Late night snacking

So I just need to vent right now because I'm feeling upset. No matter what I do, at night time after dinner I am sooo freaking hungry! and I try to drink water to fill me up and eat dinner later but I have to workout at night due to my work schedule. Tonight I was so hungry and I ended up going crazy on those quaker mini rice cake snacks. I couldn't tell you how many I ate. I am feeling like such a failure that I'm always giving into this and really binging. Anyone else struggle with this? This is for sure one of my biggest struggles.


  • Rdlm1001
    Rdlm1001 Posts: 47 Member
    I am the same. I can hold it together all day. At night I just want to eat. I know for me it is about boredom, loneliness (my guy is on another continent) and relaxation. TV and food is my comfort. So now when I want to eat more I come on to this site and kill time looking at the forums. And I do not keep food in the house that I can easily eat. Except fruit/veg. It sucks. It isn't easy, but We have the power to change it. Someone told me once that your body will always send hunger messages way sooner and way more than it sends full message. I just know I can choose not to listen to the message. If I have had my sensible meal, it is just my emotional need trying to derail me.
  • sarahmichel101
    sarahmichel101 Posts: 158 Member
    As long as you aren't over eating, you can eat at night, right? Why don't you plan on these hungers for after supper? Leave enough calories for it, weigh it out and have it all prepared for when you crave it. add water to the small snack and it will feel like a bigger snack.
  • wannakimmy
    wannakimmy Posts: 488 Member
    As long as you aren't over eating, you can eat at night, right? Why don't you plan on these hungers for after supper? Leave enough calories for it, weigh it out and have it all prepared for when you crave it. add water to the small snack and it will feel like a bigger snack.

  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    I prefer eating more in the evening. That's just how it is. So, I arrange my day's intake to reflect that. It suits me to eat lighter through the day, and have a large meal in the evening, and then a few snacks after that too. And, I promise you, mini rice cakes would do absolutely nothing for me! Fill up on protein and fibre, making sure you have enough fat too, Satisfy the mental part by eating what you really enjoy - in moderation. I have a large meal of lean meat of fish, with lots of veggies - sometimes a carb side, sometimes not. I have Greek yoghurt and berries. After dinner, I enjoy some chocolate - real chocolate - or cookies, ice cream or whatever. A big enough portion that I can taste and enjoy it, but small enough to fit it into my goals. I don't try to fill up on chocolate, that's what the meat and vegetables are for.

    Experiment with your meal timing. Maybe you're just an evening eater. If so, arrange your intake accordingly. Looking at your diary, you're also eating under your goal every day. No wonder you're hungry and wanting to binge! You're supposed to hit the goal, not come way under.
  • aarondnguyen
    aarondnguyen Posts: 270 Member
    If you plan or prepare your meals ahead of time (perhaps in tupperware), you may find it much easier to comply to your day's calorie goals.

    Also, protein is the most satiating--for both short-term and long-term hunger (physiological) or appetite (psychological). Carbs (i.e. those Quaker rice cakes) not so much.

    Or what you can do is rinse your mouth with oral glucose (soda). The trace amounts of sugars left behind are enough to replenish serotonin levels, making it easier to say no to cravings (studies have been done and I can provide you links to the articles if you wish; I've also tried this method and it works for me as well).

    OR you can drink zero calorie diet soda.... although in moderation of course, since anything that's "zero calories" technically isn't legitimately zero. If anything is under 5 calories, companies are allowed to put zero on the label. there's that. Hope this helps.
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    Stop thinking about food....