

  • I have always love spinning/cycling classes at the gym but now I don't really have time for the gym so I do workout dvds after the kids are in bed. I have mostly Jillian Michael's & Jackie Warner's workouts. I love the dvd's I have by these trainer's b/c they are 30 minutes long & very effective (if you eat right).
  • Hi my name is Rachel. I am 32 & a FT working mom of 2 children 2 years old & 10 month's old. I have lost 27lbs so far after giving birth to my 2nd child. I have lost almost 40lbs after having my first child so I am determind to do it a second time around. I am almost to my goal weight, I only have 4 more pounds to go!!!!
    in Intros Comment by rache12581 March 2013
  • www.freedieting.com is also a good tool
  • The same thing happened to me before. I have learned that my body gets stuck in a plateau if I do the same workout routine longer that two weeks. It sounds like your body is getting used to the same workout routine. Try doing something different from running, like a workout class or dvd. You could also try zig-zagging your…
  • I found this on freedieting.com, I believe it to be true If a bodybuilder measured their BMI, they would show up as obese. This is obviously not true. It is difficult to apply a "one-size-fits-all" to unique body types. Some ethnic groups also have denser and heavier bone structure which can skew the results even more.
  • Try starting out with Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred dvd. It's 27 minutes long & it has 3 levels. I now do all of her dvds & have lost 28 lbs since Jan. 4th & have amazing muscle tone b/c Jillian focuses on strength training, cardio, & abs.
  • I don't think I will join your challenge b/c now I have moved onto a different routine. However I LOVED using 30 day shred then Ripped in 30. As you can see from my results listed below I got awesome results & look better than I ever have (better than my h/s ballerina days b/c I am more toned as well). Good luck to all of…
  • if your going over on things like fruits I wouldn't worry too much. As long as your staying under your you daily calorie goal & your not going way overboard on the sugar you should be fine :wink:
  • mine veries but it always includes fiber bars (which helps keep you full) and green giant frozen broccoli & cheese just one packages (only 40 calories) it makes a good side dish
  • I LOVE pizza too. Here is what I do...I buy a boboli whole wheat crust. Mids pizza sauce (b/c it's lowest in calories). Top with a fat free mozerrella cheese. I try to load with veggies & go a little lighter on the cheese. If you want meat on it try using turkey pepperoni (it's right next to the regualar stuff) or italian…
  • I make a "healthy" Mexican meal at home once a week. Basically using the same tips you just posted. And it's sooo good that I don't feel like I'm missing out on anything at all! I am also lucky my husband is a hunter b/c if I get sick of chicken instead of ground beef we eat venison tacos. It's good for you & I think it…
  • I LOVE this topic!!! It's funny you poted this b/c I was just telling my husband "hey look at my 2 pack & my guns " lol. I even love watching my biceps in the mirror as I put my hair in a ponytail. Boy do I sound silly or what!!! But hey I'm finally happy & proud!
  • I have a really busy work schedule too & by the time I come home the last thing I want to do is work out. I have fallen in LOVE w/Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred & her Ripped in 30 dvds. They are 27 minutes long perfect for morning workouts. I have amazing results. Not only did I lose 1 -2lbs a week but my muscle tone is…
  • Believe it or not I used see Doctors & nurses in the CARDIOLOGY Department who eat the absolute worst (mostly b/c vendors would buy them luch everyday)...everything one of the staff member were overweight there. I don't think I'd take advice from that hospital that I used to work at. Your post made me laugh, you deffianly…
  • I notice when I don't eat them back I tend not to lose any weight that week I don't usually eat them ALL back but a pretty good portion of it though
  • I did 30 ds for the month of Jan. I noticed my biceps were a lot more toned by the end. I also noticed a huge diffence in both my quads, ham strings, & glutes (muscle tone is more defined).... I guess you could say it works pretty good.
  • I agree, I've NEVER had sucess w/diet pills. I've only had sucess doing it the old fashioned way exercise & counting calories.
  • Keep up the good work Sarah! I'm so proud of you! It's nice to have a friend/fellow mom going through the same thing I am. I also love the support I'm getting from you & fellow MFP's. Let's continue this journey together & reach our goal by June 1st "to be fit & healthy mama's & be a good example to our children". Cheers…
  • I am a huge Jillian fan too. You can't go wrong w/her dvd's. I lost 10 pounds last month just from doing 30 day shred & that's only a 27 minute workout!
  • my lasest obession is egg white omlettes w/ red, green & orange peppers & a little bit of a low fat cheese
  • Everyone is right, you nedd at least 1200 calories! Especially if your working out. I hope you give it a try, I promise it will work. This happened to me once too. Good Luck!
  • :smile: Yes, remember as soon as you stop nursing to not eat those extra calories you needed while nursing! I was so close to losing my all my pregnancy weight & 2 months after I stopped nursing I put at least 12 lbs back on....but that was due to unhealthy eating & lack of exercise. If you continue to track your calories…
  • Detroit is getting a bad snow storm tomorrow. I will have the day off but be spending it w/my 5 month old son. I plan to do Jillian Michaels Banish Fat Boost Metabolism dvd while my baby takes a nap
  • I am on day 29 of 30 day shred & I have lost 9lbs so far. I tried NMTZ & BFBM over the last 2 week each just once so far. NMTZ is almost like 30ds w/out the cardio circuits & it's longer (about 40 minutes I think). BFBM is all cardio & about 45 minutes. Both were quite challenging but I plan to alternate these dvds along…
  • I am confused about the exact same thing...intrested to read responses to this
  • I have that game & I haven't seen that option yet. I hope you get an answer soon b/c it sounds cool
  • My name is Rachel. I have a 5 month old son. I recently started exercising again in Jan. 4th since then I have lost 9 lbs doing Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred & counting calories. My goal is to lose 25 lbs total
  • I decided to start adding 30 minutes next week b/c that's when I'll be done w/30 day shred & I'll be ready to take on something new. My next weigh in is tomorrow & I have already lost 9 pounds during the month of Jan.
  • I said no to fast food for the month of Jan. & am determined to say no again in Feb. :)
  • Thanks everyone, I decided to speak to a PT tonight. Sarah I can't use those exercise balls....I tend to fall off them b/c I'm too clumsy! That's why my sis can't go to the gym w/me she laughs to hard lol