Rock That Dress Challenge! (Closed Group)



  • vkcooper
    I was awful today. Husband does not want me walking at night right now because there is a black bear in our neighborhood. :( But I stayed under calories I was just hoping to complete the 15 mi challenge this week. I work all day tomorrow so when I get off I will post my food info. I hope all is well!
  • Annie5859
    Annie5859 Posts: 280 Member
    I went to the gym today and burned 323 calories running 30 minutes on the treadmill and lifting weights for 10 minutes.
  • texastae1010
    Well yesterday no exercise the new medication and shot made me feel like crap and today I got the shakes and sweats when I was in the store now back home feeling better so we shall see tomorrow I go for a CT scan lol ...I am getting all my water in and then some I did get a sprite today (I am trying to not have sodas) but what can I do

    It sounds like we are falling apart over here not good lol...I might go for a walk or something today I am trying to listen to my body instead of pushing myself when it is telling me it doesn't feel so good

    I hope everyone is having a great day

    Oh to any of the ladies here getting ball gowns etc...where are yall looking at getting them from

    I hear a lot of girls talk about or rental places....last year I found a gown when we were out of town and it might happen again this year lol...just trying to look at the options :)
  • Annie5859
    Annie5859 Posts: 280 Member
    Went to the gym again today and burned 472 calories in total. 20 minutes stair machine, 15 minutes elliptical and 10 minutes treadmill. The grand total: 45 minutes!

    Tomorrow I will be taking off as I have to work all day and in the evening as well. (Parent Teacher Conferences to do).
  • RDH77
    RDH77 Posts: 36 Member
    Finally back to working out! Did a 40 min kickboxing video burned about 413 cals or so. Stayed within my cals but went way over in Sodium (damn panera bread sandwich!) Unfortunately not gonna meet the 15-20 mile goal this week either. I will try that next week. Being sick killed my routine for a bit but back on track now.
  • myboysmomx2
    myboysmomx2 Posts: 505 Member
    Hi everyone. I'm copying and pasting what I put on my wall a few minutes ago. You'll understand why I haven't been very active on MFP this week. I haven't even read your posts but I hope to have time tomorrow.... Thanks for your understanding ;-)

    I haven't been the greatest friend lately. I'm sorry. Homeschooling has kept me very busy the past few days. I'm also taking care of my mom this week beginning today through Friday because my dad is having surgery tomorrow at 6:30 a.m. on his shoulder. My dad has been doing a lot of pre-op stuff, but my mother has Advanced Parkinson's disease and she can not be on her own. Anytime someone goes under anesthesia like my dad will tomorrow, it's a concern. The surgery should go well, but I'll be glad to know that it did when it's all over! I'll be taking my mother to the the neurologist on Friday...they will be turning the "probe" off that has been inserted into her brain and take her off of her meds so that they can adjust the probe. My dad has told me how hard this is on her, but I have never witnessed it. He says that she shakes extremely badly and is unable to even sit in a chair or bring her hand to her face. She will go through far worse than me, but I fear that I will not be able to maintain my composure when I see her like that. I need to be strong for her. Would you please keep our family in your prayers over the next few days? Especially my dad and mom. Hopefully by this time next week, I should be back to normal with my eating, exercising, and being a better friend to you. Thanks everyone......
  • CindyLynn28
    CindyLynn28 Posts: 32 Member
    myboysmomx2: Prayers said! I pray that your dad's surgery is quick and uneventful and that you will do exceptionally well as your mom's primary care giver.

    I finally got back in the flow of things today. I burned 407 calories doing banish fat, boost metabolism dvd. I was under calories, but over fat and sodium. This is progress from the last few days. Hopefully, I'll be back on track completely by the weekend. :)
  • Janie5605
    Janie5605 Posts: 182 Member
    Hey everyone! sorry i havent been around much! with leaving Saturday, physical therapy, a hurt knee after physical therapy and my husband flying all week (along with base drama) it's just been kinda crazy! I burned 413 cals today and have stayed in my cal goal all why did i gain weight'? ugh quite annoying.

    Next week I will try to be on as much as possible but I wont have my laptop and will be out and about burning calories shopping :) I hope everyone is doing beautifully!
  • vkcooper
    I am feeling really bummed right now. I have fallen off the excercise wagon... I need motivation to get my bootie out there. So easy when the husband tells me to take it easy and enjoy the pregnancy. UGH I wish he would say go work out fatty so I would get moving. Now I have stayed within calories all except one day and the scale has not moved.... I will walk tomorrow * I Hope*
  • Annie5859
    Annie5859 Posts: 280 Member
    Took a rest day today. I will get to the gym tomorrow night.
  • Annie5859
    Annie5859 Posts: 280 Member
    Stepped on the scale this morning and took my measurements. Here are my results:

    Sept 16
    Arms: L-10.5 R-10.5
    Chest: 35.75
    Waist: 28.75
    Pooch: 37.75
    Hips: 40
    Thighs: L-22 R-22.75
    Calves: L- 15 R- 15.5
    Neck: (13)


    Weight 156.4

    My hips have stubbornly stayed at 40inch. for a month now.
  • RDH77
    RDH77 Posts: 36 Member
    Life has taken over this week. Sick, busy, blah, blah, blah. I managed one workout this week and have sort of tracked my food. tomorrow is back on track with both tracking my calories and working out. I really hate when life gets in the way and I allow it to derail my efforts, but that is life and I just keep getting back on track. I'll have my measurements and weigh in tomorrow. Hope you gals are all hanging in there!
  • Annie5859
    Annie5859 Posts: 280 Member
    Went running outside today. Burned 394 calories. Not sure how far a ran, as runkeeper jumped from 4.5 -7.5 km in 3 minutes. It was right at the end of my run, so I am guessing about 5 km.
  • RDH77
    RDH77 Posts: 36 Member
    Here are my measurements...

    Bust: 38
    Waist: 33 1/2
    Hips: 43 1/2
    Thighs: 25
    Neck: 14
    Arms: 13

    I'm still at 175lbs this week.
  • Janie5605
    Janie5605 Posts: 182 Member
    I'm up to 1200 crunches a day!!! Got called in for physical therapy three times this week so after that exercise isnt gonna happen...soorrrreeeee knee! Also dislocated my knee again ugh. BUT i leave TODAY! and i intend on doing my vacation work outs and walking with my mom...she leaves for london on wednesday so i dont have much time with her but after wednesday the shopping begins so thats PLENTY of walking!
  • Annie5859
    Annie5859 Posts: 280 Member
    No exercise today. Just some serious shopping!
  • myboysmomx2
    myboysmomx2 Posts: 505 Member
    Hi everyone. I apologize for being so silent the last few days. As you already know, I've been taking care of my dad after his surgery and my mom who has advanced Parkinson's. I have been doing lots of doctor's appointments with them, errands, cooking, cleaning, work, etc. My dad did not have a good day today, in fact it was a stark contrast to yesterday. He's not sleeping well, and he was sick tonight (pain med's). Anyway, I've eaten "high on the hog" the last few days, but have not exercised. Tomorrow I hope to take time for myself to exercise again. So, it's church in the morning and as long as my parents are doing well, I'll come home to exercise.

    *******************Today (Saturday) was weigh-in day and measurement day.************** I could not even post a reminder about that. So, for those of you who have not posted, please do so. If you don't want to post your exact measurements, that's fine. You can post your inches lost instead :-) I'll post my information tomorrow after church because I don't know it tonight. Your measurements lost are from the past TWO weeks time.

    It looks like several of us have derailed a bit from our nutrition/exercise routines. Just remember that because you had a bad day or week for that matter, don't go back to where you were. You know the direction that will take you. So...hang in there and get back up on that horse!!!!! I look forward to being a better group leader/supporter this coming week. We weren't even sure that my dad would have surgery until the afternoon before, so it definitely changed my whole week. I'll be back to support you and your goals this coming week. YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!
  • Annie5859
    Annie5859 Posts: 280 Member
    I burned 354 calories running 36 minutes today.
  • RDH77
    RDH77 Posts: 36 Member
    Almost didn't work out today. But I bought a 15lb kettlebell and some new workout pants yesterday and I really wanted to try them out. I did a quick 15 mins kettlebell workout and burned about 200 cals. I still went over my food calories today, but it's sunday and though I track on Sunday, I don't go follow it too closely as long as I'm under 2k.

    myboysmomx2 I'm hope you are able to take some time for yourself this week! It must be very difficult caring for your parents on top of everything else you have going on. I hope your dad's recovery goes well.

    Janie your poor knee! That must be awful! But WTG on the crunches! That's some dedication!!

    Like myboysmom said, we may have bad days or even a bad week, but just keep coming back and keep trucking along! Good luck to everyone and keep up the good work!!
  • texastae1010
    Better late than never right...I do believe today I am getting back into my exercise routine (can't believe I have actually missed it lol) I haven't taken my measurements yet so


    Honestly for the past week of being on medication for the crud...all I have done is eat really clean and healthy (minus a terrible moment with a bag of beef jerky oh the sodium) I was actually shocked with the scale all week long to be honest but I will take it lol

    I hope everyone is doing well ...and to everyone that is having a rough patch you and your family are in my prayers