

  • I am sure that you can do that. I have lost 30 lbs since the February so that is very realistic. As long as you stay motivated and work out 4-5 days per week and eat healthy you will reach your goal. Good luck. :happy:
    in Newbie here Comment by jkq2003 May 2011
  • Don't sweat the small things. We all have those moments where we feel weak but that does not mean we are weak. We are transforming our lives and this is not easy. We have to take it one day at at time. You have to allow yourself days where you eat what you want because if you start to feel like you are depriving yourself…
  • We are all here to help you along the way. Feel free to add me if you would like. I am on a journey to change my weight for the rest of my life and I realize that my journey is 1 step and pound at a time.
    in New here Comment by jkq2003 May 2011
  • I definitely agree that it is about perspective. I am currently a size 18 and down from a size 20 and the moment I was able to fit into some clothes I have not worn in 6 years I was so excited. I can't even tell you the joy I will feel to be a size 16 or smaller.
  • Welcome, this site has been a life saver for me. It calculates what I should be taking in and requires me to be honest about what I am putting in my mouth. It makes me realize how important consistent exercise and I have been able to take off 23 lbs since February when I joined.
    in I am new Comment by jkq2003 April 2011
  • I typically have those conversations with myself when I am really tired and so don't feel like getting up to exercise. My body/mind say: "Oh, we are on a roll, we have already lost 23 lbs and you are eating so much better and working out consistently so missing one morning will not kill you. You know that you really don't…
  • Welcome aboard and know that we are all on that journey with you to find the healthy happy place in us all.
  • I actually have been losing weight in my midsection and that is normally the last place that I lose. I have been mainly walking and I work out with my Wii doing yoga, free step and strength training 30 to 45 minutes 5 days a week. I have seen a tremendous change in my mid section with this regiment. I also alternate in…
  • Welcome to MFP. This site is great and has been an excellent help to me not only losing weight but to recognize what an actual serving size is. I know that you will reach your goals.
  • Welcome back. I have found everyone is supportive and hope that find a group of great friends to provide that extra level of motivation.
  • I am with you. I have not been under 200 in 11 years and my goal is too get under 200 to be at a healthier weight. I have a long journey ahead. I totally understand how a miscarriage can totally drain you. I had one when my daughter was 1 that threw me into postpartum depression and due to this I put on a lot of weight…
  • My goal is to lose a 100 and I am happy with each pound that I drop. I know that it may take me a while to get it all off but I am excited every time I step on the scale and see a change. I am more motivated now since I have lost my first 17 and working out is a good stress reliever for me which is great. I know that you…
  • Wii Fit Zumba is great and it is definitely a work out. I find myself sweating buckets just in the first 10 minutes. It is a fun workout. I normally do at least 2 routines even after finishing up my regular workout for the day.
  • Have you measured to see if you are losing Inches? Are you exercising properly? Are you eating at least 1200 calories after your exercise is subtracted? If not you may be throwing your body into starvation mode.
  • Be careful and make sure that you stay above at least 1200 calories to help you stay on track. The system will allow you to customize your plan and to increase your exercise goal on the system to give you more effective info.
  • Great Job!!! Your accomplishments are just awesome for a years time and really help to motivate me more. I have been doing this for a little over a month and have lost 14 lbs and am so happy about that. I know how hard it is to lose each pound that it was so easy to put on. One of my friends and I were complaining the…
  • I know that you will do it and I am so proud of you. We will support each other on here to reach our goals. You have made the first step and we are here to help you take the rest.
  • Welcome Aboard. I have been on her for 2 months and it is so great. The support and feedback that you get from other members is great and the friends that I have made remind me daily of the goal that I want to meet. No one is pushy or negative but they are very positive and uplifting.
  • I would probably add it since it is actual exercise but I would not eat those calories back during the day like the system usually advises when you add in exercise.
  • I am really bad because I fix my chocolate craving with the snack pack pudding which are real pudding I think made with 2% milk and it is a nice size cup and 120 calories per serving for my chocolate fudge with milk chocolate pudding. That is my delight every other day and I love it. Another good fix is the skinny cow ice…
  • Weekends are harder because we have more access to the unhealthy foods especially if we have a family who eats all of those things. I do allow myself a sort of cheat day at least once a week which typically is a weekend day since those are harder than the rest. I remind myself on the weekends that I have to stay on track.…
  • I typically have a snack after dinner but I try to make it a healthy snack and not something full of fat. I normally have yogurt or cottage cheese and fruit. I actually had my doctor tell me that I should have a snack before bedtime to help keep my body from going into starvation mode. She also told me that within an hour…
    in Snacks? Comment by jkq2003 March 2011
  • I did 42 minutes today on the Wii between Free Step and Super Hula Hoop. I am not at an hout yet but I am on my way.
  • Slow and steady are the way to do it. As your endurance increases then you will want to increase the speed.
  • My friend has zumba and loves it. Her husband even likes it.
  • Okay, I will dust off my Wii tomorrow. I am ready for the challenge.
  • Feel free to add me. I am rather new also and would love to help motivate you.