Too much sugar?

My sugar goal is only 24g per day and i'm really struggling to manage to achieve it! I seem to be eating almost double the amount of sugar i am supposed to be but the only really sugary foods i eat is fruit. Will this prevent me from loosing weight?


  • carlfry
    carlfry Posts: 62
    Fruits and vegetables have NATURAL sugars. The only sugar you want to worry about is added/processed sugars - pop, juice, candy, etc. Eat your 5 servings of fruits and veggies everyday.. they will help with weight loss, not damper it!
  • VixFit2011
    VixFit2011 Posts: 663 Member
    Fruits and vegetables have NATURAL sugars. The only sugar you want to worry about is added/processed sugars - pop, juice, candy, etc. Eat your 5 servings of fruits and veggies everyday.. they will help with weight loss, not damper it!

    This is true.
  • JasminAndera
    Okay thats good then, thank you :)
  • BlessedMomX2
    BlessedMomX2 Posts: 242 Member
    I am curious to know as well. thanks for asking
  • skelly013
    skelly013 Posts: 12 Member
    I have the same problem as 2 plums per day has been getting me close to my max. I think I go over daily on my sugars making berry shakes and eating plums, strawberries, apples and other fruits. I usually just look up the list as to where the sugar came from and if I see over 10 on any single item that is not a fruit or veggies I try to cut that out in the future.
  • mierla
    mierla Posts: 25
    THANKYOU for asking this!! This has been really confusing me!!!
  • rache12581
    rache12581 Posts: 54
    if your going over on things like fruits I wouldn't worry too much. As long as your staying under your you daily calorie goal & your not going way overboard on the sugar you should be fine :wink:
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    I know the sugar thing is hard.
    I'm having trouble hitting my MFP sugar goals, but...

    1ST & FOREMOST the question to ask is...

    As long as you are doing better than you were you can continue to make adjustments. You don't have to do it all at once. Experiment and tweak and find out what works best for you.

    I track sugar for 2 reasons.
    1) Sugar increase the appetite
    2) Type II Diabetics runs in the family
    (Lots of people here make a distinction between natural and processed sugars.
    Fruit has nutritional benefits that make the sugar a worthwhile trade-off, but it's still sugar)

    Not meeting your MFP goals shouldn't prevent you from losing weight if you've improved in comparison to how you were eating before.

    Now that I'm limiting calories, I'm more inclined to watch my sugar, because if I don't I'm always hungry.
    So, I'm eating less and a smaller percent of that is sugar. So bit by bit I look for small ways to improve.

  • didazzles
    didazzles Posts: 13
    Hey there. I had always believed what others are posting about not worrying about natural sugars. I'll share with you information that my nutritionist shared with me just last week. The nutrients in fruits and vegetables help your body to eliminate some of their sugar, but my nutritionist indicated that I should not eat more than 2 fruit servings, not even fruits, a day . Mine you, she gave me a brochure that presented serving sizes for different fruits and the amounts vary (see the American Dietic Association for serving sizes). If you manage to limit your fruit servings to two a day, the natural sugars in the veggies should be manageable. However, she indicated that that natural sugars ARE to be counted The reason is that sugar, as you know, is a carbohydrate and therefore needs monitoring because our bodies do not differientiate the source of the sugar (or carb); the same cleansing is done by your kidneys and liver. It's a difficult dilemma which I also face - that's one reason I asked the nutritionist about natural sugars in fruits and veggies. I tend to try to stay within my sugar limit set by MFP, but don't stress if I don't make it every so often (day a week). Anyway, I hope this helps. I'm trying to learn how to create a lifestyle that works for me, obtain information from professionals and share it as I learned it. I think it's up to each individual to use it in the best way possible for them. We are all so different in our lifestyles (types and quantities of exercise, # of meals a day, times meals eaten, etc.) that I think it's best to take the information and determine how best your body works with it. Good luck to you!!!