Rock That Dress Challenge! (Closed Group)



  • bayerngirl
    bayerngirl Posts: 44 Member
    Hallo ladies,

    I haven't worked out since Friday. Ended up in the ER at the Nationa Naval Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland for over 5 hours. I have acute ear/sinus infections since my surgery in 2009. My ear is so swollen and my head hurts like crazy. I can't even bent over.The doc gave me antibiotcs and heavy pain killers. They make me so tired! I have to go back on Monday, hopeing to get a workout in soon. I lost a total of 5 lb since last week, I am so happy the scale is finally moving.

    Eveyone is doing fantastic, keep it up!
  • texastae1010
    Hey I just saw this challenge I know its a closed group but would love to join if I can (don't have to worry about changing up the badge or anything)

    Active Duty Army Wife here we have a ball Nov 5th

    If it is to late to join I understand and I wish you all the best of luck in getting it done and rocking that dress :)
  • Janie5605
    Janie5605 Posts: 182 Member
    Hey everyone! This weekend I couldn't work out (and for once it drove me crazy!!!) I dislocated my knee again and it's just been annoying all weekend. BUT I am surprised and happy to say I have not gone over on Cals at all this whole week! and and and weighed in this morning at an amazing 212...I havent logged it here yet since my official weigh in day is thursday. I leave next weekend for a nine day visit with family and dont intend on being perfect but i wont go back to my old habits.
  • TwinMommy2CnC
    I guess I ended up taking my rest day yesterday. :o/ and I went over on calories a little. But I'm heading in the right direction today since I've already gone for a walk. Have a great Monday everybody! Get out there and strive for your goals!!!
  • myboysmomx2
    myboysmomx2 Posts: 505 Member
    Hey I just saw this challenge I know its a closed group but would love to join if I can (don't have to worry about changing up the badge or anything)

    Active Duty Army Wife here we have a ball Nov 5th

    If it is to late to join I understand and I wish you all the best of luck in getting it done and rocking that dress :)

    Hi Ladies...I would like to invite another Army wife (Texastae1010), here to join us. I've had two ladies (cougs12 and Krissykg) inform me that they will not be able to do the RTD challenge at this time. I will update the banner later on today if time permits and give you all the new link to reflect the changes in our group. Let's continue to encourage each other toward reaching our goals. You're all doing fantastic so...keep up the good work!!!

    Letting you all know too that yesterday I finally reached 40 pounds lost if you didn't see it on my wall. I'm SO HAPPY about that! Rock on ladies! You can do it!!!!!
  • MereMe
    MereMe Posts: 312 Member
    Hi ladies!
    I haven't been checkin in daly - I forget I need to! So i am posting my calories burned and weight loss to date. My weigh-ins are Mondays, so I am a bit behind on check-ins anyway.
    9/3 - 648
    9/4 - 418
    9/5 - 918
    9/6 - 1126
    9/7 - 310
    9/8 - 698
    9/9 - 225
    9/12 - 602
    Weight loss is down 3.7 since challenge began! I am SO pumped!
  • RDH77
    RDH77 Posts: 36 Member
    I'm sick for the first time in over two years. So yesterday and today become impromptu rest days. I don't workout if I'm sick. I just don't think it's a good thing. So hopefully tomorrow I will be feeling better and I can get back to exercising.

    Congrats to myboysmomx2 on your 40lbs lost!! WTG! Welcome to the new members!
  • texastae1010
    Hi everyone and thanks for letting me join later in the challenge....

    So my starting weight is 220.2 my goal weight for November 12th is optimistically 195

    My daily goals are to stay within my calorie range and drink at least 12 servings of water and to completely cut out sodas I don't drink them often but when I have one I always start to crave sugar

    For this week I plan on working out for 6 days and lose 2lbs (my weight today is down but I am supposed to start my period today or tomorrow so I am unsure of a Saturday weigh-in lol)...I try to do an hour of cardio a day at minimum plus some strength training

    My monthly goal is to have lost at least 10lbs I hope more as I have a nice chunk to lose...I plan to stick with my six days a week of exercise no matter what (we are going to D.C. for the Army Ten Miler and then home to Texas) so I have a lot of walking a head of me and I am formulating a plan of healthy eating while staying in hotel rooms and going out to eat

    Normally Sundays or Wednesdays are my rest days but I had a doctors appointment this morning so today is not my rest day as I got a nice shot in the tushy and well it just doesn't want to workout so I will post my water consumption later today.

    Thank you again for letting me join you ladies
  • GypsysBlood
    GypsysBlood Posts: 42 Member
    first off, WELCOME texastae1010!

    I had a really rough weekend, but looking forward to getting back on track today. Not sure if I am going to be able to do C25K right now. I threw my back out just doing the little bit of running, it is just too high impact for me right now :-( wasn't able to do much this weekend because of it. Feeling a lot better today though. Hopefully after some more lower back strengthening and can give running another go, I really want to do some charity 5ks and work up to a half marathon :-)

    Hope everyone has a good week!
  • vkcooper
    Well hello to our newest member! Seems like we have a few girls sick, or injured or in the hospital. I hope you all feel better soon and stay on track!!! I am going to give a new excuse... I found out I am pregnant, and was so excited I did not walk last night because my husband wanted to hold my tummy. I have class today and do plan on walking when it lets out tonight!!! We think I am VERY EARLY (4 1/2 weeks). But back on yucky vitamins for the baby which always makes me sick but keeping it down today and rocking the counting calories. Doc next week to tell me if this is ok
  • myboysmomx2
    myboysmomx2 Posts: 505 Member
    *****UPDATED BANNER CODE***** Please remove your old code from your signature line and paste the one below instead. Remember to change the uppercase "IMG" at the beginning and end of your code to a lowercase.


    Welcome Texastae1010! We are glad to have you and look forward to getting to know you better :-D
  • Janie5605
    Janie5605 Posts: 182 Member

    So it's Monday. Yuck. Husbands flight was canceled again so i'm less optimistic about moving before the holidays then i was Friday. Oh well. My knee is feeling better after dislocating it three times in the last week...BOO.So i'm back in full force!

    Today so far I have burned 488 cals. I walked 2.5 miles did 700 crunches along with my PT exercises and some other in home exercises.

    My weight is officially all over the place! But whatever it's going down (minus one weigh in eek) so thats all that matters. Thursday I weighed in at 213.2, yesterday (sun) I weighed in at 212 (WHAT!!!) And this morning i weighed in at 213.8. I have stayed on point with my calories just took the weekend off from working out so i dont do serious damage to my knee. I'm in crunch time now...go home saturday and really just want to drop as much as possible before then...anything more actually would be fantastic!
  • TwinMommy2CnC
    Welcome Texastae1010! Glad you can join us!

    I burned 343 calories today during my walk. I planned to walk again this evening with my neighbor, but that got cancelled because we decided to take our boys to the river. We went yesterday and saw manatees, so we wanted to take our snorkeling gear with us this time to try and swim with them. Soooooo cool! My boys and hubby all got to touch them. I was the designated photographer or I would have loved to do it too. What a cool, COOL afternoon! Looking forward to tomorrow and getting some more exercise in! :o)

    Oh, and CONGRATS to myboysmomx2 on hitting that 40 lb mark! I am so proud of you! Truly an inspiration to me...thanks for including me on this weight loss adventure! Love you!
  • CindyLynn28
    CindyLynn28 Posts: 32 Member
    The last two days have not gone very well. I haven't exercised and have gone over calories both days. My schedule this week is pretty jam-packed, but I'm hoping to still get exercise in during the mornings.

    I hope the rest of you guys are doing well.

    Oh, congrats to VKCooper!! I wish you a healthy and happy pregnancy! :)
  • Annie5859
    Annie5859 Posts: 280 Member
    I decided to take this day as a rest day. I joined a gym today however!
  • myboysmomx2
    myboysmomx2 Posts: 505 Member
    I'm looking forward to getting back to a normal workout/meal routine tomorrow. Life has been a little crazy this past week! We have some pretty amazing women in this challenge. Despite injuries and other circumstances, we all just keep on keeping on! Good for you. I do caution everyone to be careful and not overdo it though. I know we all want to stay on track with our goals, but just be careful :-) I wore my HRM while cleaning for a long period today. It was not my intention to use that calorie burn as my official one, but time did not permit regular exercise so I used the numbers my HRM gave me instead. I'll be back in the swing of things tomorrow. For now, I'm SO tired and can't wait to sleep. Rock on ladies!
  • texastae1010
    Myboysmomx2-thank you again for letting me participate within this group and for making an updated banner and again congrats on the 40lb loss

    RDH77-Thank you for the welcome and I hope that you feel better soon

    GypsysBlood-Thank you for the welcome, how is your back feeling? I hope that you are taking care of yourself…even if you can’t do the c25k (which I can’t lol with my weight + my crappy knees it is not my friend right now) what are you planning on doing? I hope your back is getting better

    Vkcooper-Thank you for the welcome and Congrats on the pregnancy

    Janie5605-Thank you for the welcome sorry about your husband’s flight that is no fun at all…I hope that your knee feels better soon and holy batman you and your crunches that is some pretty good stuff

    TwinMommy2CnC-Thank you for the welcome-sounds like yall had fun with the manatees…I have only seen them in the aquarium so that I can only imagine how much fun that was for your family

    Cindylynn-Hope you can get your exercise in…it is amazing how life can get so busy and in the way all the darn time

    Annie-congrats on joining a gym that is wonderful

    Ok yesterday I did not exercise as I stated earlier but whatever was in that shot they gave me I know it was for allergies and a bit of steroids (the kind for sickness lol) made me feel really hot, hyper, I was all over the place honestly I went into the bathroom and my face and neck were just as red as if I had been working out and I was so thirsty…I got my water in I stop counting after I reach 12 servings (I drink a lot of water I am one of those people that always have a drink in their hand, purse, car, etc. if I don’t have one then I feel thirsty it is so odd)

    My husband comes back home very soon I am excited (he is just away at school but still a couple of months is a couple of months)

    Today I am going to get up and at em…today I will be working out at home (I had planned to go to the gym this morning and re-start walking but my ipod is dead I forgot to charge it and I don’t have the ability to just walk the treadmill or be on the elliptical without my armor it is hard enough to go in there feeling fat but also this is where my husband’s Soldiers workout at and they always stop and say hi which is very nice but they want to chit-chat etc and kind of ruins my workout…again I do understand they are being very nice and kind but just because I am not running like they do doesn’t mean I am not working out lol)
  • bayerngirl
    bayerngirl Posts: 44 Member
    Hi ladies,

    I had to go back to the Navel hospital in Maryland. I saw 2 ENT doctors. They wicked both my ears, arrr. My entire left side of my face is swollen, not very painful. I did menaged to get a walk and 60 min weight training in yesterday, had to stop and rest alot! But i got it in! Not sure, what cardio I will do today, but I will do something low impact?

    Hi and welcome, Texastae1010!

    Congratulations to vkcooper!

    GypsysBlood - hope you feeling better.

    myboysmomx2 - WTG on that weight loss! That's amazing!

    Waves Hallo to the rest of the group. You ladies doing great.
  • RDH77
    RDH77 Posts: 36 Member
    Hey gals, I went over on my daily cals today and I didn't work out but I still can't breath through my nose so...trying to get over whatever this bug is! At least I was able to move around today unlike yesterday. I hope tomorrow I can get a light workout in.
  • TwinMommy2CnC
    Burned 805 calories today on 2 different walks. My first walk, I used 3 lb weights and did different arm exercises in 1 minute intervals. Trying to do this 3 times this week and will try to use some bigger dumbbells next week....maybe. ;o) I have a really busy day tomorrow, and won't be home from about 8:15 am - 9:30 pm. I'm hoping to get some kind of exercise in there somewhere. We. Shall. See. Hope everyone had a great day! I'll look forward to seeing everyone's updates in the morning.