

  • It's about carb timing. You should get the majority of your carbs from non root veggies, so leafy greens, cabbage, broccoli and such. Low carb doesn't work for the long haul. Also if you've been on a low calorie diet for an extended period, it's time for a cheat day. I know it sounds scary, but for the temporary…
  • I love to juice kale. BE CAREFUL with beets! They made my blood pressure way too low! If you have high blood pressure they are great, the effects last for up to two days after. But I already have low blood pressure so it was too much. Just a warning. Otherwise JUICE AWAY!! I like: 4-5 leaves of Kale 2-3 handfuls of spinach…
  • I use it oatmeal and yogurt, coffee, tea, smoothies, anything that I would normally add sugar to or want sweetness in.
  • Pauline Nordin's Fighter Diet Jamie Eason's 12 week trainer Or try searching for information on Body Good Luck :)
  • Try the bulk section too.
  • BUILDING MUSCLE is the best way to burn fat!! People are so confused. Cardio can destroy muscle if you do it excessively. P90X is good stuff, but you need to change your diet. Check out a post from Stroutman81: "That's the nature of most people. They completely miss the forest for the trees. They don't see the big picture.…
  • It's silly, but you have to enter it into the cardio part. I think it's lame that it doesn't count ANY calories for strength exercises unless you put it under cardio. I guess it's just to keep track. I promise you though, if you are lifting weights, you are burning calories! well unless they're those little 2 pound…
  • I lift weights so I eat a lot of protein. The link here, if you go towards the bottom of the page it has a diet listed for the day. Lots of protein and links for clean protein ideas. I like the Turkey muffins, though without as much oatmeal as she calls for.…
  • I use them like butter on toast. Or just eat them straight with a little salt. When I was a kid, my dad used to fill the hole left by the pit with mayo for me! Gross, no wonder he had a heart attack at 50! Sorry just a tidbit for perspective ENJOY! :)
  • I know it can seem complicated to build a routine, but here is a link to a good one that uses machines. I don't go to a gym so I have to figure out how to do them with free weights at home, but I'm sure you can find the machines required at your gym. Good Luck…
  • That's what I was going to say. Boar's Head is a good one, but it's really better to prepare your own meats. Also those frozen chicken breast are usually injected with sodium solutions so they are really high in sodium too. I just decided to eliminate sandwiches completely, too many carbs in the bread and too much sodium…
  • That's a lot of carbs!!! mine only recommends 120?
  • Im sorry did you say you burned 740 calories in a half hour??
  • I agree that the recipe feature is one of the best on this site. But I count veggies. It really gives you the flexibility to change up the recipe. I like to make everything myself so this is a great way to keep track and vary the recipe according to what I have around Check it out.
  • I would say less coffee AND less milk. Most protein powders are made to be mixed with 8 oz of fluid or less. Try 6 oz coffee and 2oz milk per scoop. I like to use espresso, then the flavor is really strong and you can use less liquid.
  • Of course it's possible! Strength training will help your running, I would just recommend NOT doing it on the SAME DAY. You need to recover. Nike Plus and both have good systems to help you with your running and training. Good luck.
  • On Facebook try Sweeties Freebies, they are awesome, they work really hard to help find good deals and FREE STUFF!!
  • The thing about coffee is the dependence it creates and the stuff you put into it. The antioxidant effect is only if you drink it within the first half hour of brewing it. All things in moderation, but anything that gives you a headache when you stop consuming it, seems like a bad thing to me. Now don't get me wrong, I…
  • I just try to plan for it and save calories from my other meals.
  • It's more like thai food, but if you cook some cabbage in a skillet with almond butter and some dried pepper flakes and chicken, it's similar. Sorry I know it's not the same, but I don't even have decent chinese in my town, gotta drive 100 miles so we make do. Oh and another thing that I make is ground pork with LOTS of…
  • I think that a good protein powder is your best option. Recovery drinks are just another marketing tool. Here is a link that has some information. Good luck.
  • Check out the movie Fat. Sick, and Nearly Dead, it's on Netflix right now. It is a really good look at juice fasting. They also have a website: Most of their guidance includes just lots of veggies, but I just got an email recently that they are going to post a juice only fast. I personally have…
  • It's a Religion based fast - um I'll pass.
  • I already eat clean, and I LOVE IT! I feel so much better and no cravings for bad stuff. I don't know what a Daniel Fast is, but you should check out the movie Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead, it is a story of two men who go on extended juice fast, like 6 months long! You should try it, it's a good way to reset and keep…
  • Almond milk Organic Kale, collards, chard, apples, lemons, avocados, mango, squash, spinach, carrots, ginger root CABBAGE!!! I eat at least 1 pound per day Raw almonds 7 grain hot cereal or Oat bran Protein Powder EGGS! lots of EGGS! Organic free range of course lean free range meats - buffalo, chicken, pork, fish, shrimp…
  • WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! That's awesome! Keep it up, you'll reach your goal before you know it :)
  • I thought that was good - the whole point is to have a calorie deficit.
  • I second that emotion, since it's what I said in my post!! hehe :wink: Sorry this was in response to kkellam above
  • FYI even the frozen chicken breast have sodium in them, they inject them before freezing. It's important to still read the labels.