muaylex Member


  • I know how you feel.... I literally eat all the time!
    in Mmm cake... Comment by muaylex July 2013
  • Charm, personality, and humor. I like people who make me laugh
  • Coffee Granola Yogurt Eggs Cereal (although cereal is not really that good for you)
  • I'm 5"4' and my goal weight is 115 lbs. I used to be martial art student for years so I know that I have muscle underneath these fat already but I still need to tone up a little! Lol. Right now I am 116.2 lbs and in shape, I look healthy and beautiful and don't think I would go any lower than this. By the way, I'm 31 years…
  • I do that does help
  • Thanks guys! I came from Thailand where we eat rice at every meal, so if I don't have rice I feel like I'm going to die here
  • Eat lots of healthy snack during the day to fill you up, get rid of unhealthy snack out of your pantry and fill it with healthy one, rice cake, nut, etc.
  • You are on your ideal weight!! I'm also 5'4" and I weight 119 at the moment... I love the way I look now, along with running on the treadmill everyday and eat healthy. I am 31 year old, MFP said that my calories intake should no more an 1200 calories a day... I assume you are in the same boat. If you just want to lose fat,…
  • I have Mirena for five full years and never have weight problem whatsoever. Nevertheless, I had it removed sept of 2012, and try birth control pill instead (which I never have try the pill before). Within 6 months of taking pill, my weight went from 124 to 135 within few months, bloated all the time, feel fat, and always…
  • I drink coffe in the morning, sometimes just black, sometimes I put soy milk in it...helps me suppress my appetite. I don't feel hungry until 1-2 pm
  • Mainly Chinese, and Thai fiancé has Scottish, Irish, French, and something else in him. It will be very interesting when we have a baby!
  • Clear bean tread noodle!! People in Thailand eat this noodle because its low on calories. They also sell it at Walmart
  • Awesome clip!
  • Rice Garlic Eggs Onion Cabbage Chicken Pork Noodle Oil Lettuce
  • I'm so in!
  • What? You have done so great! You have lost 32 lbs!!! Don't beat yourself up!
  • You all are very welcome!!:wink:
  • My fiancé said the same thing!!! But don't give up!! I love love love to eat but I want to feel good about myself, feel healthy, be able to wear my 10 years old jeans, and look my best on my wedding day which coming up in three can look at my fluctuate weight on my diary...I know it is very hard to commit but…
  • PE,science, and math!!!
  • Listen to this,,,I am a beer fanatic!! Last weekend I went camping with my fiancé for my birthday and drank 10 beers everyday for three days ....came back from the wood and weigh myself I almost die!! I was down to 121.6 lbs from 134 lbs before I went camping ( while I was on diet I quit drinking and smoking) ...after I…
  • You are welcome to add me for supportive!!!
  • You are welcome to add me! I am basically run everyday as well
  • Welcome to add me... I have very bad habit of eating bad food.. Joining MFP helps me and my fiancé focus on healthy food and lose weight without starving ourselves before the wedding day!!!
    in HELP ! Comment by muaylex July 2013
  • HI! My name is Lexy and you are welcome to add me as a friend. i am sorry about your husband and I hope everthing is going welll with both of you.
  • Do you consider alternate food that have simlar calories count? Seems like your body crave for something else more satisfyng such as meat and carb. I do have that problem myself, I work out a lot and I am constantly hungry all the time, what I do is drink A LOT! A LOT of water! alternate my food options so that my body…
  • Hi Tasha! You can say that I am new to this myself.. I started this program fo almost two weeks now and it has open my eyes!!! I ahve no idea how bad of all tthe food I thing they were healthy! This program helps you track what you eat, daily calories intake and burnt by activities you do eahc day. I hope this…
  • Hi! My name is Lexy...All I want to tell you is I know you think it seems hard, you have a lot of stress on your shoulder at the moment but DO NOT GIVE UP ON YOURSELF! The only wy to gain your self confident and self respect back is to make yourself feel better...if your weight is to the point that is unbearable, hard for…