I don't know how to eat right :(

I honestly don't know. I get so confused, Olive Oil is healthy even though it is high in fat? Lite dressing is worse for you than regular? What about Milk? 2% or fat free? Canned vegetables are bad? Fruits have too much sugar? You need carbs but bread is bad. Don't use fat free anything...I am fat. I hate myself. My weight is affecting my whole life but I don't know how to change or the right foods to eat. Any advice?


  • Pirate_chick
    Pirate_chick Posts: 1,216 Member
    relax. Start by logging your food and adjust accordingly as you go. As long as you are within your calorie allotment you'll lose, try to stay within your macros. MFP does all of the calculations for you, simply follow it. Eat what you like in moderation you'll be fine.
  • travishalogod
    travishalogod Posts: 25 Member
    Pirate chick is right, the first thing you can do is just worry about the calories and you will eventually learn everything as you go, there are healthy fats and unhealthy fats, 'good' and 'bad' carbs, (better referred to as carb placement when you get more advanced) and all kinds of other things. I would suggest either taking a basic nutrition class, doing a butt ton of research online, or hiring a nutritionist. The one thing I can tell you, is stay away from fast food and soda, all soda even diet. Just eliminating that, you will lose weight, i guarantee it
  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member
    Sounds like you are confused by all the disinformation out there. Everyone with a product to sell tries to spin their product as being healthy, including some horrifically unhealthy things, and that leads to a lot of confusion.

    The best foods that you can eat are fruits and vegetables.

    If you want to go down the right path, get the right info. If you have netflix or youtube, look for a documentary called "Forks Over Knives"; it will set you on the right path.
  • PinkCoconut
    PinkCoconut Posts: 655 Member
    Oh my gosh, I can relate! Everyone's made healthy eating SO confusing, right? But I agree with the others, just start somewhere! ANYWHERE! And go from there! When I first started out I just got rid of any snacks in the house. That's it. Then I got rid of anything in the fridge that wasn't water. Baby steps! Over the years I began to learn more and more about healthy eating and tweaking my nutrition here and there and guess what? I'm STILL tweaking but I also lost over 100 lbs in the process!

    Don't let it all get to you, just start small and build from there!

    Feel free to friend me any time! :) You CAN do this!
  • viglet
    viglet Posts: 299 Member
    relax. Start by logging your food and adjust accordingly as you go. As long as you are within your calorie allotment you'll lose, try to stay within your macros. MFP does all of the calculations for you, simply follow it. Eat what you like in moderation you'll be fine.


    In the beginning, I really didn't care about what was good for me or bad for me. I just ate within my calories and a lost weight. Simple. Once you feel that you have control of that, then do your own research on what kind of things you want in your body and how it makes you feel. Start simple and work your way up.
  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    There are no "bad" foods. Everything in moderation.

    It all comes down to trial and error. Log what you normally eat and go back at the end of the day and see what you're eating too much or not enough of. Is your carb count way too high? Eat less bread, pasta, etc. Is your sodium through the roof? Stop eating so many processed and pre-packaged foods. Next, make necessary corrections. Experiment with different foods by logging them as if you already ate them, just to see how your numbers look. Then, determine what your plan is and stick to it. If you don't lose weight in the first few weeks, re-evaluate your plan and make necessary adjustments.

    Fruit is NOT mad for you. Bread is NOT bad for you. Canned veggies are better than no veggies, they're just high in sodium. Light dressings are fine as long as the sugar and sodium levels aren't a lot higher than the full-fat dressings. If you have enough calories, fat, etc. to spare that you can eat the regular stuff, do it! Same with milk - whatever fits into your macros is fine. I personally like almond milk because it's very low calorie and I like to use my calories on food, not liquids.

    It's all about finding a balance and what works for you. The first step is to just TRY. No complaining, no excuses. Take it upon yourself to research nutrition. If you're not sure if you should be eating something, look up the nutritional facts. Once you make all of this a habit, you'll learn all about what your body needs and it'll be much easier.
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    Screw eating the "right" food or eliminating foods. The right food is the food you like and fits into your lifestyle. It's fuel for your body, it's not good or bad. There are no foods that are making you fat or keeping you from losing weight.

    Weight loss comes from a calorie deficit. Start there. Don't worry about eating certain types of food or not eating something. Weight and measure your food, log it, and stay within your calorie goal. It will be more helpful for you to get an accurate picture of how you are eating now in terms of nutrition, then make small tweaks from there, than to change your entire eating style because someone told you something was "bad" and set yourself up for failure. You're probably not eating as "badly" as you think. And what is a realistic eating style for one person may be completely unrealistic for another person due to their circumstances.