
hurts sooooooooooooooooo bad :-(


  • Lisseth03
    Lisseth03 Posts: 518 Member
    in a good way though right?

    haha I love it
  • SweetDorothySweat
    SweetDorothySweat Posts: 114 Member
    The abs are killer. I love it. =D
  • canelly
    canelly Posts: 731 Member
    Everything hurts soooo bad right now!!! I just finish week 1 and I'm down 3 lbs! ; )
  • jmdax
    jmdax Posts: 119 Member
    If it was your first day, just wait because it's going to hurt more tomorrow. Anyone who's done it has been there. But It'll get better as you continue on with the program.

    I finished up my round of P90X last week. Got good results. Now I'm doing the P90X/Insanity Hybrid. Yesterday was my first Insanity workout. Despite doing P90X and working out regularly since February, my legs were killing me today. Particularly my calves. Guess it's just the different movements in Insanity that I'm not yet accustom to doing.

    Hang in there, and good luck!
  • samra2012
    samra2012 Posts: 715
    If it was your first day, just wait because it's going to hurt more tomorrow.
    yep... wait:laugh: but u can do it!
  • deniseearheart
    deniseearheart Posts: 919 Member
    I did 2 days along with my treadmill and I am so sore I had to take today off.. I've only done the stretching and yoga and abs... Waiting on my weights and pull up bar to do the others... Is there a program you are supposed to follow or just do random videos everyday
  • deniseearheart
    deniseearheart Posts: 919 Member
    Everything hurts soooo bad right now!!! I just finish week 1 and I'm down 3 lbs! ; )

    congrats on being down 3 pounds....
  • AngieJoy81
    AngieJoy81 Posts: 99 Member
    The abs are killer. I love it. =D

    ...but I hate it!
  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    If it was your first day, just wait because it's going to hurt more tomorrow. Anyone who's done it has been there. But It'll get better as you continue on with the program.

    I finished up my round of P90X last week. Got good results. Now I'm doing the P90X/Insanity Hybrid. Yesterday was my first Insanity workout. Despite doing P90X and working out regularly since February, my legs were killing me today. Particularly my calves. Guess it's just the different movements in Insanity that I'm not yet accustom to doing.

    Hang in there, and good luck!

    yes, Insanity will MURDER your calves! I could hardly walk for like the first 3 days. Now I'm in week 2 and it's much better.
  • moodyfeesh14
    moodyfeesh14 Posts: 811 Member
    there is a program just google the p90x schedule and the link comes up, plyometrics was the one that always killed me
  • AngieJoy81
    AngieJoy81 Posts: 99 Member
    I did 2 days along with my treadmill and I am so sore I had to take today off.. I've only done the stretching and yoga and abs... Waiting on my weights and pull up bar to do the others... Is there a program you are supposed to follow or just do random videos everyday

    Yeah, there's a schedule so that you work different groups each day. You don't have the booklet? Maybe it's on the website. It is good because there are different phases, "rest" periods and mini goals. And it keeps you from burning yourself out.
  • moiselleg
    moiselleg Posts: 2 Member
    How did you guys put this on your exercise? I could not find it on the exercise look up on here. I love it and do it all the time except when I ride my bike. I find my legs too sore to do the road bike on those days.
  • deniseearheart
    deniseearheart Posts: 919 Member
    I did 2 days along with my treadmill and I am so sore I had to take today off.. I've only done the stretching and yoga and abs... Waiting on my weights and pull up bar to do the others... Is there a program you are supposed to follow or just do random videos everyday

    Yeah, there's a schedule so that you work different groups each day. You don't have the booklet? Maybe it's on the website. It is good because there are different phases, "rest" periods and mini goals. And it keeps you from burning yourself out.

    nooooooooooo lol my guy downloaded the program for me
  • samra2012
    samra2012 Posts: 715
    I did 2 days along with my treadmill and I am so sore I had to take today off.. I've only done the stretching and yoga and abs... Waiting on my weights and pull up bar to do the others... Is there a program you are supposed to follow or just do random videos everyday

    Yeah, there's a schedule so that you work different groups each day. You don't have the booklet? Maybe it's on the website. It is good because there are different phases, "rest" periods and mini goals. And it keeps you from burning yourself out.
    schedule is in google.... i dont know how to upload photos here so i cant give it to u....

    nooooooooooo lol my guy downloaded the program for me
  • jmdax
    jmdax Posts: 119 Member
    How did you guys put this on your exercise? I could not find it on the exercise look up on here. I love it and do it all the time except when I ride my bike. I find my legs too sore to do the road bike on those days.

    You can add your own exercises and save it to your own database. That's what I've done for P90X and then just put in the calories burned each time. I have a HRM so just put in what it calculates for aerobic-style exercises. For the weight training exercises, I multiply the HRM calories by 65%. There's also a link that estimates calories burned for P90X.

  • SweetDorothySweat
    SweetDorothySweat Posts: 114 Member
    The abs are killer. I love it. =D

    ...but I hate it!

    Not gonna lie, it's a love/hate relationship. =) =( Always should be when it comes to workouts, otherwise, you likely aren't improving! See, now that's good news, eh?
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    I attempted P90X but I found the way the resistance training portions of the workout are structured (only 2 sets of each exercise? WTF) I wasn't seeing the strength gains I wanted to. The program is simply designed to make you LOOK fitter but not necessarily BE fitter it seems like. The strength training portions in particular need a LOT of modifications (adding more sets being the biggest one) if you want to see legitimate strength gains from them. I saw better results from doing other programs that only had you working out 3 days a week for 30-45 minutes a day.

    Muscle tone and changing the way you look is nice and all, but if you don't have the legitimate strength, speed, and endurance gains to show for it, then it's all useless.
  • SweetDorothySweat
    SweetDorothySweat Posts: 114 Member
    I attempted P90X but I found the way the resistance training portions of the workout are structured (only 2 sets of each exercise? WTF) I wasn't seeing the strength gains I wanted to. The program is simply designed to make you LOOK fitter but not necessarily BE fitter it seems like. The strength training portions in particular need a LOT of modifications (adding more sets being the biggest one) if you want to see legitimate strength gains from them. I saw better results from doing other programs that only had you working out 3 days a week for 30-45 minutes a day.

    Muscle tone and changing the way you look is nice and all, but if you don't have the legitimate strength, speed, and endurance gains to show for it, then it's all useless.

    I got this feeling too. Fat loss, yet, no muscle gain. What other programs would you recommend?
  • gsordahl
    gsordahl Posts: 13 Member
    I've done 3 weeks previously then restarted with a friend now on week 5! Feel free to add me! Would love to have more p90x friends!!
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    I attempted P90X but I found the way the resistance training portions of the workout are structured (only 2 sets of each exercise? WTF) I wasn't seeing the strength gains I wanted to. The program is simply designed to make you LOOK fitter but not necessarily BE fitter it seems like. The strength training portions in particular need a LOT of modifications (adding more sets being the biggest one) if you want to see legitimate strength gains from them. I saw better results from doing other programs that only had you working out 3 days a week for 30-45 minutes a day.

    Muscle tone and changing the way you look is nice and all, but if you don't have the legitimate strength, speed, and endurance gains to show for it, then it's all useless.

    I got this feeling too. Fat loss, yet, no muscle gain. What other programs would you recommend?

    Honestly the MOST progress both functionally AND visually came from putting together a program myself that consisted of the following:

    Go to the gym one day a week for heavy lifting focused on the lower body and back. More or less it's just to use the squat rack and lat pulldown machine, and the lat pulldown machine will become obsoleted once you become strong enough to legitimately incorporate full pullup sets into your workouts. The reason being is because bodyweight training is all you'll ever need for resistance for your upper body, but lower body muscles need a bit more of a load to challenge them. 1 day a week of utilizing the squat rack at the gym doing sets of squats, lat pulldowns, and rows was sufficient here.

    Follow it up with one day of rest or very moderate intensity cardio (such as going on a nice long brisk walk)

    For the rest of the week alternate between doing TOTAL BODY calisthenics workouts (I do mine on a suspension trainer) and HIIT cardio (I did mine using either a jump rope or sprinting drills) EVERY DAY. Your workouts should take no more than 30-45 minutes. When you get strong enough to incorporate sets of pullups into your workouts (which you will in a relatively short amount of time doing what I did) you will be doing them on calisthenics days.

    Except for gym days everything I do revolves around timed supersets in 35 second intervals followed by 30 second rests, each set is done 4 times:

    I start out with a warmup consisting of two exercises: 3 sets of 20 reps of squat into a row followed by 3 sets of 20 chest presses (all light intensity). I then do 4 sets pullups & chinups.

    Set 1: 2 arm bicep curl followed by alternating 1 arm rows, each arm (my suspension trainer features rotation so I can do this)

    Set 2: Chest press followed by alternating single arm chest flye

    Set 3: Shoulder press/superman followed by alternating triceps press (skullcrushers)

    Set 4: Lunge followed by lunge-jump (plyo lunge) - This one I do 4 sets one leg then 4 sets the other leg.

    Set 5: Hanging knee raises each side

    HIIT cardio consists of 2 minutes 30 seconds of brisk walk followed by (depending on whether I'm doing it indoors or outdoors) jumping rope or sprints for 30 seconds--repeat 10x.