Wanting to look and feel sexy

Ok so hear is my story: I am a single mother of two very beautiful and energetic young children (1 1/2 and 3 yrs old), and I am overweight for my height (189.4), well more like obese by the BMI charts. Well I want to loose almost 45-50 pounds but my problem is I have a sedentary job that I sit down alot in front of my desk and when I get home I am busy with my kids until they go to sleep. After that I sit on the couch on watch tv. So my plan is to use this program along with Weight Watchers to loose weight, but my question is to anyone who reads this:

How can I get a little bit of exercise during the day when I am sitting at my desk all day? Any suggestions would be great!! :wink:

I hope to hear from anyone and thank you for reading my post, also I am looking for any friends to embark this journey, bu the only thing I ask for is someone that would be dedicated to loosing weight, someone that would motivate me as well as myself motivating the individual.


  • keely1998
    keely1998 Posts: 148 Member
    dont lol but i'm in the same boat as u r i sit all day at work, so i friend told me while your sitting squeezze your butt cheeks, i no it sounds funny but its better than just sitting there, fee free to add me if u would like i love extra motivation
  • BlairW_13
    BlairW_13 Posts: 22 Member
    What helps me a little is taking longer routes when I need to talk to people, finding bathrooms that are farther away from my desk, or just taking a short break to stretch my legs a little. I know it's not much, but every little bit helps! I'm also trying to work out before work (although it's pretty tough for me) and that keeps me energized and wanting to move more throughout the day. Good luck!
  • Hexahedra
    Hexahedra Posts: 894 Member
    You need to get a couple of dumbbells, resistance bands, and probably ankle weights. Google for "dumbbell chair exercises" and you'll get several ideas.
  • travishalogod
    travishalogod Posts: 25 Member
    I also work at a place that I have to sit at a desk all day and it's pretty terrible for your activity level and metabolism. The best bet is to try and stand as much as you can. When you are sitting your body automatically rests and burns less calories.. If you can, stand at your desk. I perosnally have a desk that raises to my eye level so i can stand all day.. I also don't sit on my breaks.. I go walk around the parking lot both breaks and the second half of my lunch.. this is an extra 45 minutes of wlaking for me each day.. take advantage..
    I also find, with my early shift, I am always tired.. so I do pushups at my desk and i stretch quite often. Also as stated above, find the further bathrooms to go to and dont take elevators anymore, take stairs.. they're your friend..
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    well do it!
    drink whiskey,,, no food for 2 weeks and
    your a hottie.