when will i start seeing results?

i've dropped a little over 10 pounds in just under a month.. and i can't see a difference. i did have to tighten my belt just a little more, and my jeans are definitely not as tight as they were.. but i don't see any definition in my abs or arms yet. i know to take measurements and all that (just gotta find my tape measurer) but when did you physically start seeing results?? thnx!!!


  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Well that depends. Are you just restricting calories, or are you also exercising? Lifting heavy weights gives results if you want definition.
  • cortycrazy
    cortycrazy Posts: 61 Member
    Well that depends. Are you just restricting calories, or are you also exercising? Lifting heavy weights gives results if you want definition.

    i exercise for an hour 5-6 days a week, including weight lifting
  • jonesie84
    jonesie84 Posts: 73 Member
    I didnt see results till i hit 15lb. It was hard, but i cut my calories to 1200 a day and workout 5 days a week. Right my weigh-loss has slowed but i am toning and notice a huge difference. I took pictures every two weeks, and started seeing more of a difference which helped motivate me!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For
  • thejess
    thejess Posts: 33 Member
    I didn't see a change until 5 weeks in. I had to compare before and afters to even notice a difference since i felt the exact same. The change was only in my stomach and that was 10lbs down.
  • AckieJ
    AckieJ Posts: 199 Member
    I noticed the 15lb loss more in my face. Having to tighten my belt tighter was also nice.
  • cleanandlean2012
    cleanandlean2012 Posts: 71 Member
    My advice is to take photo's. I have lost 30lbs - I personally don't see a visual difference. However, I have gone down 3 dress sizes and get compliments all the time. Measurements have also gone down. Essentially it is a mix of your mindset as well as physical transformation.
  • AngelUK1985
    AngelUK1985 Posts: 84 Member
    i can see a slight change in my stomach and that things arnt as tight as they used t be but that's about it i also go to th gym but slacked off the last few weeks so once i start going and toning up again i hope i see a change, also do you use the rower? that works out your entire body and at the start of the year i only used that and i could see a difference in my shape
  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    4 weeks for you to notice
    8 weeks for friends and family
    and 12 weeks for everyone else
  • cortycrazy
    cortycrazy Posts: 61 Member
    I didnt see results till i hit 15lb. It was hard, but i cut my calories to 1200 a day and workout 5 days a week. Right my weigh-loss has slowed but i am toning and notice a huge difference. I took pictures every two weeks, and started seeing more of a difference which helped motivate me!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For

    i have taken only like 2 pictures when i started.. i guess i'm afraid to take pictures bc if i don't see a change, i'll feel discouraged. but definitely going to try to take some now every couple a weeks or so!
  • theseus82
    theseus82 Posts: 255 Member
    take pictures of yourself at different angles immediately. then compare them to new progress pictures at major landmark losses. If you lose another 15 pounds and take new pictures, you'll notice the difference.

    the key is to limit the pictures to significant weight-loss markers. Not sure how much you have to lose, but before/after photos are hugely rewarding and many people often decide to share them with their online support sites for inspiration. Looking at other people's before/after photos inspires people to realize that they too can lose their excess weight.

    *just read your last comment
    If you can't tell a difference at 15 pounds lost, don't sweat it. Keep working towards your goal weight. When you get there, you WILL see a difference. You can't control where your body sheds weight. Target burning is a myth.

    It's commonly said that the first place you gain the weight is often the last place you lose it. But this is only a suspicion, everyone is different. Know that you WILL see a difference when you reach your goal and keep working towards it.
  • cortycrazy
    cortycrazy Posts: 61 Member
    I noticed the 15lb loss more in my face. Having to tighten my belt tighter was also nice.

    i feel like my face is less "swollen" if that makes any sense.. and the belt thing really is awesome lol
  • cortycrazy
    cortycrazy Posts: 61 Member
    4 weeks for you to notice
    8 weeks for friends and family
    and 12 weeks for everyone else

    this is amazing.. thank you. :)
  • cortycrazy
    cortycrazy Posts: 61 Member
    i can see a slight change in my stomach and that things arnt as tight as they used t be but that's about it i also go to th gym but slacked off the last few weeks so once i start going and toning up again i hope i see a change, also do you use the rower? that works out your entire body and at the start of the year i only used that and i could see a difference in my shape

    i have never used the rower... that always intimidated me.. i'll give it a go tonight :) thank you!
  • cortycrazy
    cortycrazy Posts: 61 Member
    take pictures of yourself at different angles immediately. then compare them to new progress pictures at major landmark losses. If you lose another 15 pounds and take new pictures, you'll notice the difference.

    the key is to limit the pictures to significant weight-loss markers. Not sure how much you have to lose, but before/after photos are hugely rewarding and many people often decide to share them with their online support sites for inspiration. Looking at other people's before/after photos inspires people to realize that they too can lose their excess weight.

    *just read your last comment
    If you can't tell a difference at 15 pounds lost, don't sweat it. Keep working towards your goal weight. When you get there, you WILL see a difference. You can't control where your body sheds weight. Target burning is a myth.

    It's commonly said that the first place you gain the weight is often the last place you lose it. But this is only a suspicion, everyone is different. Know that you WILL see a difference when you reach your goal and keep working towards it.

    thank you so much! i guess i just need to learn to be patient. my grammom always says "you didn't put it on that fast so don't expect to lose it that fast!" i know it's true.. but sometimes it's hard to remember that. after working so hard, i feel like i should be able to see such a drastic difference lol. but seriously, thank you!!!!!
  • T1mH
    T1mH Posts: 568 Member
    It's hard for you to see it in yourself. Many of us will continue to see the fat version of ourselves in the mirror. We see ourselves everyday and it's hard to detect the changes as they happen. Taking pictures and comparing them over time is the way to see the difference.
  • alderman59
    alderman59 Posts: 22 Member
    In terms of lbs, I felt and saw a difference 10-15, my friends noticed 15-20. It took 25 lbs and going from a a tight size 12 to a loose size 10 or 8 for most people to say something.
  • girlwapp
    girlwapp Posts: 136 Member
    Step 1: take progress pics
    Step 2: post them
    Step 3: bask in the glory that is all of the feels from fellow mfp-ers
    Step 4: keep losing weight
    Step 5: rinse
    Step 6: repeat
  • LikeNoOneElse84
    LikeNoOneElse84 Posts: 475 Member
    When I first started losing weight, I didn't see any results until I had lost about 20lbs. Then every 5lbs thereafter, I noticed a difference. I had a lot to lose, so a nice chunk had to be gone before I saw anything different. I've gained some weight back so I don't know what it will be like this time :ohwell:
  • LikeNoOneElse84
    LikeNoOneElse84 Posts: 475 Member
    Step 1: take progress pics
    Step 2: post them
    Step 3: bask in the glory that is all of the feels from fellow mfp-ers
    Step 4: keep losing weight
    Step 5: rinse
    Step 6: repeat

  • cortycrazy
    cortycrazy Posts: 61 Member
    When I first started losing weight, I didn't see any results until I had lost about 20lbs. Then every 5lbs thereafter, I noticed a difference. I had a lot to lose, so a nice chunk had to be gone before I saw anything different. I've gained some weight back so I don't know what it will be like this time :ohwell:

    well whatever your goals are, if you did it once, no doubt you can do it again! :) i lost about 20 pounds the beginning of this year.. and then gained that back plus another 15 or so.. so i'm just ready for this to all be gone now! lol