jmdax Member


  • First, P90X is hard. If you're just starting out, modify as needed. Especially early on. Don't over-do it. It's a 90-day program, but hopefully your fitness endeavor isn't just for 90 days. So no need to injure yourself. Second, P90X will yield results. May not be as quickly as you like when it comes to the scale, but take…
  • One of the things that motivated me to lose weight and get in shape was seeing an exhibit called "Body World." It shows the inner workings of the human body preserved using plastics. Very educational. One of the exhibits showed body cross sections. The bodies were thin, not-so-thin and morbidly obese. The amount of…
  • Had it yesterday for the first time. While I was out on the patio grilling turkey breasts and asparagus, my daughter was making quinoa in place of rice for our dinner. Enjoyed it and will probably have it a lot more going forward. Have to ask her if she ever had it for breakfast.
  • My daughter is a college student at Temple. She and a group of friends are signed up for one in Philly in July. They're looking forward to it.
  • I'm in the third week of doing P90X/Insanity Hybrid. It's the weight training of P90X mixed with the cardio of Insanity. So 2-3 days per week, I'm doing Insanity workouts. Don't think I'd like doing Insanity alone as I enjoy doing weight training as well. Insanity workouts do burn a lot of calories.
  • Same as jfanent. If you have a HRM, you can just put in the calories. But beware that for the weight training workouts, the HRM could calculate up to 35% more calories burned than the actual. If you don't have a HRM, check out the following link:
  • I'm doing a P90X/Insantiy Hybrid program. I just finished week-2. When I do the Insanity workouts, my HRM says 540-570 calories burned.
  • I did a round of P90X starting this past February. That combined with a more healthy diet (didn't necessarily follow the P90X meal plan) allowed me to lose 23 lbs. Didn't take any arm/waist/chest/etc measurements, but the jeans I was wearing at the beginning of the year are way to big on me now. On top of that, I have more…
  • Awesome! I'm 51 as well and started P90X the day after the Super Bowl in February. I'm now doing a P90X/Insanity Hybrid. The exercise combined with a healthier diet has allowed me to lose 25 lbs so far. Still would like to lose another 18 lbs.
  • Started doing P90X in February. There's a workout called Ab Ripper, and it certainly is that. It's 12 different exercises with 25 reps of each followed by a final exercise with 50 reps just for fun. Thought I was going to die the first time I did the workout and couldn't do 25 without taking a break let alone the 50. Fast…
  • Like the show a lot. There is some marathon during the summer. May be entire season 1 and 2 with previews of season 3. Check out the amc site for the details.
  • First: Ironmaiden & Judas Priest Last: Godsmack & Metallica
  • Allentown, PA in the house!
  • Agreed. No workout program is right for everyone. Not P90X nor Insanity nor some workout a person created on his/her own. And of course, not everyone's fitness goal is the same either. Some may want to improve strength, while others may want to improve flexibility or speed. If some want to just lose weight and tone their…
    in p90x Comment by jmdax June 2012
  • I recall my tailbone hurting during the early days of ARX. Not so much anymore. Guess as you strengthen your core your tailbone can better handle the stresses of the workout.
    in p90x Comment by jmdax June 2012
  • You can add your own exercises and save it to your own database. That's what I've done for P90X and then just put in the calories burned each time. I have a HRM so just put in what it calculates for aerobic-style exercises. For the weight training exercises, I multiply the HRM calories by 65%. There's also a link that…
    in p90x Comment by jmdax May 2012
  • If it was your first day, just wait because it's going to hurt more tomorrow. Anyone who's done it has been there. But It'll get better as you continue on with the program. I finished up my round of P90X last week. Got good results. Now I'm doing the P90X/Insanity Hybrid. Yesterday was my first Insanity workout. Despite…
    in p90x Comment by jmdax May 2012
  • I'm with you. Pizza is my weakness. But rather than wolf down half a pie, two slices is now enough for me. Never did like McD's food. I will eat at Wendy's from time to time, as I did yesterday, but not too often. KFC's grilled chicken is pretty good, but there aren't any that close to me.
  • I just finished P90X this past week. Lost 23 lbs and a number of inches. Didn't take any measurements, but my 34W jeans are too big on my now. Also built strength and improved muscle tone. The program is not easy, but it does as advertised even though I don't look like any of the guys in the informercial. :) I want to lose…
  • That's awesome! Congrats! My goal was to lose 43 lbs to get back down to 180. Just finished up a round of P90X and lost 23 lbs since February. So I'm a little more than half-way there. Going to start another round of the program next week and keep working towards my goal. The "one day at a time" mantra is a good one.
  • A lot of people don't like the Yoga workout. Just was wondering if that was the case with your or whether it was due to the time required. Never did CardioX, but I plan on doing that tomorrow. Plan to alternate between that and XStretch for a few days until I'm ready to start the P90X/Insanity hybrid.
    in P90X Comment by jmdax May 2012
  • Weight Watchers Chocolate Fudge Ice Cream Bars. They're delicious! 100 calories, 1g fat, 24g carbs, 4g protein, and 5g fiber.
  • If you're doing exercises that don't involve a machine, then a heart rate monitor will be useful. Plus a HRM allows you to save your results and keep running totals. And as the other poster mentioned, those with the chest strap are a lot more accurate. Again may not be a big deal, but some people workout to reach certain…
  • My daughter just used that app for the first time. She went for about a 13-mile bike ride in 80 minutes and burned 578 calories. So your results seem to about right.
  • Any particular reason why you swap out the Yoga? If it's time constraint, just do the moving option which is the first 50 minutes. I sweat more doing yoga than any of the other workouts and burn over 800 calories during the 90-minutes. If you don't do it because you didn't like it, give it another try at some point. It…
    in P90X Comment by jmdax May 2012
  • I just completed P90X today. Lost 23 lbs, a few inches (didn't take any measurements but my 34W jeans are now way too big and my 32W fit now), gained strength and toned my muscles. It's not an easy program, but it works if you stick with it. Just modify as needed. I want to lose another 15-20 lbs so I plan to start a…
    in P90X Comment by jmdax May 2012
  • Just finished day-90 of P90X today. I lost 23 lbs during the program. It's a tough program working out every day, but you can modify as needed. It took me over 100 days to complete because there were some days I just couldn't do it or needed a break. But it does work. As others said, plan on spending about 90 minutes on…