
This is the general structure of my day this summer...

6AM- wake up, work out until 7
7AM- breakfast, usually Kashi Cereal with berries and Silk omega-3 soy milk
745- walk to work about 1 mile
8AM- coffee with truvia, crystal lite with water
945- stomach growling, soyjoy bar
1045- growling again, chobani yogurt
12PM- short 1.5 mile walk over break
lunch of salad, beans, veggies, tofu, fish, no cheese/dressing though
2PM- hungry again... Apple
4PM- hungry, green tea and rest of salad
440- 2nd job, .5mile walk
7PM- walk home(1.25mile), extremely hungry. Sandwich of avocado, sprouts, veggies, glazed portobello on wheat 4inch sub
830- snack, usually blueberries, rasp, hummus carrots, PB and strawberries
11PM- bed

So I'm just trying to understand why my stomach growls so often and I get hungry so often... I try to eat intuitively and focus on unprocessed foods but I don't restrict anything besides meat. I don't eat much dairy and I do occasionally eat fish/seafood. Any advice or enlightening words? :)

Addition: young 20s, 5'5" and about 125-130lbs


  • Another addition: both my jobs are desk jobs, mostly just sitting and getting faxes etc.
  • thisismeraw
    thisismeraw Posts: 1,264 Member
    How much water are you drinking? How much fat are you eating? HOw much protein>
  • I don't know about the fat and protein content, but above is what I typically eat on a daily basis with some variations. I definitely drink MORE than the recommended amount of water.
  • muaylex
    muaylex Posts: 32 Member
    Do you consider alternate food that have simlar calories count? Seems like your body crave for something else more satisfyng such as meat and carb. I do have that problem myself, I work out a lot and I am constantly hungry all the time, what I do is drink A LOT! A LOT of water! alternate my food options so that my body don't feel deprive.
  • lcyama
    lcyama Posts: 209 Member
    one, if you are 5'5 and 130, then you are in the normal weight range. weight loss will be slower.

    two, you are getting a lot of exercise (working out for an hour, walking four miles) and are probably just not eating enough. maybe consider a bigger breakfast? having some peanut butter with your apple for your afternoon snack? i find protein and fiber tend to keep me fuller longer, along with boatloads of water.
  • Showcase_Brodown
    Showcase_Brodown Posts: 919 Member
    Research grehlin.

    If you habitually eat 8 times a day, your body might be entrained to be hungry 8 times a day.
  • allshebe
    allshebe Posts: 423 Member
    "Sweet" things tend to make me hungrier than I "should" be for what I'm doing, although fruit and milk sugars have a lesser effect. Given your weight and height, I'm not sure you're eating enough in general though (and your body is complaining about the restricted rations). It doesn't sound like you need to lose weight - maybe just maintain and tone up? I would eat more fat - aids satiety and seems to hold off the hunger pangs for longer.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    You realize you posted twice? You got other answers here:
  • Oh my goodness, I didn't know I had posted twice... That's what I get for doing it on my phone... Thank you so much!