So am I suppose to be upping my net calories to lose weight?

So I have been reading and reading about being stuck and plateaus etc because yeah you guessed it! I am stuck- I even gained a few pounds! I have been very dedicated except for 2 weeks I had to go away for a business/vacation trip where we walked and walked and walked but didn't always make the best food choices . I have been running 4 times a week- 3 to 5 miles per run, added some weight training (very slowly because I had a surgery last fall where I have been on restrictions for 1 year) but I tried eating 1200 net, then 1350 net, I have tried saying I am lightly active (I am a stay at home mom with a very active 8 year old) and then tried for sedentary and for a short time I was at 137-138 and then when it got really hot for some reason I shot up to 142 where I still am. So I upped my water- trying to drink at least 8 glasses to 12 glasses per day. Nothing! Nothing moving. Oh and yes I take my measurements too. Those haven't changed either. Its my last 10-12 lbs. I am really not sure what to do. Help!!!!!


  • dragonz11
    dragonz11 Posts: 57 Member
    bump im in the same boat as u
  • anna_lisa
    anna_lisa Posts: 486 Member
  • wildestian
    wildestian Posts: 188 Member
    Maybe try Zig-zag calories? It's starting to work for me, the scale finally started to move after a MONTH!
  • rache12581
    rache12581 Posts: 54
    The same thing happened to me before. I have learned that my body gets stuck in a plateau if I do the same workout routine longer that two weeks. It sounds like your body is getting used to the same workout routine. Try doing something different from running, like a workout class or dvd. You could also try zig-zagging your calories.
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    In my opinion you have jumped around too much.

    You need to pick the goals that work for you. The daily habits (sedentary etc.) only influence the exercise goals for each week. It's based on if you have a desk job or a job where you are staying still.

    So pick a goal using the tools on MFP. Set it to be 1lb per week of weight loss. Stick to that plan. Log every workout, log every bite of food. Drink when you are thirsty--don't force yourself to drink as much water as you are. Just stay hydrated and sip water all day long. Meet the goals MFP gives you. Don't fall below after a workout is logged. Don't jump around. Be patient and stick to it for a few will see results. Also, remember the quality of calories matter. Try to eat every few hours and make sure to eat healthy unprocessed food as snacks.

    It's tough, but you have to be patient. I hear you on the difficulties of staying on track while traveling. That's my biggest downfall.

    Also, I have my lifestyle set at sedentary and most weeks I go over my workout calorie burned and minutes goal. Even though I get some sort of exercise in each day my job is a desk job so in fact I am sedentary and not working on my feet.
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    Also, here's a post where you might find some guidance: