Jillian Michaels 30 Day slimdown

Hi all,

I've just finished 30 Day Shred two days ago and it was my first time working out with JM. I loved it. I lost almost 11lbs and inches all over and I saw some significant changes in my body. I started the 30 Day slimdown program yesterday and have finished Day 1 and 2 of Shred Level 1. Tomorrow I start her new workout, the No More Trouble Zone. Has anyone done this workout before? This and the Banish fat, boost metabolism one? I just saw a few clips on Youtube and I am...to say the least, TERRIFIED! How long as the workouts, how did you feel after the first time you tried each workout? The more info you can give me so I can mentally prepare myself for it, it would be great!




  • up2me2lose20
    up2me2lose20 Posts: 360 Member
    I am just completed day 22 of the 30-Day Shred and am thinking about doing the banish fat and no more trouble zones also. So far I've lost 9lbs and my pants are a-saggin'. :) Jillian doesn't bother me as much as she does some...I like that she pushes me (via DVD) and like she says, I want results, she'll get me results!
  • Nataliethin81
    I just ordered the No More Trouble Zones and I am terrified as well!
  • Louise12
    Louise12 Posts: 389 Member
    HEY ! like you i have done the 30 day shred.. saw great results and love training with JM ...So i bought BFBM .... and its realy good ...its like doing the shred twice..it pushed me ..i thought i wouldnt be able to make it through to the end ..but i did and its worth ut ..a very thorough work out! let me know how u find it :)
  • FitFionna
    Hi Tiffany!

    I have both of JM dvd's (30 day shred & No More Trouble Zones), I've been doing the NMTZ for a couple weeks now and it is very intense! It's great video and I feel the burn for sure! In fact there are a few exercises that I just couldn't keep up with, but I'm striving to get there and I feel so much better after I've finished!
    It takes about 40 minutes to get through the video.

    Good Luck with it!
  • rache12581
    I am on day 29 of 30 day shred & I have lost 9lbs so far. I tried NMTZ & BFBM over the last 2 week each just once so far.
    NMTZ is almost like 30ds w/out the cardio circuits & it's longer (about 40 minutes I think). BFBM is all cardio & about 45 minutes. Both were quite challenging but I plan to alternate these dvds along w/JM's yoga melt down, shred it w/weights, &6pk abs starting next weeek
  • petithamu
    petithamu Posts: 582 Member
    thanks guys! I will do the NMTZ today...yikes!! Will keep you posted!
  • PinkAndSparkle
    I don't own her DVD's, but I have done all of JM's free workouts on exercisetv.tv
    Boost Metabolism is my absolute favorite, it's SUPER intense, but an amazing workout. They took away the full length one, though, guess I'll have to get her DVDs!