travishalogod Member


  • Hey, So just so you know who i am and my basis of knowledge I am a certified personal trainer and i have also lost 110lbs and am currently a competitive bodybuilder. And excess skin is a rough subject for me as well, I have it all along my stomach, legs, butt, and chest. I refuse to get surgery because i have so far done…
  • Pirate chick is right, the first thing you can do is just worry about the calories and you will eventually learn everything as you go, there are healthy fats and unhealthy fats, 'good' and 'bad' carbs, (better referred to as carb placement when you get more advanced) and all kinds of other things. I would suggest either…
  • Hey, I have done a lot of research on this subject but never have done it myself. I personally feel it is not the healthiest thing to do and my personal priority is to maintain health, not just lose weight. Intermittent fasting is when you go x amount of days/hours without eating and then continue eating as normal (or on a…
  • I usually don't even worry about sodium unless im trying to cut down and lose water weight.. but I don't have any health issues with hypertension or heart disease.. The only thing I will warn you about, is if your sodium levels are too low and you are working out like mad, your electrolytes will go off balance and you will…
  • Try doing it barefoot. I did the whole program with no shoes on because it didn't feel right, never had any foot pain.
  • I personally have tracked for over a year now and have surpassed my goal quite a while ago.. tracking is a way of life for me now.. the truth is, in my opinion anyway, you really have no idea what you are putting in your body if you don't track it or pay attention to it in some way.
  • yes, it is a sign if dehydration and can be very dangerous,, make sure you are drinking enough fluids.. at least a gallon of water a day. no joke.. try a gatorade here and there too, your electrolytes could be off. I had this problem too, it was water related.
  • You are welcome.. feel free to add me or message me privately if you would like to see those pics.
  • As someone who has done and completed Insanity as well as a heavy weight lifter. Insanity does not get you ripped alone. It isn't designed for it and it just isn't possible.. It's a cardio work out. It's geared to lean you out and give you a 'runners' body.. super lean and slim.. the commercials show people ripped from…
  • You can definitely lose the belly fat, its a process though, above working out, the most important is your diet, stick to it and make sure your macros are as perfect as you can make them to eat the fat. Cardio is good but weights are better, the more muscle you have, the more fat you burn. Stick to it and you'll get a flat…
  • You need to have constant goals.. If you get to a goal, and you feel satisfied with it, you need to find something else to improve. Thats the only way to be better than you were the day before.. you may not be the best today, but tomorrow you will be better.. personally, my goal weight was 30lbs ago, but I got there and it…
  • Feel free to add me, i am on here daily.
  • You need to play with your diet and your running.. everybody is very different.. The rule of thumb is to carb up before a long run 1-2 hours before. and if it is goign to be over an hour long, take a gel shot with you, like stated above.. Personally, when i began a running program, i didn't change my diet at all, I just…
  • TIFFANY!! welcom to MFP.. its an awesome place to be.. don't let your asthma get in the way of your fitness!! Your asthma should actually improve and possibly go away with fitness. Just make sure you don't hurt yourself and don't ever let it hold you back.. I personally lost a lot of weight thanks to the app.. just…
  • I also work at a place that I have to sit at a desk all day and it's pretty terrible for your activity level and metabolism. The best bet is to try and stand as much as you can. When you are sitting your body automatically rests and burns less calories.. If you can, stand at your desk. I perosnally have a desk that raises…
  • My experiences with MFP is that they underestimate the calories.. if you do bodybuilding, like myself. it burnes 8-10 calories a minute. this is a general fact and it is verified by hrm.. heart rate monitors are the best way to go.. but usually if you are buring that many calories it is a crazy workout like Insanity or…
  • I've been using MFP for a few years now and it has been a great struggle.. you get motivated and stick to it for a long time, then you just lose focus and live a 'normal' life and gain a bit back.. unfortunately the last time that happened i gained it all back and then some.. hit like 300 lbs... march of 2012 was when i…
  • Plateus really really suck. It kills your patience and hurts your progress and determination. I personally plateaued three times in my weight loss journey and every time I got past it i did the same thing. I went off my clean eating diet completely for about 3 days, ate whatever i wanted.. I still worked out, but i didn't…
  • You can definitely lose weight with this diet, but it isn't exactly healthy. Yes, you have a deficit there, but it isn't a wide variety of nutrition and eventually you will become malnourished in certain areas and then possibly gain weight.Yyou want to stay 1500 calories or under but look into healthier food. Talk to a…
  • You wont be able to rush losing fat in a specific area. Give it time and be patient. do a lot of cardio and lift weights.. most women don't realize that they need to lift weights as well. go heavy, it burns the most fat. but also, make sure your diet is good. You need to have a fat burning diet. what does that mean? high…
  • MFP is a great site. I have been on here for quite a while and have lost over 100 pounds and now I'm on the path to becoming a personal trainer. Its pretty awesome.. and I did everything naturally, no surgery, no pills, no magic wand. but hard work. You can lose 60 pounds very quickly if you are willing to put the work in.…
  • Everything I know about nutrition tells me that a semi active woman should consume between 1500 and 1800 calories a day. MFP isn't the best for adjusting calories the way it needs to be.. You are doing 30 day shred. you need to make sure you are eating at least 5 times aday, roughly every two hours.. anything you eat after…
  • im 25 and ive lost a bit over 100lbs on mfp. i'm also on the path to becoming a personal trainer. feel free to add me for support and advice on your journey,, trust me.. its a long and hard one good luck
  • You need to go and take a basic nutrition class. You may be under your calorie goal and enjoying diet soda, but certain things just aren't good for you even if they are low intake. Having 100 calories of a candy bar as way worse for you than having 100 calories of a protein shake, or 100 calories of complex carbs. You need…