


  • deniseearheart
    deniseearheart Posts: 919 Member
    How did you guys put this on your exercise? I could not find it on the exercise look up on here. I love it and do it all the time except when I ride my bike. I find my legs too sore to do the road bike on those days.

    You can add your own exercises and save it to your own database. That's what I've done for P90X and then just put in the calories burned each time. I have a HRM so just put in what it calculates for aerobic-style exercises. For the weight training exercises, I multiply the HRM calories by 65%. There's also a link that estimates calories burned for P90X.


    oh awesome thank you
  • deniseearheart
    deniseearheart Posts: 919 Member
    The abs are killer. I love it. =D

    ...but I hate it!

    Not gonna lie, it's a love/hate relationship. =) =( Always should be when it comes to workouts, otherwise, you likely aren't improving! See, now that's good news, eh?

    LOL yeah and I can tell it is working cause I am so so sore I want to cry LOL
  • deniseearheart
    deniseearheart Posts: 919 Member
    I think it hurts so good!

    lol eventually I will be able to say that
  • deniseearheart
    deniseearheart Posts: 919 Member

    Yeah, there's a schedule so that you work different groups each day. You don't have the booklet? Maybe it's on the website. It is good because there are different phases, "rest" periods and mini goals. And it keeps you from burning yourself out.

    nooooooooooo lol my guy downloaded the program for me

    Always a good thing to announce publicly.

    SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO WHAT!!!!!!! if I wasn't downloading it I could find it on youtube.
  • jmdax
    jmdax Posts: 119 Member
    ARX kills my tailbone. do not like that one but hate Yoga X more.

    I recall my tailbone hurting during the early days of ARX. Not so much anymore. Guess as you strengthen your core your tailbone can better handle the stresses of the workout.
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    ARX kills my tailbone. do not like that one but hate Yoga X more.

    I recall my tailbone hurting during the early days of ARX. Not so much anymore. Guess as you strengthen your core your tailbone can better handle the stresses of the workout.

    It's not so much that as it is this:

    Your tailbone should not even be a part of the equation. But if your core is in sub-par condition for the workout the tailbone will end up becoming a load-bearing member in what are supposed to be core-only movements. Strengthening your core as you progress through the workout program will get it to the point where your tailbone is where it should be--not involved at all. Really though you SHOULD be getting your core at least to THAT point before you begin the program otherwise you risk severe injury. It's one of the reasons P90X is recommended only to people who are alread in decent shape (people who have gone through a few rounds of Power 90, for instance).

    P90X and Insanity are considered Beachbody's advanced level workouts. They are not meant for people who are out of shape. Yes portions of them can be modified but you are still risking injury attempting things that are way beyond your fitness level. Yet every day I see people on forums such as this attempting it against all conventional wisdom when they should be starting out on something more mild. Even Beachbody themselves highly recommend people who aren't yet at a good level of fitness start out on Power 90 or something else along those lines.

    The more and more I learn about fitness and the science behind it, the more and more I see people actually ENCOURAGING other people to do things the totally wrong way and risking severe injury in the process. Encouragement is nice and all, but people need to have some sense here.

    Sorry, just something that's growing to become a bigger and bigger pet peeve.

    Understand your limitations, people. Be sensible when working out.
  • jmdax
    jmdax Posts: 119 Member
    This is garbage. "Purely vanity oriented"? I'm sorry you or people you know didn't get anything out of it, but that doesn't mean the program is "a joke".

    Agreed. No workout program is right for everyone. Not P90X nor Insanity nor some workout a person created on his/her own. And of course, not everyone's fitness goal is the same either. Some may want to improve strength, while others may want to improve flexibility or speed. If some want to just lose weight and tone their muscles to look good, who are we to tell them differently?

    In my case, I wanted to lose weight and get back into shape. My family has a history of heart disease so I have that as motivation to reach those goals. P90X coupled with a healthier diet allowed me to lose 23 lbs since February. I would like to lose another 15-20 to get down to a more healthy BMI so I started a round of P90X/Insanity Hybrid. In addition to the weightloss, P90X has toned up my muscles including my ab area. I have to admit that I like that, as does my wife. Does that really make me vain? Or her shallow?

    As far as strength goes, I was able to do 93 more pushups and 39 more pullups on the last day than I was able to do on day-1. I also increased my weights and reps for all of the weight-training exercises since I started the program. On top of that, the yoga and stretching workouts have my flexibility just about back to what it was when I was younger and did martial arts.

    For me, P90X works. So I will continue working out with it and now Insanity. I know people who are happy with their results from it. I know people who quit because it was too difficult. Now I know of someone (and I'm sure there are a lot of others) who didn't get anything out of it. Like I said, no program is right for everyone. You need to find what works for you.
  • amnski
    amnski Posts: 251 Member
    I am a P90X fanatic and if you stick to the program AS THE SCHEDULE DICTATES and follow the diet plan (fitness is 80% nutrition!) you will see results...I just finished a round and am now two weeks into P90X2. I have completed 6 total rounds over the past few years and if you do it right, it will give you results. Enough said :smile: