how to get back into the swing of things?

I reached maintenance a couple of months ago and began to eat what I want, eating a hell of a lot on somedays, like today, ate well all day, made a batch of cookies, bam ate half the batch! I know if I carry on like this it won't be long before I'm trying to lose again, how do you stay motivated to eat healthy? It's not that I crave sweet foods either because I don't eat them, I'd say I incorporate them into my diet a little almost every day!


  • kahyee
    kahyee Posts: 63
    In the beginning your goal was to lose weight, right? Well focus on another goal. Maybe eating two cookies, or lifting a heavier weight, or whatever you would like to do. That's what helps me stay focused.
  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    Hon, how accurate is your logging? You ended your day at 1100 calories. That is maintenance for a 70 pound person. The way to figure maintenance is your goal weight X 15 calories per pound.
  • ashleeliza
    I ate about 5 cookies and ice cream but I didn't log them :|, they were homemade so I didn't know how to and I was a bit scared to see how much they'd add up to!
  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    Five cookies and ice cream at age nineteen is normal. Just don't do it every day and try to get some fruit in as well. Your body is still of the age that you crave fast energy, like sweets. Most people find their sweet cravings slowly go down with age. I think I lost my wild sugar cravings about age 35. I am pretty certain it has to do with the energy levels of youth. Getting lots of protein also helps me curb my cravings for empty calories.
  • travishalogod
    travishalogod Posts: 25 Member
    You need to have constant goals.. If you get to a goal, and you feel satisfied with it, you need to find something else to improve. Thats the only way to be better than you were the day before.. you may not be the best today, but tomorrow you will be better..

    personally, my goal weight was 30lbs ago, but I got there and it wasn't enough. .now im down quite a bit, but i want to improve my body and look as good and be the best i can.. I lift heavy and work hard daily..
    If i don't, i feel like my entire journey was for nothing.. a year of working hard and not eating everything i wanted to and sacrificing time doing what is supposed to be fun for working my butt off in the gym.. I refuse to have wasted that year.. so i push forward and get bigger and better goals.. I meet a goal, its not enough anymore.. there's no end in sight

    thats one method anyway.. good luck

    feel free to add me or message me with any questions
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    I totally think it's okay to eat WHAT you want, but you have to make sure you have budgeted your calories for whatever you eat!

    So, if at maintenance, you are supposed to be eating, say, 1,500 calories per day (or, taken weekly, 10,500 calories), then you DO need to COUNT those cookie calories! And, it may mean eating less calories for the next few days to budget them in.