cortycrazy Member


  • I'm a SAHM mommy too ☺️ I'm lucky enough that hubby takes munchkin for 2 hours while I go lift. Have you tried walking with LO? Not sure where you live or how the weather is there. There's some really cute workouts you can do with baby too, I'll get a link for you!
  • I was wondering the same!! I hope you ladies are just busy with your LO's and haven't given up!!! I've been busting my butt! 15.8 pounds to go til my pre pregnancy weight! I fit back in my pants, they're still snug on my butt and hips tho but I'm giving it time. I'm pleased with my progress of 8 weeks at the gym. Hope to…
  • Doesn't working out after taking time off feel amazing tho?! Good job momma :) I'm the same way.. If I don't workout I eat like crap. No idea why but it keeps me working out! Lol
  • Just keep pushing :) tonight was awful motivating mysf to go to The gym... But I'm here sweating to death on the elliptical!! You can do it :)
  • When I did the at home test and figured I probably have it, I stopped regular abs. I asked my cousin who is a personal trainer and she gave me 3 rehab exercises to do. So far it seems to be helping, my and don't seem to be pushed out as far :)
  • Definitely gonna have to look into this! Maybe it'll be my weekend Workout when hubby is home :) thanks!!
  • i usually do planks every other day when i have my ab/leg day.. but i've been wanting to do them everyday bc i miss being able to hold them for longer than 20 seconds!
  • I'm totally in for a 30 day plank challenge!!
  • Not much of a recipe but lately I've been wanting grilled peaches and vanilla frozen yogurt. SO GOOD.
  • I've had a rough last couple days! My body is exhausted. So is my brain. I've been slacking, and tonight LO wasn't feeling too hot, so I stayed home and skipped the gym. Hubby took care of her for a little and I got in a much needed nap after dinner. I'm getting back at it tomorrow.. I'm trying to tell myself I shouldn't…
  • Mmm Girl Scout cookies.. I've had to refrain from getting them this year! Stayed home Thursday, I was exhausted and wanted to cuddle my baby. So I did just that. :) Upper body, arms and cardio yesterday. Definitely feeling my stamina come back, I'm able to run a little longer each time I try. Down .6 pounds since last…
  • Nightly check in for me! Just cardio tonight... Night 3 of running.. Walked the incline on the treadmill and almost fell off bc my foot slipped lmao. My butt hurts from it tho! I'm really hoping to drop some weight and some Inches (or cm's) come weigh in day on Sunday!!! On the plus side my wedding ring went on easy today!…
  • I did the same while I was waiting- I was so anxious! I lifted really light and did lots of stretching.. I got the ok from my doc for that but it really helped so u could just jump right back into heavy working out
  • To guys are doing so good, keep it up! So proud of all of you!
  • Ah !!! Congrats mama! Keep up the awesome work!
  • Love the elliptical :) can't wait to really get back into running, I miss it! I'm gonna attempt it again tonight, yesterday I worked out legs, so tonight it upper body/abs. Determined to lose some inches and get back into my jeans!
  • Reading all this makes me so proud if you ladies! I didn't get to workout today, baby makes the rules and today was a "hold me or I'm gonna scream my head off day".. Which was okay cuz I enjoyed the cuddles! Hubby is home now and has her, but I'm trying to catch up on laundry and bottle washing. That counts as exercise…
  • Lunch I usually do Lean Cuisines.. I try to get ones low in sugar and sodium. If I'm not popping one of them in the microwave.. -Tuna with a tbsp lite mayo and plain baked chips, sometimes I make it a tuna sandwich but I usually just eat it out of the bowl -Turkey on wheat, cheese if I feel like it, pickles and either…
  • I'm not a breakfast person.. It's very rare I'll actually eat breakfast! But protein and fiber keep you fuller a little bit longer! And of course protein is good for those muscles! My favorites: -Special K bar.. they make chewy protein bars, but I usually just grab a 90 cal one, the raspberry cheesecake one is my favorite!…
  • I have an awesome treadmill workout I found on Pinterest for cardio, I'll have to find the link for anyone interested :)
  • Although I can't do the 30DS, I will still weigh in every Sunday and update my status as well! Also going to start taking my measurements again :) Good luck ladies I can't wait to see all your guys progress!!!!
  • What size dumb bells ya got mama? I'll get something together for you :)
  • Hello my fellow mommies! My name is Courtney and I'm from good old New Jersey! Before I got pregnant I was 186 pounds and busted my *kitten* to get down to 140/145 before my wedding... Had to go exchange my dress from a size 10 to a size 4 an everything! But little miss decided to make an appearance (which I am PERFECTLY…
  • This couldn't be any closer to my situation!!! :)
  • I agree with this! Good job - I know how hard it can be to resist temptation!
  • I just took pictures last week and then last night took some, and don't see a difference.... And don't have the guts to post pictures on here yet! Lol I do fit in a pair of pants a little bit better than I was, and I've had to tighten my belt... Just I need more patience!
  • You all have been very encouraging, thank you! :) I'm trying so hard not to lose my way... I really want this weight gone and to be able to like what I see in the mirror!
  • I used to do that ALL the time after eating and not being sure!! Idk what changed, but now it's just easier to chose something else :)
  • well whatever your goals are, if you did it once, no doubt you can do it again! :) i lost about 20 pounds the beginning of this year.. and then gained that back plus another 15 or so.. so i'm just ready for this to all be gone now! lol