look at my diary and tell what I did wrong today

I weighed myself this morning weighing in at 179.8, I ate what is in my diary and tonight I weighed 182.8!!!! I know I shouldn't weigh everyday much less at night but since I am gaining, only oz, the past week I wanted to see what weight before bed and as soon as I wake up to see what is lost while asleep. I feel very bloated and crampy, like Im going to start my period but that isn't for 2 weeks away plus I wont even have it since I am having a hysterectomy this coming Monday!!!

How soon before your next period do you bloat??? I started gaining last Thursday so it has been a week since Ive not been able to get out of the 179 range! Now tonight I weigh 182 +. Talk about a let down!!!

On the flip side, I am the one that gets no support from the hubby but yet he wants to look at other women etc.....tonight at a meeting a man came up to me, we both go to the same diabetic Dr, and was aking me how that was going, which is superb since being on this weight loss so all not lost I guess, anyway he says to me, are you losing weight cause you look amazing right in front of Mr negative!!!! Hubby walked away at that point thinking I would follow, nope I stayed right there talking to this man as he kept smiling and telling me how good I looked, hubby came back over to me and stood behind me while another man took notice, SCORE!!!! This will keep me going for sure, especially til the next meeting when ive lost more :O)
Then we get into the car tonight and he says to me, ya know maybe your at your weight so that's why your body wont lose anymore weight, I said no it the stress from you and looks at me and says, I don't think you are fat!!! I couldn't say a word to that :O(


  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    What you did wrong today is not eat enough. I don't see one proper meal. You won't gain fat eating that little, if you're logging correctly and that is really all you eat on most days, the scale weight you gained is water weight.
  • Not eat enough, I was closer to my 1200 cal a day than ever. What do you consider a proper meal, I am not a huge bfast eater, never ever have been so what I eat for bfast is a lot for me.

    I will admit I am very uneducated where proper foods come in to play on a diet. Please everyone, let me have it!!!

    I could believe water weight cause I feel very bloated but where and why would water weight come from? Sodium???
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    You're not eating enough to sustain a child. Not just today, but netting 700..800 calories isn't going to do you any favors.

    Also, you're freaking out over regular weight fluctuations.

    Aaaand maybe couples therapy could help.
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    Not eat enough, I was closer to my 1200 cal a day than ever. What do you consider a proper meal, I am not a huge bfast eater, never ever have been so what I eat for bfast is a lot for me.

    I will admit I am very uneducated where proper foods come in to play on a diet. Please everyone, let me have it!!!

    I could believe water weight cause I feel very bloated but where and why would water weight come from? Sodium???

    It just looks like a bunch of snacks to me. A calorie goal is meant to be met, not to come under. Eating under 1000 calories a day is unhealthy and not a sustainable lifestyle.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Um, do you think that the food and drink you put in your body during the day, magically evaporates once it hits your digestive system? You cannot eat food and expect your weight to be the same in the evening as it is in the morning when you have slept for 6-8 hours and not eaten or drunk anything. You only need to down a calorie free glass of water and your weight can go up as much as a Ib temporarily, until it passes through. Seriously, this is why you weigh yourself in the morning, on waking, before you have eaten or drunk anything. You do not magically gain 2-3Ibs of genuine weight as soon as you eat some food. Get on the scale, then take a big dump, and you can be a pound down. Does that mean you lost weight in the few minutes it took to take a crap? No. The same thing with putting food in your body.
  • Rayman79
    Rayman79 Posts: 2,009 Member
    If you are looking for a reason the scale is up, stop weighing yourself so much and look at your sodium intake, for the amount of food you are eating it is ridiculously high!

    Secondly, and far more importantly, you look to be eating far less than you should. Can you provide us with some information on your height,weight, amount of fat etc? This will help us work out a more sensible and sustainable plan for you. You may be quite small and not require a lot of calories but my immediate reaction is that you are unnecessarily starving yourself. This will lead to:
    1. health issues, improper hormone and body function
    2. lowering your metabolism (meaning you will have to keep eating less and less to even maintain your weight over time)

    If you don't want to share this in the forum then feel free to PM me. I just don't want to see you put your health at risk and there are far more fun and healthy ways of losing fat!

    Oh and based on your edited post, I think counseling would be a useful tool for you both!
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    What you did wrong was to step on the scale twice in one day and expect the same number.

    Everything you ate and drank today is inside your body, adding to this morning's weight.
  • SugarLou57
    SugarLou57 Posts: 84 Member
    More food, and add some produce both fruit and vegetable which will also provide nutrition that looks to be lacking.
  • You're not eating enough to sustain a child. Not just today, but netting 700..800 calories isn't going to do you any favors.

    Also, you're freaking out over regular weight fluctuations.

    Aaaand maybe couples therapy could help.

    yes to be very honest I think I am freaking out over normal weight fluctuations. I have never ever been on a diet so I do not know what to expect from 1 day to the next. Losing over 20 lb in less than a month was so uplifting not to mention spoiled me that now that Im going to lose weight like a normal person and it is at a stand still m freaking out :/

    no couples therepy, he says he isn't doing anything wrong!
  • mcrane4
    mcrane4 Posts: 18 Member
    Weight fluctuations, This morning I weighed in at 235 and I just weighed myself for this thread and the scale shows 241. Tomorrow morning I will most likely weigh 235 again. Its like this everyday for me, I drink a ton of water.
  • cacklingcat
    cacklingcat Posts: 150 Member
    Don't weigh every day it just causes stress. And unless your hiding a lot food from your diary there no why you would gain any anything from whats there.
    And I have to say that at first I thaut your hubby is a giant *kitten* but after reading your post and looking at your diary threw a couple days I think it is posabble that he is very concerned about you and probably thinks your starving yourself. I could be wrong and mean no disrespect. But I do think you need to eat moor or at least eat all your calls. :drinker: :happy:
    you be better at 1400 imo
  • As I have said in the first post, I don't weigh myself at night ever. I know that is a huge no no. I only did it this once to see how much I am losing while at sleep. Im trying to help myself understand this whole process of a diet since I have never ever been on a diet or lost weight intentionally. I was thinking it was my sodium intake also

    I am 5 ft 6in and weigh 179. I started at 199 on 1-14-14 my BMI is 29.02

    I am not hiding any food, what you see is what you get.

    It would stress me even more NOT to weigh everyday

    you are right hubby is an *kitten*, he wouldn't know what a calorie was if it bit him in the face. He just got a face full of therapy tonight for free!!! Not the way I want it but ill take it for now!!!

    Not feeling any disrespect form anyone, keep it coming :O)
  • JaimeLaRae
    JaimeLaRae Posts: 279 Member
    What you did wrong was to step on the scale twice in one day and expect the same number.

    Everything you ate and drank today is inside your body, adding to this morning's weight.

    I second this, I usually weigh about 2 pounds more at night than I will the next morning. I go off my waking weight, after I use the restroom, with no clothes. Keep your circumstances as close as possible when you weigh in to see if you are truly gaining or loosing, and don't do it every day... you WILL fluctuate some.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    Don't worry about "proper food" just eat what you like, hit your goals and move on. That said, it's still undereating right now... and by a lot.

    How much more are you trying to lose, since your ticker shows 19lbs lost...? When you set up MFP, what did you put in... I'm guessing the dreaded 2lb per week... ?
  • JengaJess
    JengaJess Posts: 109 Member
    You should really try to eat more. After looking at you diary, a lot of days you're not even eating 1,000 calories.
    I know to a lot of people it sounds crazy to eat more to lose weight, but right now you are eating a dangerously low amount of calories.
    You lost weight so quickly because you're practically starving yourself. I don't mean to sound mean, and you might not even feel that way, but if you're diary is 100% accurate, then it's true.
    I'm no good at explaining it, because I'm relatively new to this healthy weight loss concept. But I suggest you search around the message boards for more info on this. Search something like "not eating enough" or "1200 calories" or "BMR" or "TDEE" and you'll get some better information. Or if you wait long enough, some one will respond with it here.
    I've been reading a lot of what people have to say about eating more calories, and I recently slowly increased my calorie intake from 1200/1300ish to about 1500, aiming to get to 1600. I'm still losing weight and I feel a lot better. And I know this is something I can easily maintain.
  • brianalynnx
    brianalynnx Posts: 25 Member
    What you did wrong was weigh at night... at a different time of day than normal. I also weigh 2-3lbs more in the evening than I do during my morning weigh ins. You could however definitely be eating more - 1200 should be your minimum.
  • Rdlm1001
    Rdlm1001 Posts: 47 Member
    You will always weigh more at the end of the day. I too weigh everyday, morning and night. Because of the water and food you have taken in, you weigh more at night. Tomorrow it should be gone. Unless your hormones cause a water retention which is just part of being a woman. That being said, your diary looks really processed and lacking nutrition. I think it is awesome you are logging everything. Even the treats and clearly you are staying on the low end of calories. I too do a 1200 cap diet. But would be better for your health if you added some more veg/fruit/protein. I just think you are not filling your body with vitamins and minerals it needs to be healthy for the long haul.

    But really, I have had days where I ate nothing, but drank a ton of water and until I pee the weight is up. Don't stop drinking water though!!!! And I will go up 4-6 labs for about 3 days when my lady curse comes. It is normal. And simply it could be stress. Sounds like you have a lot going on. Just breath and relax. A watched pot never boils chica ;)
  • writergeek313
    writergeek313 Posts: 390 Member
    On Monday all you ate was three Taco Bell tacos, two pieces of pizza, and an ice cream bar and you're wondering what you're doing wrong? :huh:

    You're not eating nearly enough, and when you do, you're eating foods that have small portions that are high in calories and have very little nutritional value. Nobody here is going to tell you that to lose weight you have to eat rabbit food, but there are no fruits and vegetables and almost no whole foods in your diet. Between the extremely low calories you're eating and what you're eating, you're barely giving your body any fuel to do what it needs to.

    You mentioned that you're diabetic and see a doctor for it. It would be a really good idea to see if that doctor can recommend a diabetic educator and/or a dietician who can help you to better understand the kinds of foods that will help you maintain a healthy weight and stop your diabetes from getting worse.

    Netting so few calories on a regular basis is dangerous to your long-term health
  • kmac0001
    kmac0001 Posts: 17 Member
    On Monday all you ate was three Taco Bell tacos, two pieces of pizza, and an ice cream bar and you're wondering what you're doing wrong? :huh:

    You're not eating nearly enough, and when you do, you're eating foods that have small portions that are high in calories and have very little nutritional value. Nobody here is going to tell you that to lose weight you have to eat rabbit food, but there are no fruits and vegetables and almost no whole foods in your diet. Between the extremely low calories you're eating and what you're eating, you're barely giving your body any fuel to do what it needs to.

    You mentioned that you're diabetic and see a doctor for it. It would be a really good idea to see if that doctor can recommend a diabetic educator and/or a dietician who can help you to better understand the kinds of foods that will help you maintain a healthy weight and stop your diabetes from getting worse.

    Netting so few calories on a regular basis is dangerous to your long-term health

    I completely agree with this^^