I'm stuck

I'm stuck at 197. I go up .5-.6 pounds, then I drop .4-.6 pounds. So far since I achieved my 197 I can't seem to get any lower than that. I'm guessing at this point I need to work more on cardio?

I'd like some suggestions... I'm fairly active I do martial arts 3 times a week sometimes as much as 4 times anywhere from 1 time at 2 1/2 hours and otherwise 1.5 hours at a time.

I walk 2-4 miles at a time once a week but I'm trying to add more.

I also have the belly fat that I'm trying to lose and I've seen a lot of different info about getting rid of it. I know fat loses where it wants to go but I'd like to work on my core.

So in general... suggestions?

Thank you!


  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    Strength training is a great way to work on your core. Lifting weights (or even just heavy bags filled with sand. I've seen people use jugs of water) is a way to do that. Youtube has tons of videos showing how to do this. Sometimes all we need to do to get over a plateau is shake things up a bit.
  • smn76237
    smn76237 Posts: 318 Member
    Start logging consistently again. I looked at your diary back to end of February and there are several blank days and several incomplete days (unless you really did eat 900 calories for the day).

    You may have been doing this for a while and gotten into a habit of eating the same things over and over, but that could be where you've begun getting lax in your weighing/measuring and going over your calorie limit.

    Recommit to logging, and lift weights.
  • travishalogod
    travishalogod Posts: 25 Member
    Plateus really really suck. It kills your patience and hurts your progress and determination. I personally plateaued three times in my weight loss journey and every time I got past it i did the same thing.

    I went off my clean eating diet completely for about 3 days, ate whatever i wanted.. I still worked out, but i didn't worry about the food i was eating..this resulted in me gaining 5-10 pounds, each time.. and yes, in only three days.. it would mess up my stomach and make me feel like garbage for a while, but when i got back into it. I cleaned up my diet, more so then it was the time before the binge, and changed my workouts completely.. for example.. the first time, i was only running.. Just ran.. i dropped my first 40 lbs doin just that.. Plateau.. then i binged cause i was so pissed off and gained my 10 pounds,, got back into it and continued running, but i also added weight training into it. I dropped that ten pounds in a week, and it kept going for another 30 or 40 pounds.. then id plateau again, anyway.. long story short, ive surpassed my goal and lost about 108 lbs and now with the new workout regimen im doing, im packing on muscle..

    play with your nutrition and exercises and be paitent. You'll get through this.
  • cjransom
    cjransom Posts: 42
    Nope I got inconsistent with logging... I've played with my calorie intake quite a bit but I seem to always stick around 1700-1800.

    One thing I've tried to be is VERY consistent with exercise.

    My first 30 pounds dropped in 3 months, 10 pounds a month. Then things got weird as I bought a house... but by June I was back on it and by the end of the year I had lost down to 204 I think...

    Anyway it took me a while to get below 200 and stay there... at least I'm not gaining... I keep staying right at 197.

    I figured I'm at a point of cardio and strength training at this point.
    Start logging consistently again. I looked at your diary back to end of February and there are several blank days and several incomplete days (unless you really did eat 900 calories for the day).

    You may have been doing this for a while and gotten into a habit of eating the same things over and over, but that could be where you've begun getting lax in your weighing/measuring and going over your calorie limit.

    Recommit to logging, and lift weights.
  • cjransom
    cjransom Posts: 42
    Congrats on 100 pounds lost... WOW.

    Did you find your loose skin tightened back up?
    Plateus really really suck. It kills your patience and hurts your progress and determination. I personally plateaued three times in my weight loss journey and every time I got past it i did the same thing.

    I went off my clean eating diet completely for about 3 days, ate whatever i wanted.. I still worked out, but i didn't worry about the food i was eating..this resulted in me gaining 5-10 pounds, each time.. and yes, in only three days.. it would mess up my stomach and make me feel like garbage for a while, but when i got back into it. I cleaned up my diet, more so then it was the time before the binge, and changed my workouts completely.. for example.. the first time, i was only running.. Just ran.. i dropped my first 40 lbs doin just that.. Plateau.. then i binged cause i was so pissed off and gained my 10 pounds,, got back into it and continued running, but i also added weight training into it. I dropped that ten pounds in a week, and it kept going for another 30 or 40 pounds.. then id plateau again, anyway.. long story short, ive surpassed my goal and lost about 108 lbs and now with the new workout regimen im doing, im packing on muscle..

    play with your nutrition and exercises and be paitent. You'll get through this.
  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member
    My advice, is keep your diary consistently, I had a look over the last week or so and you gave days when you do not log or half log or add quick cals.

    It is so important that you log everything, boring I know, but if you want to be true to yourself, then log everything you eat, add the exercise in the log also.

    It is a simple case of cals in and cals out.
  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member
    Start logging consistently again. I looked at your diary back to end of February and there are several blank days and several incomplete days (unless you really did eat 900 calories for the day).

    You may have been doing this for a while and gotten into a habit of eating the same things over and over, but that could be where you've begun getting lax in your weighing/measuring and going over your calorie limit.

    Recommit to logging, and lift weights.

    snap we must have overlapped lol!