

  • I have this one as well and love it! I got it on Amazon for a little bit more...wish I found it for this price! But make sure to get one with a chest strap. I bought the one from Wal-Mart and it was ok but not very accurate.
    in HRM? Comment by adrienne4791 April 2011
  • I wear my HRM when I do it. I did this workout today and I love it. You still work up a great sweat! I weigh 235 and I burn 315 calories doing 50 minutes. Thats including the 5 min warm up and the 5 min cool down:) Hope that gives you an idea of how to log it!
  • Best thing since sliced bread :laugh: But yes...there is a ton of post on there about the Shred DVD and its worth looking into. I own it and Love it! Jillian Michaels is a great trainer.
  • Polar brand is awesome! You can find some pretty inexpensive too. But always look for one with the chest strap, they are the best for tracking your HRM and calories burned :)
    in HRM Comment by adrienne4791 March 2011
  • Gross! But I knew about that as well. Someone had posted a video on youtube of footage on how long those patties last....make you think before going out to McDonalds for lunch or dinner....Cut off fast food after that! LOL
  • I should have put on here that I have the machines at home with my weight and height programed into them...oops...But MFP tells me more calories than my HRM. I also got mine on amazon for a great price. Make sure you get a chest strap one though :)
  • You look like a whole new person! And younger too! Great job :happy: Your an inspiration!
  • I would just go by the machines for now..I've found them to be closer than MFP. Thats what I did and when I got my HRM, its was only off by 20-30 calories from the machines. But HRM is the best way to see calories burned. I know you can also type the question in google or yahoo and they have estimates for your weight and…
  • Great advice! When I get depressed or down, I eat too but keeping myself busy helps. I got into some great books or I just hop on the trendmill and blast that music to get my mind off of whats keeping me down. But being outdoors and going for walks is also a great way to clear your mind. Best of luck to you!
  • After I do the Shred, I get on my trendmill for a half hour :) So it evens it out with teh other DVD's. They are great workouts and happy to see I'm not alone in the workouts. They are intense! But sooo worth it. Thanks for all the responses!
  • My boyfriend does it with me and loves it! He said it makes him sweat and he feels he gets a great workout. He is a mountain bike rider and he does the 30 Day Shred with me in the winter to get a great core workout. So hope that helps!
  • My fav workout! Great colorie burn and now starting to see toneness after 2 weeks :) Hopefully you'll enjoy it as much as I do! That step up to level 2 is a killer though! LOL
  • I'm right there with ya on this one. Been weighing in for 3 weeks and did great and this week, gained 3 lbs back. It was an off week for me though. Have you changed up yoru workouts at all? Are you making sure your getting enough water?
  • Welcome! This is a great start to a new beginning and you'll love the support and motivation you get here as well :happy:
  • I love my cast iron as well. My boyfriend bought me a great cast iron griddle that flips over for a grill side. That thing is magic! Can cook anything but does require maintance and care but will last a lifetime unlike non stick pans. I use non stick as well but noticed replacement every couple of years. Cast iron can be…
  • The Biggest Loser cookbooks help me quite a bit. I'm a HUGE picky eater but after trying the recipes in there, I am now in love with veggies :) One of my new favorites is the Southwestern Chicken Pile-up. I am full right away and my whole family loves it as well. You can find the cookbooks cheap on Amazon but I know food…
  • Its funny you mentioned this because it was showing I have 1400 calories left for the day after exercise and there is no way I'm gonna eat those! Decided on eating a meal replacement bar which is around 400 calories and call it good. I wouldn't worry about eating all those calories :smile:
  • Yummmmm. very good tip! Root Beer Floats are one of my favs but haven't been able to have one that would be lower in calories. Thanks you! :happy:
  • Sounds like a plan!
  • Neverdone WW but from watching friends do it, then ended up wasting their money because they gained all the weight back. I think that comes from not enough support as well...But this is a free site and has great insight on some awesome workouts that help keep that weight off. Not only that, there is a ton of supportive…
  • LOL Its called "Closer". Great song! I have every album by NIN as well. Great motivating music!
  • I'm a Lady Gaga fan myself and whenever I hear her music, makes me wanna dance and I feel empowered! LOL. Also love Shakiras "Hips don't lie". Well I love just about anything from her as well. Man...I can go on and on because I love Beyonce "Single ladies" also LOL But thats my workout playlist and I chose them because…
  • You look great! And look younger as well! made a huge difference. Thank you for posting and motivating the rest of us :happy:
  • I sooo badly want this for the US. Sounds yummy!
  • Welcome :)
  • When you lose the weight slowly, it gives your skin a chance to also shrink up a bit. I've seen lots of people that have had the baratric surgery and have all this leftover skin and its because it cant bouce back fast enough with the weight. And I've seen people lose the weight slowly and the skin bounces back with them so…
  • My poster is pictures of Jillian Micheals and Lance Armstrong. They are my fav motivators! I just cut pics out of magazines and printed some off the computer with sayings that encourage me to keep going! I also have a ton of artwork thats bright and colorful. I also included pics of myself working out or riding my bike…
  • :happy: My workout room has 2 trainers (one for me and one for my boyfriend) for spinning, a trendmill, laptop, 2 big mirrors and I made a motivational poster myself :) Also has a TV and DVD player. Its kinda crowded right now because We store some stuff in there from our tattoo shop. But hopefully we can get more use out…
  • Started Level 2 today but I alternate my workouts from this to trendmill to spinning. Great workouts! 30 Day Shred is an awesome start! I acn help motivate :)