Not enough calories...but not hungry either.



  • Roaringgael
    Roaringgael Posts: 339 Member
    I realize this sounds harsh but you just sound like a lot of excuses right now. All I see is a list of foods you don't like (and that list is long). You need to have an honest look at yourself and your relationship with food.

    Learn to cook and learn to prepare foods in ways you will enjoy them. Get a healthy cooking cookbook or search recipes online. You obviously ate real food before when you were heavier so make dishes you enjoyed but put a healthy twist on them.

    It’s really not that hard but you have to WANT to be healthy and right now you sound like you are giving yourself a million excuses to go down an unhealthy path. There have been a ton of great suggestions in this post, so take some of the advice and COMMIT!

    I agree with the person above .
    No one can do this for you. Our minds will come up with a million reasons as to why this isn't working.
    I have been eating 1200-1400 a day for 6 months and haven't been feeling particularly hungry a lot of the time. I just eat when I'm supposed to, vary my diet.
    I have been able to start exercising recently (I have a knee injury which I have to be very careful about) and sometimes that makes me physically hungry I eat, I fit it in around my day. Planning is everything.
    Our undisciplined thinking doesn't want us to succeed.
  • dmt4641
    dmt4641 Posts: 409 Member
    Learn how to cook some meals that are more balanced. Eating plates full of veggies will make you feel full from the volume, but is not a balanced diet. Add some starchier veggies, grains, cheese, meat, nuts, etc. Try for recipes, or the millions of other websites and blogs out there.
  • red_road
    red_road Posts: 761 Member
    Willpower is amazing:noway:
  • pichu_318
    pichu_318 Posts: 36 Member
    Ulgh how much am I supposed to eat? I've been on the go today and haven't even been in my own house since yesterday afternoon until about 8:00PM, but I ate 1000 calories of fatty, carby food. Had a burger for protein, but I can't keep this up. If I have to try and stuff myself full of 1000 calorie meals constantly then I don't know if counting calories is my way of doing it.... you're right I am making excuses for myself though.

    Perhaps eggs and toast for breakfast with my (usual) oat cereal would make things better? :S I've never tried to lose weight before, and I never really have put nuts, legumes, eggs, or many meats into my regular diet before. I suppose since I am doing more exercising it is probably more essential to get that protein. Should I just try and add eggs to every meal?

    I'm also still wondering about smoothies and if that would help me at all (though I do have a problem keeping my sugar low :/)
    Can I put nuts in a smoothie? :S does that taste good?

    So tomorrow this is what I am going to try:

    2 Eggs sunny side up
    Red river hot cereal (one serving)
    Whole wheat toast with butter
    568 calories - 22 grams of protein

    Chicken Burger in bun
    Fried egg to put on the burger
    Lettuce, tomato, ketchup, mayonnaise on it.
    Root beer to drink
    628 calories - 21 grams of protein

    Unknown :/

    A fruity smoothie with greek yogurt and frozen fruit and milk
    The rest of the snack are unknown
    268 calories - 26 grams of protein
    (at least)

    The amount of exercising I will be doing is at the very least around 1000 calories burned, but I walk everywhere, so it's always more....and I include my strength exercises as Calisthenics as I do them....

    Now at this point I have A LOT of sugar in my body, like I am already over the amount of sugar I want to eat, so I would prefer if any other thing I eat tomorrow is at least LOW in sugar :/ other than that...I don't know what else to put for snacks (I'll enter them as I eat...) or if I should change my lunch...I'd prefer not to drink root's high in sugar, and not even natural sugar. D: so if you have something else in mind that I could eat/drink that would be great :)
  • MarKayDee
    You're supposed to eat your calorie goal. That is what goal means, if you work out a ton (which you may be over estimating your workout calories burned) then you need to eat more calorie rich foods. If you eat salad, throw in croutons for some carbs, if you have steamed veggies for dinner roast some potatoes with them. If you don't like meat don't eat it but make sure you get your protien from SOMEWHERE.

    As for smoothies, if you really want to go that route:

    1 cup vanillas Greek yogurt
    1 cup frozen strawberries
    1/2 cup frozen peaches
    Handful of blueberries
    Half a banana

    It's delicious, it's chilly, it is not a replacement for a full well rounded meal but it makes a good post workout evening treat and a good breakfast the next day.
  • Rdlm1001
    Rdlm1001 Posts: 47 Member
    You are 19. Just be open to trying new things and don't limit yourself. What you don't like today you may love tomorrow. Be open to all types of food. Greek yogurt with honey and nuts (walnuts, pecans or almonds) is great. You like processed foods because it is what you know. Just be open. I used to be a picky eater when I was young too. Then I realized it was limiting and simply a very unattractive quality. Unless you have an allergy, no food will kill you so just try it all. Make a goal to buy one thing a week you have never tried. Quinoa Is an amazing grain that is high in protein and it tastes great! Not sure where you live, but if you have a natural grocery store, go to the deli and buy something "weird". Here in the U.S. we have Whole Foods and they make rocking salads and soups. I personally make large pots of soups and chili that are full of veg beans and meat. Still low calorie, but well rounded :). Good luck and just be open. If you want to change your body, you have to change your thinking!
  • MarKayDee
    You are 19. Just be open to trying new things and don't limit yourself. What you don't like today you may love tomorrow. Be open to all types of food. Greek yogurt with honey and nuts (walnuts, pecans or almonds) is great. You like processed foods because it is what you know. Just be open. I used to be a picky eater when I was young too. Then I realized it was limiting and simply a very unattractive quality. Unless you have an allergy, no food will kill you so just try it all. Make a goal to buy one thing a week you have never tried. Quinoa Is an amazing grain that is high in protein and it tastes great! Not sure where you live, but if you have a natural grocery store, go to the deli and buy something "weird". Here in the U.S. we have Whole Foods and they make rocking salads and soups. I personally make large pots of soups and chili that are full of veg beans and meat. Still low calorie, but well rounded :). Good luck and just be open. If you want to change your body, you have to change your thinking!

    Haha, I feel guilty for saying "yuck" aloud to Greek yogurt, honey and nuts. I think the important thing is to try and find ways to eat foods you didn't care for when you had a child's taste buds. I hated avocados as a kid, the other day I put them in my Mac and cheese. I have never (and still don't) liked mushrooms, now I buy the fancy ones with hard to pronounce names to make risotto with.

    Not liking a food one way doesn't mean you'll never like it

    (Also peanut butter and banana sandwiches, two foods I hate, but put them together and I can't get enough)
  • Rdlm1001
    Rdlm1001 Posts: 47 Member
    Actually hated the Greek yogurt honey nut thing too, but somehow I now love it. Prefer it with pecans... LOL. It is all about just trying everything. And retrying because tastes buds change. Also I think quality ingredients matter. Don't' get crappy honey or cheap mushrooms. Spring for the best you can afford!
  • MarKayDee
    Actually hated the Greek yogurt honey nut thing too, but somehow I now love it. Prefer it with pecans... LOL. It is all about just trying everything. And retrying because tastes buds change. Also I think quality ingredients matter. Don't' get crappy honey or cheap mushrooms. Spring for the best you can afford!

    I have learned that I actually like almonds, despite disliking all other nuts. I don't like yogurt, but I buy the chobani tubes for my two year old and if I'm in the mood for a quick snack I'll snag one (especially the dragon fruit ones, holy crap they're worth four bucks a box). Honey totally grosses me out, but it works wonders for sweetening up teriyaki sauces! As recently as six months ago I hated zucchini, but now I julienne it up for a past replacement, or dice it in my tomato sauces to cut acidity.
  • mi_esperanza83
    ok so I have a question along these lines...I get a balanced diet filled with fruits, veggies, protein, dairy, grains, etc but sometimes I have calories left over. Should I be trying to eat all the recommended calories? Plus when I exercise I sometimes get back around 1000 calories....should I also be eating those calories in order to lose the weight like I want to be losing?
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    Throughout the day, but I have noticed that I am unable to sleep very well. Could those be linked?

    I guess to summarize my random thoughts.... should I be force feeding myself even if I'm not hungry? Should I be worried about my health? Is it because of my diet that I am unable to sleep?
    The sleep problems could be from overtraining. (Or malnutrition if you're not eating enough.)
  • LoosingMyLast15
    LoosingMyLast15 Posts: 1,457 Member
    Ulgh how much am I supposed to eat? I've been on the go today and haven't even been in my own house since yesterday afternoon until about 8:00PM, but I ate 1000 calories of fatty, carby food. Had a burger for protein, but I can't keep this up. If I have to try and stuff myself full of 1000 calorie meals constantly then I don't know if counting calories is my way of doing it.... you're right I am making excuses for myself though.

    Perhaps eggs and toast for breakfast with my (usual) oat cereal would make things better? :S I've never tried to lose weight before, and I never really have put nuts, legumes, eggs, or many meats into my regular diet before. I suppose since I am doing more exercising it is probably more essential to get that protein. Should I just try and add eggs to every meal?

    I'm also still wondering about smoothies and if that would help me at all (though I do have a problem keeping my sugar low :/)
    Can I put nuts in a smoothie? :S does that taste good?

    So tomorrow this is what I am going to try:

    2 Eggs sunny side up
    Red river hot cereal (one serving)
    Whole wheat toast with butter
    568 calories - 22 grams of protein

    Chicken Burger in bun
    Fried egg to put on the burger
    Lettuce, tomato, ketchup, mayonnaise on it.
    Root beer to drink
    628 calories - 21 grams of protein

    Unknown :/

    A fruity smoothie with greek yogurt and frozen fruit and milk
    The rest of the snack are unknown
    268 calories - 26 grams of protein
    (at least)

    The amount of exercising I will be doing is at the very least around 1000 calories burned, but I walk everywhere, so it's always more....and I include my strength exercises as Calisthenics as I do them....

    Now at this point I have A LOT of sugar in my body, like I am already over the amount of sugar I want to eat, so I would prefer if any other thing I eat tomorrow is at least LOW in sugar :/ other than that...I don't know what else to put for snacks (I'll enter them as I eat...) or if I should change my lunch...I'd prefer not to drink root's high in sugar, and not even natural sugar. D: so if you have something else in mind that I could eat/drink that would be great :)

    when you're on the go like that there's nothing wrong with grabbing a protein bar and having that as a snack until you get home. look for ones that are high in protein low in sugar. i can't really help you with smoothies as i don't drink a lot of them. what about adding chia seeds to your oatmeal - they have lots of fiber, are a good source of omega 3s and have protein. you can add them to protein shakes as well. i get mine at trader joes. if you prefer NOT to drink root beer why are you drinking it. drink water. drink water with lemon. if you walk everywhere maybe you could lay off the additional calisthenics.

    i also second/third you're young try new things. even if you have to force yourself - you NEVER know what you might like. when i say force too i don't mean eat an entire portion of something even though you hate it. i'm saying force yourself to take 2 bites of something you would normally say nope i don't like that. as we get older out taste buds change. i used to hate carrots until i turned 20 then i tried them again and well i eat them all the time. i was never a big meat eater until about 10 years ago now i do eat most of it. have you tried making your own hamburgers 93/96% lean meat with whatever seasonings you want, whole wheat roll YUM!

    i do enjoy greek yogurt and i usually will have mine with a banana. right now i like fit and light banana cream and i also like yoplait's 100 calorie greek yogurt in vanilla.

    like you said you've never put nuts, beans, eggs, etc in your meals before so if you've never done it how do you know you don't like them. oh here's an idea. mash up some white beans with garlic and onion powder and a bit of olive oil and use it as spread on your chicken burger. :)

    good luck and while you are too young to know this and you have to be from the Boston, MA area (and from the 80s) it sorta applies and I think it's ADORABLE!
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    There's nothing wrong with putting your intellect in the driver's seat ...

    I am in love with this answer.

    You know your body needs a certain amount of food in order to function properly. Just because you aren't receiving or don't recognize hunger signals doesn't mean you shouldn't eat.
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
    There's nothing wrong with putting your intellect in the driver's seat ...

    I am in love with this answer.

    You know your body needs a certain amount of food in order to function properly. Just because you aren't receiving or don't recognize hunger signals doesn't mean you shouldn't eat.
  • ell_v131
    ell_v131 Posts: 349 Member
    I can see you slowly opening your mind up to this whole thing and it's great to see that!

    I agree protein is essential, but not because you track calories, because your body needs it. Even if you stopped tracking tomorrow you should try to get more protein.

    now as for sources, if you don't like something it's fine, but try it every once in a while as tastes change a lot! Fish is a great idea, salmon and tuna and any white fish, just put them in the oven (even a whole fish which you can then portion and freeze for later, obviously not tuna since they're too big haha). Protein powdre you can use on it's own as a shake or part of a smoothie. I prefer it over protein bars, because I feel it's better value for money. When I get 90% isolate, I get more protein from it than so called protein bar, which has maybe 30-40% protein in it.

    Try to eat up to your goal plus your (realistic) calories. Eggs are great! When I travel and can't bring my protein, I eat a lot (6) egg whites and 2 whole eggs for breakfast, and I love it. Sometimes I have eggs with lunch or dinner just for theprotien. And because they are tasty lol.

    Are you not a fan of steak? I can see why someone would not like chicken breast, a lot of people find it boring, but what about thighs?