Rock That Dress Challenge! (Closed Group)



  • myboysmomx2
    myboysmomx2 Posts: 505 Member
    Hi everyone! It looks like everyone is really doing GREAT! Even those of you who have had a really bad day emotionally decided to take your frustrations out on exercise. I know that's tough, but I also think that your body and mind are better off getting some of that stress out through exercise. I'll keep you all in my prayers tonight as we work through hard times and heartaches together.

    I did stay within my calorie goal today, but BARELY. I really indulged with the family tonight because we enjoyed pizza and Mochi frozen yogurt. Thank goodness I worked out extra today because otherwise I would have been over by a few hundred calories. I'm curious to see what will happen with my personal/official weigh in day on Thursday. I bought another Gator game day shirt tonight. It's an incredible feeling to enjoy trying on clothes again after so many years (13 to be exact) of feeling depressed in the dressing rooms. Keep pressing on toward your're gonna love clothes shopping too!
  • CindyLynn28
    CindyLynn28 Posts: 32 Member
    Hey Ladies!

    Today was so-so. I stayed within my calorie goal, but went over 2 on fat and almost 200 for sodium. I forgot to take ground turkey down for dinner before I left to do last minute school shopping and had my DH pick up Popeye's for dinner. I'm sad because it usually tastes so good, but I was just thinking how I should have made better food choices than that and didn't really enjoy it. That has to be progress, right?! :laugh:

    I burned 230 calories today walking/jogging while my oldest rode his bike for 37 minutes. It was a nice little change of pace from doing my Jillian workouts and it was great to spend some extra time with my big boy. (He starts 1st grade tomorrow and we had to get rid of some jitters.)

    Tomorrow was supposed to be a rest day, but I think today was so I'm going to do whatever is scheduled for my 30 Day Slimdown. For the challenge, I think I'm going to try to add 30min of elliptical to my daily workouts.

    Hope you guys are all doing well!
  • MereMe
    MereMe Posts: 312 Member
    1127 burned today! TurboFire, tennis, and Pygmy Challenge got me there! Under cal & 11 glasses of water! :)
  • MereMe
    MereMe Posts: 312 Member
    Having an emotional sisters dog died (I know it sounds pathetic but he was just amazing and such a part of the family he came into our lives when i was having a particularly difficult time and its just heartbreaking) and my physical therapist implied strongly i have serious permanent damage to my i got into serious work out mode

    Today I did-
    500 crunches
    200 leg lifts
    200 push ups
    100 chair presses
    and walked 4 miles...debating a 5th...

    all in all i burned 683 cals

    I've had some trouble eating today with all the crap news but will be having a nice big healthy dinner. Hubs is flying so i might crank out some more crunches as well before he gets home. Old Jane would have ate away her sorrows new Jane clearly has a work out addiction...all in all i call it a win...minus the crap news

    Sorry about the dog :/
    Way to work it out anyway & stay strong! My workout feels wimpy after reading all your reps!
  • Annie5859
    Annie5859 Posts: 280 Member
    Today I went to the gym and burned 286 calories. 30 minutes elliptical machine and 10 minutes weights.
  • GypsysBlood
    GypsysBlood Posts: 42 Member
    Had an ok day, burned about 400 calories dancing in my house while doing some cleaning, didn't make it to the gym after work like I wanted (I get off work at 9 and it closes at 10). Stayed under my calories and drank a bunch of water :-) Hoping for a better day tomorrow
  • Lis73
    Hey ladies,

    Does anyone know if I can get to this message board through the mobile app to make it easier for me to keep up with everyone here? We tend to keep the desktop computers off in an attempt to save money on our power bill. (not that we have seen a difference yet.)

    I have been completing my food & exercise dairy everyday for the last 5 days. It is a big feat for me to faithfully have kept track of that for myself for 5 days. I have been under calories and have been meeting my 30 minutes of exercise and sometimes exceeding. I really have a struggle with drinking water or any fluid other then a cup of coffee in the morning.

    I am in awe of you moms that are able to get in so much exercise time. I am highly impressed and encouraged by you.

    Here is some info I got in a report on MFP for my exercise so far today & this week:

    Daily Minutes:
    Total / Goal
    105 / 30

    Daily Calories Burned:
    Total / Goal
    967 / 228

    Weekly Minutes:
    Total / Goal
    360 / 150

    Weekly Calories Burned:
    Total / Goal
    2629 / 1140

    I biked to the park this morning & then power walked with friends. I do SO much better when I go with friends - I feed off of their motivation. I'm going to try to walk 4 days a week with a friend after we drop our children off at school. Our goal is 2 miles each day power walking.
  • Lis73
    A neighbor of mine told me that if you start getting involved in doing local 5K events that you kind of get 'addicted' to doing them and that it's a good way to continue to strive to maintain exercising. Not sure but I've been thinking about doing one to see what I think. I found this one locally, coming up next month. I like the idea of family friendly.

    The Chomp Cancer 5k is a fun, healthy and kid friendly event catering to runners, health walkers and families who seek to raise their heart rates and have the heart to support a noble cause. The Chomp Cancer 5k also doubles as a fundraiser that will help fund the UF & Shands Cancer Center.

    $25 to pre-register

    When:Saturday, October 15, 2011 8:00 AM
    Where:Fort White, FL
    (Community Center- off of SW SR 47)
  • GypsysBlood
    GypsysBlood Posts: 42 Member
    A neighbor of mine told me that if you start getting involved in doing local 5K events that you kind of get 'addicted' to doing them and that it's a good way to continue to strive to maintain exercising. Not sure but I've been thinking about doing one to see what I think. I found this one locally, coming up next month. I like the idea of family friendly.

    The Chomp Cancer 5k is a fun, healthy and kid friendly event catering to runners, health walkers and families who seek to raise their heart rates and have the heart to support a noble cause. The Chomp Cancer 5k also doubles as a fundraiser that will help fund the UF & Shands Cancer Center.

    $25 to pre-register

    When:Saturday, October 15, 2011 8:00 AM
    Where:Fort White, FL
    (Community Center- off of SW SR 47)

    I have also been thinking about doing one. There is a C25K program that takes you from Couch to 5K in 9 weeks, I am hoping to start it today. We have a Trick or Treat 5k here on Halloween and everyone is in costume :-) Should be pretty motivating!

    here is the link to the website that has the training plan
  • Janie5605
    Janie5605 Posts: 182 Member
    Today I burned about 750 cals....i need to get a hrm to know better! I feel like i burnt more!!! anyway heres what I did today!

    400 crunches (gonna try to crank out another 100 before going to deadly game night)
    200 leg lifts
    200 chair presses
    200 push ups
    200 toe touches
    walked 4 miles (will get in another mile before the end of the night

    I'm under on my cals thus far but have Game night with the girls which always proves difficult. I just wish theyd all join me here on MFP...we could all use it plus they keep saying how they need to lose weight!

    Today has been productive all the way around. All our laundry is done, kitchen is spotless, i've worked out tons, AND most importantly husband is cranking out another flight! He's got a couple more scheduled this week so if thats the case we're out of phase two of training and quicky phase three is next! with ALS right after he finishes training I have a sneaky feeling we will be PCSing by the end of the year and not Feb like we thought originally! Now if theyd only give us our orders so i know where we're moving!

    Doing a lot better on the dog front, talked to my sister she's not so hot. We're getting a portrait done for her of Jack...and i realize how crazy i sound lol but he was a freakin great dog! just a small 8x10 so im just 8x10 crazy. we're also making a headstone for him for up at the cabin where he passed and was buried. I feel like i've gotten so much taken care of if i could kick this Cheetos cravng
  • Annie5859
    Annie5859 Posts: 280 Member
    Went for a 80 minute walk today and burned 315 calories.
  • myboysmomx2
    myboysmomx2 Posts: 505 Member
    Hi ladies,

    I honestly don't have time to read your posts tonight but I will in the morning. I'm trying to get billing out for work and today is my husband's last day of vacation. Things have been crazy around here. I burned 376 calories today doing weightlifting. I am making progress in the strength department. Boy do I have a long ways to go, but I'm pushing myself (my upper body strength is pretty pathetic), but I'm starting to notice a TINY difference in my arms. At least it's a difference in the right direction though. Wednesday night suppers started back at our church tonight (all proceeds go to our youth mission trips each year), so we always go to support that and enjoy fellowship with friends too. I had some fantastic baked ziti tonight and I thoroughly enjoyed. All in all it was a great day. I'm just so ready for bed. Can't wait to read your posts tomorrow :-)
  • CindyLynn28
    CindyLynn28 Posts: 32 Member
    Yesterday I said I was going to workout, but today was my rest day and I took it. I stayed within my calories today. I would have been way under, but decided that I deserved a treat and had a little ice cream. Oh so delicious....

    Tomorrow I'm back to the 30 Day Slimdown and I'm actually looking forward to it!
  • TwinMommy2CnC
    Didn't get a chance to get back on the computer last night...I'm with Lis, wishing I could do it from my phone would make it a whole lot easier.

    Yesterday was technically supposed to be my rest day, but had a rough afternoon and decided I NEEDED my walk last night! I burned 516 calories during my 65 minute walk. I also drank 10 glasses of water. Looking forward to today and actually getting to do a workout DVD and still go for my evening walk as well. HAVE A GREAT DAY EVERYBODY!
  • bayerngirl
    bayerngirl Posts: 44 Member
    Hi ladies,

    I couldn't check in my internet was down. Hate when that happends! This week is my recovery week from Cathe Friederich's STS. No heavy lifting for me this week, only cardio. I been doing Jillian Michelas 30 Day Shred, I am on Level 2 Day 6 or 7 today? Can't remember. I am also walking my dogs, if it's not raining. I will be back later, if my internet stays up? Have a wonderful day, ladies!
  • TwinMommy2CnC
    Good thing I worked out on my rest day yesterday because I didn't get in any today. One of my sons started coming down with something yesterday and I think I woke up with it this morning. I drank 10 glasses of water and am hopeful to get a work out in tomorrow. :o)
  • myboysmomx2
    myboysmomx2 Posts: 505 Member
    Didn't take my "day off" from exercise yesterday, so I did it today. Went over on calories today, but it wasn't by too much. Definitely could have made better food choices, but I was too tired to make a better dinner tonight. Been up since before 5:30 a.m. BLAH! On a positive note, I lost 2.5 pounds and 1.1" overall this past week (my normal weigh-in and measurement days are Thursdays). I think the fact that I evened out my walking/stepping/weightlifting really helped me a lot. Hoping for more results like this again next week. We'll see.....

    Hope y'all are all doing well...I'm getting to bed early tonight to try and catch up on some sleep then it's back early to work tomorrow. We will be having a weekend filled with FOOTBALL. High school game tomorrow night, then my son and his best friend are going to the Gator game on Saturday. Aaaaahhhh,.......I LOVE this time of year!!!!!
  • RDH77
    RDH77 Posts: 36 Member
    Hello gals! I took a rest day yesterday due to an overloaded schedule and a rest day today because I'm PMS'ing and I have a migraine. Working out was pretty much not going to happen. HOWEVER, tomorrow I will be back at it. I ate like junk yesterday but am back on track with some advice from my doctor today. I was telling her about my last three months and how I've lost like 2 lbs and maybe an inch or two and how I feel like it's just not working. She wants me to try to have dinner for breakfast, lunch is lunch, and dinner is to be a salad with fruit and nuts or vegetables and a fruit. I'm to eat like this for the next 21 days to help restart my metabolism. She thinks I may have stalled myself out because *wait for it* I wasn't eating enough to support the exercise I've been doing. So, no deli meat for lunch, low sodium foods, with an emphasis on protein and healthy fats and on workout days I need to eat at least 1800 calories, for the next 21 days to see if that helps. I knew all this going into it but have really not been watching my diet as well as I could have. Kept thinking I could just work out like a fiend and eat whatever I wanted as long as I watched the calories. Well, that's not I'll be trying this out for the next couple of weeks to see. Wish me luck, eating that chicken breast this morning was beyond bizarre! LOL!
  • CindyLynn28
    CindyLynn28 Posts: 32 Member
    RDH77: I hope that these next 21 days help to jumpstart your weight loss!! :)

    Today was a good day. I burned 461 calories doing both Level 2 Ripped in 30 and then 30 minutes on the elliptical. I did very well for my food, too. I'm off to shower and go to bed. I've gone to bed at midnight or later the last two nights and have to be awake at 0630. It has caught up with me today. I'm so tired!

    See you ladies later.
  • vkcooper
    I burned 286 calories walking this morning. I have so far this week walked 8 miles... wow never thought that would happen! But I feel great stayed within my calories. Since this is all women I think I can confess... I am late and might be pregnant. I keep peeing on sticks but they all say negative. I kind of hope I am, but am nervous because of how my last pregnancy/birth went. I hope I figure this out within the week to ensure the workouts and eating I am doing is healthy if I am, and if I am not then I can keep going.