Need some help developing a good weight loss/muscle conditio

Hi ladies and gents,

I am joining a Roller Derby team in the UK, and am a little out of shape.
Ok that was an understatement. I am rather out of shape :P

I'm 24, female, and currently weighing 221lbs (15stone 11lbs). I had a child almost 3 years ago and am carrying excess weight around my midrift. I fell into some bad habits, skipping meals, starving myself, fasting, over exercising in order to lose weight which worked for a matter of days and it all came piling back on again.
I know it was a stupid thing to do, so I'd really appreciate some helpful comments rather than "Don't do that" lol

I need help building a good meal plan and exercise plan to lose excess fat and gain the right muscles. I am slightly lactose intolerate, and also have issues with eggs and fish, is this going to be detrimental?
I literally have no idea where to start, and am asking for help so I can condition myself into be a good part of the team.


  • rache12581
    rache12581 Posts: 54
    Try starting out with Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred dvd. It's 27 minutes long & it has 3 levels. I now do all of her dvds & have lost 28 lbs since Jan. 4th & have amazing muscle tone b/c Jillian focuses on strength training, cardio, & abs.
  • sunshine79
    sunshine79 Posts: 758 Member
    Well done for making the decision to do it the right way - what a great start :happy:

    At first I'd suggest just working on sticking to the calorie allowance you've been allocated. Then, once you're in the habit of fueling yourself correctly then maybe you could focus on one meal at a time. So maybe You could then focus on having the most nutritious breakfast possible, whole grain cereal with fruit may be.

    I'd also advise not getting into the habit of eating 'diet' foods and try your best to eat good quality real food.

    Another thing you could work on straight away is your water intake. If you struggle with drinking water how about trying to have a glass before each meal?

    Just some ideas :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy:
  • Lulzaroonie
    Lulzaroonie Posts: 222 Member
    Thanks ladies, those sound like some sensible ideas. I have the Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred but seem to have misplaced the disk! :( Most disappointing. Glad that you can confirm results though, I shall endeavour to find it now .

    Water intake is something I am trying to increase slowly. I don't want to drown myself lol I used to go from only drinking something maybe once or twice a day, but I'm up to at least 4/5 glasses at the moment.

    Thank you again for your helpful comments :)
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    Larger people have a good chance of putting on some muscle while losing fat on a calorie deficit. after a while it stops. you can strength train while you lose weight though..but the calorie cut cant be very drastic.

    the food is plenty of veg, whole grains (breads/pastas), healthy fats, low fat dairy.

    as far as the workouts go..if you want to lose weight and gain strength..reduce your BMR only a few light cardio 5 days week..and lift very heavy weights a low reps, around 4-6 reps, 3-4 sets.
  • Lulzaroonie
    Lulzaroonie Posts: 222 Member
    Thanks again, for your comment.
    Could you give me some examples of light cardio? I don't want to over do it and get burnt out and feel resentful about jumping in too quickly before I've barely started.
    Also heavy weights, presumably for both arms and legs? How heavy? I don't really have access to things like gym equipment, sounds a bit pathetic I know, I'm on a very low income.
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 986 Member
    Thanks again, for your comment.
    Could you give me some examples of light cardio? I don't want to over do it and get burnt out and feel resentful about jumping in too quickly before I've barely started.
    Also heavy weights, presumably for both arms and legs? How heavy? I don't really have access to things like gym equipment, sounds a bit pathetic I know, I'm on a very low income.

    Speed walking is one of the lightest forms of cardio - then maybe after a while you can build up to walking & running at intervals - the c25K program is good for this - app is avialable for iPhone/iTouch & Android.

    You can get a set of weights from Argos from £14.99 - £24.99 - they should be good enough to start with.
  • TrainingWithTonya
    TrainingWithTonya Posts: 1,741 Member
    I just finished the class in my exercise physiology major that focuses on strength and conditioning for athletes based on their sports. I have also just finished all of my nutrition classes. I would love to use you for practice for sport specific training if you wouldn't mind. It would mean some testing on your end and a lot of specific questions to design a program, but it would be a very detailed program for your individual needs and the sport needs. It's a lot more detailed then most plans, which means it is a lot more work on your end, so I completely understand if you aren't interested. PM me if you are interested. :wink:
  • wheelieblade
    wheelieblade Posts: 323
    If you get the york 20kg weights I got mine from amazon as were £5 cheaper