

  • I thought it was open. I'm sorry... I will go do it now.
  • Also... Without a heart rate monitor, I am logging it as calisthenics. If anyone knows if this is a good way to do it, or if there is a better way-- let me know!
  • I don't have before and afters. But I'm almost done with 2 rounds of it. I'm down 15 lbs and I've lost some inches and toned up. So far it's my favorite dvd workout I've ever done. Good luck, and have fun!
  • What a difference! You sure are beautiful!
  • I'm using Jillian's "Ripped In 30" and getting GREAT results. Also, Insanity is killer, but I'll have to work my way back up to that. I like all of the JM videos, and I just ordered Supreme 90, so we'll see how that works. I'm on week 3 of Ripped and I've lost 6 lbs, 2 inches off my waist and 1.5 from both my hips and…
  • Thanks, guys! I have Banish Fat Boost Metabolism and No More Trouble Zones already, and I'm doing Ripped in 30 right now, though I've never done 30 Day Shred. I think when I'm done with Ripped, I am gonna try this one. It seems impossible for me to like my tummy!
  • I was never a runner, and now I run half marathons. I used to be like you! Then I just decided that I was gonna do it. I looked up a novice training program, and trained for 15 weeks and I was good to go! It takes practice just like anything else, and there will be good days and bad days. In the beginning, I would…
  • I'm down 11 pounds and I'm still in the size 8. Though now they're loose and before I think they were a little too tight.
  • I'm a bartender, so I had the same concerns but I've found a successful routine. I have breakfast or a meal replacement shake, a few small snacks though the day, a large lunch and another meal replacement shake for dinner. I bring my protein shake mix to work and use the blender. No matter how busy it is, I can find 2…
  • I use Arnold's Select Sandwich Thins... The whole roll is 100 cal. I have a peanut butter and honey sandwich a few times a week. In fact it was part of my lunch today! Soooo good! And I haven't eaten ice cream since I started this. It's one of my favorite foods, but it usually starts a downward spiral. I'm gonna have it…
  • You can add a little spinach to any fruit smoothie for extra antioxidants. It's virtually calorie free, and you can't taste it if you blend it up with fruit... I swear. :)
  • Wow! Congrats :)
  • I am the same way! I can easily swing 5 lbs either way in a matter of a few days. It sucks because I had a really bad day today and I know I'll have to deal with it for a few days. Ugh... Best of luck to you!
  • I'm using them for breakfast and dinner. I usually never ate breakfast so I think it's a good alternative, and it's easy to have for dinner to avoid binging. There's so many different recipes, and if you use a high quality protein shake mix (I use Body By Vi) you get enough nutrients. Then everything for lunch is usually…
  • I've had the most success when lunch is my biggest meal. I eat breakfast and that gets me thru my workout, then a small snack and at mid day I have a big lunch. It feels so good to feel like I worked for something big and something that I really enjoy.... Then I have a small dinner. Lately it's just been a protein shake…
  • I log some of the Jillian videos as high impact aerobics. I know I burn more calories than that.... I've used monitors before and it's usually somewhere around 575 an hour. I weigh 148 lbs. I know how much you burn depends on what you weigh.
  • Mine is open too.
    in CALORIES Comment by allimac09 April 2011
  • Did my whole run to the new Britney album today. It's fantastic. People can poke fun all they want, but that is some motivating music!!! But usually I like Kanye, Eminem, Lupe, Justin Timberlake, Adele (sometimes I workout to slower stuff), Christina, etc.....
  • World News Tonight is just starting on ABC. Sometime in this episode they are doing a piece on food addiction and how strong cravings can be. Thought I'd share if you ladies wanna check it out.
  • It could be hormones, water weight, a plateau, or you're gaining muscle mass. Don't be discouraged. This happens to a lot of people around 6 weeks. I bet by week 10, you will have some great results. It's pushing through when you don't want to or feel like you can't that makes all the difference in the world. GOOD LUCK!
  • I totally understand. Most people would say that I am "average" in weight. But I want to lose too. And I also have the food addiction. I broke down about a week and a half ago and finally admitted it to someone close to me. It consumes your thinking, and it's euphoric when you're eating. But there are ways to calm it, and…
  • A lot of people use beans in it too for extra protein. We figured that a cup is only 150-170 calories. And it fills you up for a while.
  • Great job of maintaining, but eventually it would have caught up with you. Glad you're back on track. Good luck!!!! If nothing else, this will help you be all around healthier!
  • How do you see what someone ate? Sorry, I'm new to this... I go to people's pages and I can't find that. I do agree. Although I have been under for most of this week and I'm just not hungry or I don't have much time while I work. Today is my day off, with lots of healthy stuff though!
  • Think about how guity you'll feel if you eat one, and how good you'll feel about your willpower if you resist!