subsonicbassist Member


  • Yeah, lean meats are gonna be your best bet. Things like chicken breast, lean ground turkey/beef, ham and low fat dairy can really help keep your protein up. Also, if no one else has said it yet, meal timing is pretty much irrelevant so don't worry about eating every 2 hours. If you look up and it's 4:00 and you haven't…
  • Yes, the only way to lose weight from your legs is by consuming less calories than your body needs to maintain the same weight (calorie deficit). Unfortunately, you can't choose where your body will lose fat (called "spot reducing"). Your genetics will more or less dictate that, however if you build nice muscles in your…
  • Those ingredients add up to about 25-35 grams of carbs, maybe more with the yogurt FYI. Not trying to sound like a jerk, but a serving of most cereals with half a cup of milk is roughly the same amount of carbs. Veggies and fruits are essentially all carbs as well so your reasoning may need to be a bit more specific ie.…
  • You can only do as much as your body will let you, don'tpush too hard or your performance may start to falter due to too much stress and inability for recovery. Also, HIIT is not a great primary builder of muscle... resistance training will yield far better results, but it has been shown that HIIT may help retain muscle in…
  • Yeah, this is definitely an individual thing but I think most of us can relate! I am currently in the middle of a bad streak, but honestly, I'm happy with my progress so far and the muscle I have built. I am not going absolutely crazy anymore because I can usually fit some pretty whacky stuff into my macros for the day…
  • Lol who said kind words?!?!?!?! SHOW YOURSELF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • This is what works for me!!!! Too bad it's an off day... maybe I'll get in some light cardio :)
  • Check out a program like Starting Strength by Mark Rippetoe, I lifted a lot about 10 years ago but lost quite a bit of strength over the years. I started off with 3 sets of 5 reps at 185 (I believe, maybe a bit less like 165) and in 2 months am up to 295!
  • Hell yeah man, all about dat vascularity!!! :)
  • It might sound weird, but on a whim I tried it with a bit of Stevia mix (half stevia/half raw sugar) and cinnamon and it was great! I actually liked the little bit of crunch the sugar granules gave it, though I have no problem eating it plain by the carton (I eat at least a cup every day!!!). My wife hated it though, but I…
  • This is the most beautiful thing I have ever read. I like you :) :flowerforyou:
  • The Jillian Michaels cleanse is extremely effective at clearing out waste, it made me realize how much extra money I had in my bank account. What a waste that was, when I could just throw it at a miracle product... In all seriousness, I have done similar detoxes before and honestly, THEY DO NOT WORK!!! You lose weight from…
  • This post gave me cancer... it doesn't matter when you eat to get a flat stomach, just eat in a calorie deficit and do some exercises that utilize your core muscles (deadlifts, squats, and overhead press are great because they are whole-body movers and your core must stay tight to lift maximum weight) to make sure you have…
  • Great job guys, you saved one!!! LOL, seriously though!!! Quite a few people start Shakeology or similar weight loss/shake system (I did one too, sick of mentioning the name) and immediately tell everyone how great they feel... that's usually because they had a ****ty diet before hand and they are adding the shakes along…
  • UPDATE: Every person that eats this diet will die. That is all.
  • Is there a way to remove or correct inaccurate entries that come up with the barcode scanner, or add them if they are missing for that matter? I would love to correct a few of my common foods :)
  • Please stop posting this garbage, these are correlation studies and not credible. If you don't feel like eating in the morning, then DON'T!!! As long as you are hitting your calorie or preferably, your macro goals for the day, delaying breakfast does no harm to your body nor is it suboptimal. SOme people Intermittent Fast…
  • I play soccer on the weekends with my friends, for fun, and we don't score. I am therefore a soccer player... strong logic is strong. OP is just looking for like-minded individuals in the same competetive realm as him, the only people getting butthurt are those that don't compete or want to compete but won't. I train…
  • Spring mix salad with carrots and cucumber, topped with Bolthouse Farms low-cal blue cheese dressing (not too bad). On the side, I had 8 oz of 93/7 ground turkey mixed with 5 eggs and topped with a dash of garlic powder and Sriracha. Prety darn good, now I'm ready for a snack though haha!!!
  • The absolutely weirdest 2 movies to ever be put into a sentence together... awesome haha!!! Some Like it Hot is actually pretty good, SHarknado is patiently waiting for the next blue moon to come together so I can watch it. And by blue moon, I mean my kid in bed at a decent time, wife and I not super tired and probably a…
  • /thread.jpg
  • Eats an incredibly low amount of carbs, the body's preferred energy source, then complains about not having energy. Is this real life? srs
  • Start lifting weights and doing light cardio 1-2x a week, seriously will get much better results!!! I did 3 full cycles of Insanity while on a low cal diet and lost around 10 pounds. After 4 weeks of not doing it anymore and eating roughly the same, I gained it back :( now I weightlift 3x a week and eat quite a bit more,…
  • I have found it helpful to search "USDA {name of fruit or vegetable here}, this way you will get an accurate baseline of serving size and how many calories are in it. Some fruits and veggies will actually come with bar codes that you can scan if you buy them in a bag, like potatos :)
  • The artificial sweeteners will probably kill you before you finish the cake :(... not srs. bump4laterkaithxbai
  • If we Americans were able to understand how many grams are in a serving size of most foods, I bet obesity would be less of a problem. A cup of milk actually fits in a small drinking glass, a cereal bowl holds over 3 servings of most cereals and milk, even fruits liks apples are occasionally more than 1 serving when they…