Rock That Dress Challenge! (Closed Group)



  • bayerngirl
    bayerngirl Posts: 44 Member
    Hey ladies, I am still here! Thanks for the well wishes, everyone. I still have a sinus infection, but keeping up with my workouts. Haven't lost that much weight this week. Only .2 lb!! It's better than nothing, right? My DD and I will be walking the Susan G. Komen 3-Day for the Cure this weekend (Friday, Saturday & Sunday) in DC. We will walk a total off 60 miles this weekend. So my plan is : get all my STS workouts in before Wednesday than rest for the walk. My legs are already hurting just thinking about it :smile:

    BTW, ladies you are doing fantastic with your workouts! Keep it up!
  • TwinMommy2CnC
    Burned 662 calories today walking. Have been wanting to start a new routine, but life hasn't let me. Hoping that I can get going on that tomorrow. Hope that everyone is doing well...I look forward to seeing all of the updates tomorrow. Good night Rock That Dress Ladies!!!!!
  • myboysmomx2
    myboysmomx2 Posts: 505 Member
    Hi girls!

    Sorry I've been so off the grid lately. I'm coming back, though! Thanks to all of you who have prayed for my mom and dad...your prayers are greatly appreciated. Daddy is having a slow go of it...He's like the Iwo Jima and Vietnam vets (he's a Korean War Vet himself), who just amaze me every day. It's tough to keep him down, but he's doing a little bit better today. Again...thank you for your prayers! I was not able to post my weigh in or measurements on Saturday, but here's what I lost during our first two weeks:

    WEIGHT: down .5 pounds
    Body Fat %: down 1%
    Waist: lost 0.2"
    Hips: lost 0.3"
    Arm: lost 0.3"
    Left thigh: lost 0.3"
    Right thigh: lost 0.2"

    *********************Group Update & Ticker Update************************
    We have had a request for new membership to our group. Two of our ladies have been inactive for a while. Actually margarette has never done anything with the group. She is the mom of twins and she did ask to join the group, so maybe she just needs a little encouragement. Feel free to send her a message of encouragement. Unfortunately, sparklesxo has deactivated her account with MFP. Scubaangel will be our new team member and I'm glad to welcome her...she lives in England :-) Please update your ticker to reflect her addition to the group. Remember to change the uppercase IMG to lowercase img at the beginning and end of the code.


    GOALS....Have you decided what your goals are for this week? If not, decide what you'd like to do and write it on the board. If you aim for nothing, you'll hit it every time! Although it sounds basic, my goal is to exercise Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. I want to be able to get back into the swing of things and I'm hoping my foot will rise to the occasion! I'd love to lose one pound by Thursday, but that may be setting the bar high considering my eating and lack of exercise this past week. We'll see.

    bayerngirl - How did the Susan G. Komen Walk for a Cure go in DC? I know you've been dealing with a sinus infection too. Are you better? I hate those...they really knock me down!

    vkcooper - How are you feeling in your pregnancy, and have you found your mojo again??? You can stick with need a healthy mommy so you can have a healthy baby :-)

    Janie5605 - You are THE CRUNCH QUEEN!!!!! Woo Hoo!!!! Is your knee showing improvement?

    I think you're all doing great, so keep up the good work. Thanks for your understanding when I needed to take time out to care for my parents. My dad has a long road ahead of him, so your continued prayers are welcomed and appreciated!


  • CindyLynn28
    CindyLynn28 Posts: 32 Member
    It's been a very long while since I last posted. I started making wrong choices and then got sick, so I haven't really been doing well. I'm up a lot of pounds to 163. I have to go grocery shopping tomorrow so that I can have my healthy foods stocked back up again. I sent my DH to the store when I was sick and he stocked up on processed meats and foods.

    Today I did Level 2 30 Day Shred and burned 192 calories.
  • texastae1010
    Hey all

    Yesterday I burned 1455 cleaning my house hehe ...I have to mop the rooms today and vacuum the sofas but I am guessing not going to have that kind of burn at all I guess I need to start working out again

    Whatever this crud is that I have it keeps going away and coming back just waiting for the doctors to give me the result of my CT lol

    Ok so my goals for this week are to workout at least 4 times between now and Monday normally would be more but trying to ease my body back into moving around etc.

    Welcome to scubaangel

    Cindy you can do it :)

    Myboys.. great loss especially with all that you are going through
  • scubaangel
    scubaangel Posts: 41 Member
    Thanks for the welcome ladies. I guess I've a fair bit of reading to do to catch up with you all!

    Today was my weigh in day - I use a Tuesday as it's my day off work.
    So today I'm at 11stone 3lbs, my goal is 10 stone 5lbs.

    I've only just had the go ahead from my GP to start running again so I plan on doing at least 3x1.5 mile runs this week to start getting myself back in to the habit of it, and to get out on my bike again as I haven't used it in months. I plan on running Wednesday, Friday and Sunday mornings. I'll most likely use Tuesday's as my rest day being my day off I tend to spend it doing errands or studying as I'm working on a degree with the Open University.

    The other half is away on a range day in preparation for deploying next spring so I've dug out an exersize DVD and planning to complete the warm up section this afternoon will post back later with a rough working at calories burned.
  • myboysmomx2
    myboysmomx2 Posts: 505 Member
    Today we power walked 6.5 miles and I burned 985 calories in 1 hr. 45 minutes. The reason my calories burned today is because I worked out in my aerobic zone for so long. It was a REALLY TOUGH workout! Here are the numbers: 985 calories & 127g of fat burned. Average pace per mile 16:01 minutes. Average speed per mile 3.75 mph. I worked out below my HR zone for 1 minute 45 seconds, in my HR zone for 7 minutes, 42 seconds, and above my HR zone for 1 hour 37 minutes. I don't know if my HR spiked right from the start because I haven't formally worked out in a week, or if it was due to a combination of heat/humidity, and the sun bearing down on us at times. My husband and I called our son and had him bring us some water to finish out the workout.

    Today was also my first day walking on my bad foot since going to the podiatrist again yesterday. He gave me my first cortisone shot which also had something else that helps to break up scar tissue. My foot felt FANTASTIC, only a small amount of pain on the outer right side of the heel. I was able to walk properly without turning my foot in or out to alleviate the shooting pain in my heel (which did not exist today). First time that's happened in MONTHS! YAY! I recommend that if you're dealing with a nagging foot or knee injury, go see a podiatrist & have them custom fit you with inserts for your shoes and give you a shot if necessary or go see an orthopedic specialist. It's better to begin healing your body from the start rather than allow it to get worse!

    Welcome again to scubaangel!!!! For us Americans, can you please clarify how many pounds are in a stone???? I've seen other MFP users use that term before and I don't understand ;-) Thanks!

    CindyLynn - I'm glad you're feeling better. I know from personal experience that it's still easy for me after all this time to make poor food choices when that type of food is available to me in my own home. Glad to hear you feel good enough to go shopping and make some wise buying decisions :-) Glad to have you back girl!

    Texastae - Keep us posted about what the doc says. Hope you feel 100% soon. Until then proceed with caution and take good care of yourself!
  • scubaangel
    scubaangel Posts: 41 Member
    I think its about 14lb to a stone, I'll try to work it out to make life easier for all of us but was having a brain fart earlier and couldn't do it in my head, lol. So if my math(s) is right thats
    11stone 3lb = 157lb
    making my goal 10stone 5lbs =145lb

    Decided to take advantage of the semi decent weather and went for a run this afternoon instead of using the DVD, 16 mins 1.39mile burning 169 calories.
  • Janie5605
    Janie5605 Posts: 182 Member
    I am not weighing in until my vacay is over BUT today I burned 1423 calories (still need to log it on here) according to my HRM I borrowed from my sister! I thought to myself how the hell did i gain so much weight when i was working this hard 5 days a week (I worked a shift at my family restaurant today) then i realized...oh ya we own a pizza place with amazing beer....that 1400 cals burned gets eating along with some of its friends.

    Doing surprisingly well overall even being on a "break" this week! My knee is killing me but thankfully they uped the pain killers :) So Im a happy camper.
  • RDH77
    RDH77 Posts: 36 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    Did pretty well today. Decided to go for a run today outside and really enjoyed it! I haven't run in well over a week. Did 2.23 miles for about 27 mins and burned about 286 cals. I just took it easy and walked for about 60 secs twice to get my heart rate down a bit. Tomorrow will be a TRX day. As far as goals, right now my goal is to get back to working out at least 5 days a week. I think 6 days a week for me is just too much. I really don't need to get sick again. So yesterday was a rest day for me.
  • scubaangel
    scubaangel Posts: 41 Member
    Felt a bit lazy this morning so had a light lunch (meant to be cheese and crackers but my beloved had taken all the cheese to work with him), and made my walk home from work a run the long way around this evening. So in 16.33 I did 1.44 miles, burning 175 calories.

    I think I'll try to get the bike out tomorrow to give my poor ankles a break before they start protesting.
  • vkcooper
    Alright ladies! Tomorrow I am back on the band wagon. Doctor got everything cleared up today and am I am back on regular work outs just not allowed to cut calories anymore. So goal for this week to excersise Thurs fri sat and sun. Thanks for the encouragement ladies!!
  • RDH77
    RDH77 Posts: 36 Member
    Good day today. Burned 430 cals and stayed within my daily food cal limit. Tomorrow is going to be a rest day. I feel run down today and I really don't want to get sick again. Might just go for a walk with the dog...
  • myboysmomx2
    myboysmomx2 Posts: 505 Member
    Great day today, just long. I was on my feet for 10.5 hours of food prep and cleaning. We served over 110 people at our church tonight for our youth mission trip fundraiser. We did REALLY well! To God be the glory! Although I had no formal exercise, I burned a lot of calories. I only counted 5 hours worth. No biggie.

    Hope all of you are doing well....I look forward to reading your posts EVERY DAY! Keep up the good work ladies! Gonna catch some zzzzzzzz's now.

  • bayerngirl
    bayerngirl Posts: 44 Member
    Hi girls,

    I lost 3 lb since last week, not bad. I will do the walking the Susan G.Koman 3 day walk for the Cure starting Friday to Sunday. We will walk 60 miles. I need some good vibes for the walk. I will be back on Monday.

    Everyone is doing fantastic this week, keep it up!
  • TwinMommy2CnC
    The past 2 days have been a bummer for me in the exercise department. It has been raining during my "walking times"! Boo! ...and the rest of the days have been filled with life. :wink: Hoping that the weather will hold out today and let me get my walk in. Other than that, I have been staying under my calorie goal and drinking lots of water.

    Everyone has been doing great! So proud of all of you!:flowerforyou: KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK!!!!
  • myboysmomx2
    myboysmomx2 Posts: 505 Member
    @bayerngirl....I'm sorry, I though you already did the walk, but it's coming up this weekend? I know you'll do an amazing job, so go out there and get 'em! ;-)

    I shopped today, but didn't do formal exercise. I was honestly so tired from yesterday that I took a nap because I was falling asleep anyway. I took the boys out for pizza tonight because my husband was training with the guys all day at work and he wanted me to come eat with them. We had a good time, but my calories weren't good!

    Hope all of you had a good day today!
  • myboysmomx2
    myboysmomx2 Posts: 505 Member
    It's time to start dress shopping for the Marine Corps Birthday Ball! YAY ME!!!! All of this hard work exercising & counting calories that I've put in over the last several months has paid off. I just can't wait until next week when I shop with a friend of mine who is a female Marine. My how times have changed....I used to HATE trying on clothes in the dressing room, but not anymore! We're gonna have FUN together! Woot! Woot!

    How is everyone doing today??? Weigh in is tomorrow! Hope all of you had a great week reaching your goals :-)
  • scubaangel
    scubaangel Posts: 41 Member
    Had a bit of a shocking day calorie wise today but knew it would be as I was out for coffee with some other military partners after work, but did at least get a short walk in (about 1.5 mile) would have tried to go further but was wearing some seriously impractical flip flops. This weeks plan is that when I next go do some shopping I'll get a tape measure and try to get an idea of what inches I'm losing and from where as I'm sure my waist has got smaller as I wore a belt over my dress last night when I met some of my other half's friends for a quick drink and last time I wore it I had holes to spare but last night it was on the last hole and loose. :D
  • RDH77
    RDH77 Posts: 36 Member
    Well, no weight lost this week so still at 174lbs. Had a better track record with working out this week. Today I did a 2 mile run and just had lead in my legs. Just wasn't feeling it. I had done a lower body workout the day before and I guess my legs just weren't ready to deal with running. Tomorrow is my rest day and I can tell I need it. One of my goals next week is to get back to eating my dinner for breakfast and a salad at dinner time, kinda of fell of the wagon a bit with that. I hope everyone has a great weekend and great week coming up!