Rdlm1001 Member


  • You should never feel obligated to put anything in your body that is not for your higher good. You are talking about your family!!! I can't imagine why a family would give a crap. This isn't your new neighbors or husbands/wife's boss. If expected you could contribute a fruit salad or green salad. Other than that, bring…
  • Um, I am 5'10 and If I got to 135 I would look horrible!!! I got to 148 and was a size 4 and my ribs were poking out. I don't think that formula works for everyone. Muscle weighs more than fat too, so how does that account for that? My sister is 5'6" and looks banging at 130-140. She works out, is toned and has the best…
  • I generally eat around 1200/1300 with a couple of days a week when I shoot to 1500/1600. I eat lots of protein and veg. No processed and avoid sugar (less than 20gms a day). If you feel ok and aren't eating processed crap, do what feels right. You just want to be able to maintain your food intake so you don't binge later.…
  • While having an awesome wife and beautiful children seems like it should be all we need to bring us joy, I am thinking you must not be finding time for yourself to just do something really for you. I am a recovering binge eater. I don't have kids but I am a hairstylist who has held many a crying parent when they feel like…
  • I am the same. I can hold it together all day. At night I just want to eat. I know for me it is about boredom, loneliness (my guy is on another continent) and relaxation. TV and food is my comfort. So now when I want to eat more I come on to this site and kill time looking at the forums. And I do not keep food in the house…
  • You will always weigh more at the end of the day. I too weigh everyday, morning and night. Because of the water and food you have taken in, you weigh more at night. Tomorrow it should be gone. Unless your hormones cause a water retention which is just part of being a woman. That being said, your diary looks really…
  • I have used miracle noodles. They smell a bit fishy at first so rinse well in a strainer then it is very important to pan fry to remove the excess moisture. Then toss in sauce. You can order on Amazon. They are fine. Not like real pasta, but works. I like quinoa spaghetti. Not much lower in calories, but higher in protein.…
  • Well, I guess I was just concerned at what people were telling you to eat! Glad to hear you eat well!
  • seems like a bad idea to eat such simple processed foods. I mean the chemicals and sugars have to do a number on your organs and insulin levels. Do you have a Nutria bullet or something? Organic fruit and protein powder and some nuts blended up seems like it would be a great way to drink the calories. Nuts are such an easy…
  • Jut thought of this, 1 time I was walking in SF at night with my 5' girlfriend. A man asked us for directions. She ignored him and started walking away fast. I stopped told him where the street was and how to get there. I chased after her and asked what was up with that??? She said "I can't take chances. I never talk to…
  • It is so good to see regular numbers (well regular in my world!!!!). To see all you beautiful women and what 165 can look like or 180 on us tall girls just makes me feel better. I am always trying to figure out what I look like because I think I can have a bit of body dismorphia. Does anyone remember that show that they…
  • Have you ever grid menstrual cups? I use Instead which is like a diaphragm but there are also the Moon Cup and the Diva cup which fit differently. I would blow through a tampon and pad in less than an hour. The cups are amazing. I am able to go 8 hours with just a panty liner as a back up. There is a learning curve for…
  • I find I need 4 liquid Advil every 4-6 hours to get through the 1st 2 days of my period 2 wouldn't even touch it. This is the advice my OBGYN gave. If you take 800 mg ib brouphen (Advil, Motrin) the first couple of days, it can lighten your flow. Mine is stupid heavy. It really does help. Also orgasms and sex can shorten…
  • I am 5'10". Would love to be 150, but 160 now. It is nice to see larger numbers with the height. When girls talk about trying to be 120 or 130, I can't relate. Or when they talk about trying to lose 2/3 lbs... I am like "what? That is a trip to the bathroom in my world!".
  • Good call on Tango. I also use Skype and Viber because tango isn't available for Windows phones. All require data or WiFi though.
  • Why not get a pay as you go for Canada? I have 2 lines with Verizon on a family plan. It is 126 for unlimited calls, unlimited text and only 1 gb of data, which I never come close to using because I always get on WiFi. I travel to Greece every couple of months and when I am there I have a pay as you go sim card from…
  • Me too. A client sent me a Harry nd David basket full of stuff which is why I am sitting here on the forum. Also a rep brought in cupcakes today from one of our local fancy cupcakea shops. I was strong... It is so hard. The night time is always the hardest for me. :(
  • There is an ingredient called carrageenan that is used in almond, soy and coconut that is a known to be linked to cancer and should be avoided. That being said, these days everything causes cancer because the U.S. makes it acceptable for corporations to continually screw with our food supply. I personally prefer cow milk.…
  • When you add fitness, you are just creating an excess need for calories.... so once a again a calorie is a calorie. You work out you get more, you live sedentary, your body will need less. There was the lady who ate 1200 Starbucks calories and geez, there was Jared from Subway. Veggie, processed turkey and breads, sorry…
  • You just don't want to, and that is ok. Just own it. When you are ready you will. Can be hard to motivate in the winter. Own your choices and empower yourself. You choose to care take your man at the sacrifice of yourself. It's ok. It is common. When you are tired of it, you will change. Just don't go into the hopeless…
  • I think it is about deciding what kind of a relationship you want. Are you the "call the shots" type of woman or do you like to be more passive. I am very strong in the world, but in my relationship I prefer a man who I can trust to take charge. So I make my moves with a look or a touch or a smile. If a the guy I am with…
  • My mother has had gastric bypass and continues to struggle with her weight. In my early 20's I got up to a size 16. That isn't really big, especially given my mom was a size 30 before surgery but I realized that if I didn't pick a weight and get my self down there and stay, I could very easily be in trouble. I am 5'10".…
  • Actually hated the Greek yogurt honey nut thing too, but somehow I now love it. Prefer it with pecans... LOL. It is all about just trying everything. And retrying because tastes buds change. Also I think quality ingredients matter. Don't' get crappy honey or cheap mushrooms. Spring for the best you can afford!
  • You are 19. Just be open to trying new things and don't limit yourself. What you don't like today you may love tomorrow. Be open to all types of food. Greek yogurt with honey and nuts (walnuts, pecans or almonds) is great. You like processed foods because it is what you know. Just be open. I used to be a picky eater when I…
  • I think it is your attitude towards food. Using food to treat yourself says more about your relationship to food. I say this as someone who can have binges and I use food all the time to sooth myself. It is a struggle, but we can't change what we don't see. Like right now I am on this site to stop the night eating.... I…
  • If you want to pack yourself a diet friendly meal for a family gathering, it should be supported. My mother did a doctor assisted liquid diet and had no choice and I have friends that do weight watchers and really control their points. Maybe you will get a little teasing or ribbing, but whatever. A lot of times people who…
  • I drink mine black, but when I used to use cream, I used the fat free half and half. It's right next door to the reg. half and half. Actually how I ended up black was because I gave up sugar for Lent and then started weening off the cream. As a single girl, I always have an empty fridge and not having to stock cream was…
  • She sounds like a sad angry icky person. As my grandma always says, consider the source. Don't let some nasty b*tch deflate you. She is unhappy on her world and wants to bring others down to her level. Send her love and prayers (she needs them, believe me) and continue on your path. Be proud of what you have done and…
  • I am 5'10" and have that said to me too. My favorite is when people tell me I am just big boned... Ummm, no, that would be the layer of fat surrounding my, perhaps longer than normal, but regular width bones! On the other side it does crack me up when the little girls complain about three pounds. In my world, that is a…