in...maybe later today. I want to hit that awesome 30 lbs mark! but i dont want to lose it when I weigh in next week ya know? Oh scales. I even have the hubs weigh in weekly with me to make sure the scale isnt broken. yes yes im paranoid haha but i want to KNOW my weight loss is real.
  • CindyLynn28
    CindyLynn28 Posts: 32 Member
    My weight is at 160 today which is 3lbs less than when we started the challenge in September. I thought I was going to be flat, so this was a nice surprise.


    Bust: 36.5
    Chest: 33
    Waist at navel: 36
    Hips: 39.5
    Thighs: 23.5

    So I lost 3 inches! I think I may take today as a rest day. I'm planning on going to a pumpkin patch with my family. Have a great day, ladies!!
  • myboysmomx2
    myboysmomx2 Posts: 505 Member
    Morning everyone! I guess I'm on another plateau, so it seems. My weight and measurements have been moving at a snails pace, but I am losing a tiny bit at the time. Both my weight and body fat % have fluctuated a bit, but I'm posting my weight loss over the last week and measurement loss over the last two weeks. I get so spoiled when I have really good weeks either with weight loss or with measurement loss, so I'm pretty disappointed this morning. However, it's all part of the process. I'm sure my weight and measurements will suddenly spike downward just as it has in the past before long. I just have to stick with it. Also, I've had to only walk this past week since I hurt my back - no weightlifting, running, jogging, etc., so that's been a change for me for the past week.

    As I said in my last blog post, I did some local modeling when I was a teenager and I was spoiled wearing lots of nice clothes & accessories. Those days were so much fun! So, one day 2-3 months ago, I tried to find my old measurements from long ago that I had kept in a drawer for years. I wanted to see how bad off I'd let myself go, and see how far I had to go to get back in the ballpark. Unfortunately, I couldn't find them. I was bummed but I decided to look up supermodel measurements that were my height just to get an idea of what their measurements actually were and how I compare. Now, I know you're not supposed to compare yourself to others, but I just really wanted to try and find a good baseline of where I used to be and where I have to go to get there. Before this is all said and done, I want my model legs back. My legs, not a super model's legs, but mine. My body fat % is far too high when I compare against myself 15 years ago and so are my still flabby legs. I do know, that my hard work pays off and that I'm getting there! I know that I can still get to my goals and get my legs back. I still have inches to go, but I've already lost 38.5" overall so I know I can finish the race. It may take me longer than when I got started, but I'm gonna finish!

    Weight: 160 - Lost 1 pound since last week
    Body Fat %: Lost 1% in two weeks
    Neck: 12" - Same as 2 wks. ago
    Waist: 28.5" - Lost 0.3" in two weeks
    Hips: 40.3" - Lost 0.2" in two weeks
    Arm: 10.7" - Lost 0.1" in two weeks
    L Thigh: 22.8" - Lost 0.3" in two weeks
    Bust: 35.5" - Same as two weeks
    Calves: 14.3" - Lost 0.2" in two weeks
    Overall loss in two weeks: 1.1"

    I am 5'11" tall, weight 160, age 42, and my current measurement's are (Bust-Waist-Hips): 35.5 - 28.5 - 40.3, BMI: 22.3, Dress size 10

    Supermodels that I researched: ...Remember I did this just for fun, so don't get upset with me. :-)
    Gisele Bündchen (married to Tom Brady): Height 5'11" Age 31, Measurements: 35-23-35.5 Weight: 130, Dress size 4
    Claudia Schiffer (married to film director Matthew Vaughn): Height 5'11" Age 41, Measurements: 37.4 - 24.4 - 36.2 Weight: 128
    Cindy Crawford: Height 5'10" Age 44, Measurements: 34 - 26 - 35 Weight:130
    Karolina Kurkova: Height 5'10" Age 27, Measurements: 33.5 - 23.2 - 34.3 Weight: 117
    Heidi Klum: Height: 5'9" Age 38, Measurements: 35 - 24 - 34 Weight: 119

    Fun facts:
    Female supermodels are at least 5'8" tall, their measurements are approximately 34-24-34, their thighs are usually 19" - 20" and their BMI = 16.

    I have no intentions of getting my BMI to 16 which is under the healthy range, but I'd like it to be somewhere between 18.5 and 19.5. I want to be back to 133 which is where I was after the birth of my first son. This weight is still within the healthy weight range for my height. I may change this as I get closer to my goal because I should be back to weightlifting by then so my weight may be more than 133 but I should be healthier.

    What are your goals for next week????? Mine is to keep on walking until the doc give me an "OK" to do more. I also want to up my protein and lower my carbs. Have a great week everyone!
  • scubaangel
    scubaangel Posts: 41 Member
    Home from a mammoth work shift and taken my measurements, none are showing any loss and one has actually increased by 1 inch, atlhough I expect that has something to do with the fact I just had dinner!

    Didn't get out for my run today either thanks to the 8 hour extension on what should have been a 5 hour shift, I was planning to do a 2 mile one but have measured out a 2.5mile (ish) alternative route I can take to get home from work so planning to try that out tomorrow night - longer than the last few I've done, but I'm starting to feel alot more in tune with myself when I am out running, getting a feel for if I'm doing a comfortable steady run or struggling with a slow one before I check the GPS data, so think I should be ok to up my distance. So this week planning to do that route once, the shorter one three times and then one 2 mile run on my day off. Still can't find the pump for my bike tyres so will have to go buy one after pay day next month, or lower the seat on my other halfs bike.
  • scubaangel
    scubaangel Posts: 41 Member
    Today was my weigh in day - I've managed to lose 3lbs this week!

    I think it's the running finally starting to make a difference after having put on a little overall since I restarted it a couple of weeks ago. So pleased, as it puts me at a nice round number of 11stone on my print out (154lbs).

    In the mean time this week I've run home the 1.5mile route twice, so will do the longer route tomorrow, and will do my 2 mile route on Thursday as I've spent all day today walking around running errands - I know I've walked at least 6 miles (walked in to work and back 3miles, plus a 2 mile round trip in to the University of Surrey from the train station and my walk to the train station from home which is roughly 1/2 mile each way) - definitely need to get a new HRM to try and record this sort of thing, as my old Polar has a flat battery and was the absolute base model, so I think I want to get one which has a GPS built in to save having to carry my mobile with me when I go out running too.
  • myboysmomx2
    myboysmomx2 Posts: 505 Member
    Good morning everyone. Today is weigh in day. I lost 2.5 pounds this week. I hope I can hold that number if not add to it over the next week. I've really been on a plateau and I'd like to shake things up a bit but I have to get my doctor's approval before going back to step aerobics or weightlifting. I especially want to get back to weightlifting because I know more muscle burns more calories. Plus, I really want to see my inches go down too. It's been sort of slow going in both areas lately.

    We're getting close to the military gala's and holiday parties. How are you doing with your goals???? My goals this week are simply to walk until I get approval from the doctor to do otherwise. I'm interested in maybe calorie zig zagging to see if that will help....

    Have a great week everyone!
  • scubaangel
    scubaangel Posts: 41 Member
    Weigh in day today lost another 1lb, so as long as I can stay on track I'll just about make my challenge target.

    Not been running today as I had errands to run so recorded my walks instead. But the rest of the week I plan to run the long way home from work once and keep plugging away at reducing my time on the short route home.
  • myboysmomx2
    myboysmomx2 Posts: 505 Member
    This week I had my worst weight gain ever in one week since being on MFP. I gained FOUR pounds. ICK! My normal weigh in days are on Thursday, but I weighed in today for a loss of one pound. I seem to be all over the place right now. But, I wanted to post the one pound loss anyway. We'll see where I am by next Thursday and Saturday. I only lost 0.28" overall this past week. My goals for this coming week are to stay within my calorie zigzagging daily and to exercise (either step aerobics or power walking). Here's to a new and hopefully better week!
  • bayerngirl
    bayerngirl Posts: 44 Member
    Hi girls,

    I am still here and working out hard! I am only down 0.3 lb this week, it's better than nothing. I pinched a nerve in my shoulder yesterday, had to take it easy. Today I will do cardio (run?) and tomorrow I will do biceps & back. I am so glad to be a part of this group, thanks everyone. Have a wonderful weekend, everyone!
  • TwinMommy2CnC
    Hey ladies! I'm down 1.6 lbs this week...thankfully, after a gain last week. Trying to get back in a workout groove after not feeling well the week before last. Really want to get back to walking every morning. For a while there, I was really addicted to my walk and went into withdrawls if I didn't go. Hoping that happens again, especially with the cooler weather we have been having here in Florida. It will actually be enjoyable! ;o) Also, my other goal for this week is to continue with Turbo Fire. I love it, but am having a hard time finding the time to squeeze it in. I want to do it 4-5 times this week. Even though the program is 6 days a week, I have been doing it when I can but doing the workouts in the order it calls for.

    Good luck reaching your goals ladies!!!!
  • scubaangel
    scubaangel Posts: 41 Member
    Lost another 5lb this week taking me to 10stone 7lb (or 147lb) which is incredible as my target was 10stone 5lb! But I suspect part of that is the difference between the shoes I was wearing this week compared to last - this week it was flipflops to give my heel a rest from having plasters or socks rubbing on the sore part. Although I do think that perhaps I'm nearer my goal than I previously thought since I'm meant to be weighing me not my shoes, lol. So if I remember to wear the heavier shoes next week I may even revise my target weight down to 10stone (145lb) which was my original target weight when I first joined MFP back in March.

    I'm wary of putting my target lower than that as 10 years ago I weighed 9stone 4lb (137lb) and looked emaciated as I have a fairly broad frame and just looked like a bag of bones collar bone, shoulder blades and hips all stuck out and my face looked gaunt. That said if I can lose the weight to that kind of level and still look comfortable and keep my curves then I will do it.