Newbie needs guidance

Hello everyone! In my search online to find a support group for weightloss, I found this wonderful site. I have been reading/lurking for a couple of days and finally decided to say hi and post. I am a 37 year old mom of three, I have about 60 pounds to lose and I suffer from PCOS.The first of this month I joined a Bariatric clinic, doing the shakes, phentermine, B12 shots and so on. I lost 14 pounds in the first two weeks, but felt horrible! I hate the way phentermine makes me feel, the shakes were gross and I just felt sick to my stomach all the time. I have so many questions for you guys but my first is ...can I lose weight without phentermine or a appetitesuppressant / fat burner...I exercise about 3 times a week and plan to add two more days. Right now I am sad at the way the weighloss clinic route turned out but feel sooo much better since stopping all the meds and shakes, now I just need a push in the safe and healthy direction to lose these 60 pounds! Thank you in advance!:smile:


  • PHATMAMI2013
    PHATMAMI2013 Posts: 20 Member
    I am taking a diet supplement I actually seen it advertised on Doctor Oz its called Pure Garcinia Cambogia Extract and its all natural it gives me tons of energy without the shakes and helps me sleep alot better at night and ive only been on it since last Saturday so I think its ok to be on something to give you that extra boost but I also have been watching what I eat and exercising! And I also have tried Phentrimine and didnt like how it made me feel plus I learned that it can cause heart problems so i immediately quit taking them and im also new to this site so please feel free to add me:)!
  • seabuckaroo
    Yes, you can lose weight without that stuff. This website is great, because it makes you realize weight loss is all calories in vs. calories out.
    Just workout and try and eat 3 400 calorie meals and a piece of fruit as snack. (You may need to eat a bit more)
    save your $ you would spend at the clinic for all the new clothes you will buy or vacation you will go on after you reach your goal. You can do it, just remember it is all calories in vs calories out :smile:
  • mama232013
    Thank you so much for all the encouraging words and advice! I am so glad I found this site. I can start over again knowing that I can come here and get safe and honest advice and motivation! Seabuckaroo, you are so right about saving money, I spent close to 300 dollars just to get started, new clothes and a vacay sound soo much better to spend money on..:smile: phatmami2013, I am gonna look that supplement up, I havent heard of it before but I like Dr. Oz and I look forward to going through this journey helping and encouraging each other!:smile:
  • travishalogod
    travishalogod Posts: 25 Member
    MFP is a great site. I have been on here for quite a while and have lost over 100 pounds and now I'm on the path to becoming a personal trainer. Its pretty awesome.. and I did everything naturally, no surgery, no pills, no magic wand. but hard work.

    You can lose 60 pounds very quickly if you are willing to put the work in. There is no pill that is going to work wonders. No matter what dr oz says.. remember he's on tv. he gets paid to advertise.

    it is not as simple as calories in and calories out. You need to have a clean diet. If you are eating 3 meals of 400 calories a day of french fries from mcdonalds, its not gonna fly..

    try and look at this as a journey to becoming healthy, not just losing weight.. thats the end goal anyway right? to get healthy to live longer and look/feel better??

    You can do this, just stick to it and be very careful what people tell you that are not professionals.. if the path sounds easy, then its the wrong path.
    If you have no idea where to start, go talk to a nutritionist, or do some google searches on what a balanced diet is. You need to kickstart your metabolism to burn fat and lose weight.
    feel free to add me, ill help as much as you need.
  • markdavy1982
    markdavy1982 Posts: 109 Member
    MFP is a great site. I have been on here for quite a while and have lost over 100 pounds and now I'm on the path to becoming a personal trainer. Its pretty awesome.. and I did everything naturally, no surgery, no pills, no magic wand. but hard work.

    You can lose 60 pounds very quickly if you are willing to put the work in. There is no pill that is going to work wonders. No matter what dr oz says.. remember he's on tv. he gets paid to advertise.

    it is not as simple as calories in and calories out. You need to have a clean diet. If you are eating 3 meals of 400 calories a day of french fries from mcdonalds, its not gonna fly..

    try and look at this as a journey to becoming healthy, not just losing weight.. thats the end goal anyway right? to get healthy to live longer and look/feel better??

    You can do this, just stick to it and be very careful what people tell you that are not professionals.. if the path sounds easy, then its the wrong path.
    If you have no idea where to start, go talk to a nutritionist, or do some google searches on what a balanced diet is. You need to kickstart your metabolism to burn fat and lose weight.
    feel free to add me, ill help as much as you need.

    Wise words from someone with an amazing success story. good luck with your weight loss.
  • SarahBfitnhealthy
    I'm new as well, feel free to add me.
  • mama232013
    MFP is a great site. I have been on here for quite a while and have lost over 100 pounds and now I'm on the path to becoming a personal trainer. Its pretty awesome.. and I did everything naturally, no surgery, no pills, no magic wand. but hard work.

    You can lose 60 pounds very quickly if you are willing to put the work in. There is no pill that is going to work wonders. No matter what dr oz says.. remember he's on tv. he gets paid to advertise.

    it is not as simple as calories in and calories out. You need to have a clean diet. If you are eating 3 meals of 400 calories a day of french fries from mcdonalds, its not gonna fly..

    try and look at this as a journey to becoming healthy, not just losing weight.. thats the end goal anyway right? to get healthy to live longer and look/feel better??

    You can do this, just stick to it and be very careful what people tell you that are not professionals.. if the path sounds easy, then its the wrong path.
    If you have no idea where to start, go talk to a nutritionist, or do some google searches on what a balanced diet is. You need to kickstart your metabolism to burn fat and lose weight.
    feel free to add me, ill help as much as you need.
    Thank you so much! Your advice/ words mean more than you know! I will take you up on your offer for help and I will say sorry in advance because I have loads of questions!
  • mama232013
    wise words indeed! Thank you for the good luck ..:smile:
  • seabuckaroo
    Not to sound too condescending but the laws of physics agree with's ALL calories in vs calories out. (people constantly get tricked that you must eat one certain way or that if they eat too little they will go into startvation mode. This is riduculous! check out the first law of thermodynamics) I do agree that you should eat enough high quality,healthy, clean foods- for you and the environment.

    Hope you are ALL doing great!!!!
  • allshebe
    allshebe Posts: 423 Member
    While it IS all about calories in/calories out, the "kinds" and sources of calories DO make a difference in terms of sustainability. It IS possible to lose weight eating nothing but McDonald's french fries, but, as a little over 4 oz. of fries brings nearly 400 calories with it, you could eat 3 medium sized servings of fries per day on a 1200 calorie diet and not much else. Not only would this be nutritionally unhealthy, it would leave you ravenously hungry most of the time. I'm not sure I could maintain that sort of eating plan for even a full day.
  • Erod1972
    Erod1972 Posts: 34 Member
    Not to sound too condescending but the laws of physics agree with's ALL calories in vs calories out. (people constantly get tricked that you must eat one certain way or that if they eat too little they will go into startvation mode. This is riduculous! check out the first law of thermodynamics) I do agree that you should eat enough high quality,healthy, clean foods- for you and the environment.

    Hope you are ALL doing great!!!!

    Sea is correct in saying calories in vs. calories out, there are people on this site that followed a macro-nutrient diet and ate ice cream and pop tarts everyday and still lost weight and look like fitness models. But it is much healthier for your body to eat good, whole, natural foods for the vitamins and minerals they offer. Make sure that you are not UNDER-EATING I know that sounds crazy, but so many people eat UNDER their BMR (Base Metabolic Rate) which is the amount of calories your body requires to sustain normal functions (if you were in a coma). A great resource online is a site called there is a BMR calculator on the site so the math is already done for you! Good luck in reaching your fitness goals, Feel free to add me or anyone reading this to add me if they would like help and support. Just give me a quick note that you read this and need help or/and encouragement! Have a spectacular day! :)

  • AJinBirmingham
    Not to sound too condescending but the laws of physics agree with's ALL calories in vs calories out. (people constantly get tricked that you must eat one certain way or that if they eat too little they will go into startvation mode. This is riduculous! check out the first law of thermodynamics) I do agree that you should eat enough high quality,healthy, clean foods- for you and the environment.

    Hope you are ALL doing great!!!!

    I agree (AND the laws of physics apply wheather we agree with them or not.)

    Calories in must be < calories out in order for you to lose weight (barring some medical emergency) and you can achieve weight loss with OR without medications, supplements and shakes - whatever works best for you.

    As a rule, I'd steer clear of anything Dr Oz is pushing - he's a quack and a snake oil saleman. If you really can't help yourself, read the fine print and google the product along with the words "complaints" or "scam" before you part with your money.
  • lmc8774
    lmc8774 Posts: 129 Member
    Reading your post kind of made me sad, but I'm so glad you are reaching out. You don't need shakes and drugs to lose weight. This site is full of good information. It can be a bit confusing at times and there are a lot of opinions floating around, but the basic message is eat enough to fuel your body and get proper nutrition, but eat less than what you body needs to maintain its weight. If you've been over eating for a long time, it can be difficult to learn how to eat differently and to have a different relationship with food, but there are so many people here doing it. Read the success stories for motivation. If you go the shakes and meds route you might lose weight, but if you don't go through the process of learning what your body needs, to maintain and to lose weight, chances are you will gain back the weight that you lost on the drugs and shakes. Good luck to you!