caramammal Member


  • Last year i became obsessed with losing even more weight, I was becoming obsessed and even worse, started judging myself and others based on whether I or they were skinny. Luckily i recognised this wasnt normal thinking so i took a year off and planned to just eat/drink and be merry, which was exactly what i did and…
  • if it were me, i would continue doing what you're doing, it's working right? Slowly but surely? One of the things i notice when i am close to 120lbs is that i have to work even harder to get rid of the last few. Could it be that your maintenance calories are now a lower (because you weight less), so maybe you could do with…
  • i also love running, and find it really hard to do so in the mornings, not sure why, thats just how it is for me too. What i have found is that when i dont want to run, even if i have zero energy i will get my stuff on and just go out the door, and think to myself, right, i'm going to do this distance, 5k or whatever and…
  • hahahahahhahahahaaaaaa. LOVE this!
  • i'm going on holiday in 3 weeks and i really want to lose around 4 pounds by then (or more). I dont plan to diet while i am away, so my mantra is if i want a glass of wine, i can, but not until the first day of my holiday. If i want a cake,i can, but not until the first day of my holiday. However, if i really really want…
  • Yep, me. Diagnosed with Hyperthryroidism many years ago, it was borderline and after many attempts to 'cure' it using block and replace therapy it didnt work, ended up having radioactive iodine which basically kills some of your thyroid, now i'm on Thyroxince for the rest of my life. All this happened before i had a clue…
  • I just had 2 days where i overate and drank quite a bit, these were events i had planned ages ago, and intended to overeat and drink, but what i found was that the more crap i ate, the more i wanted. It didnt even taste that great, i just wanted the 'fix' of high sugar. Good for you for getting right back into the diet, i…
  • I eat around 1200 calories a day. If i exercise 300 calories off, then i eat those back, The reason i do this is because i'm usually more hungry when i exercise and i need energy to actually exercise. In theory you needn't eat the calories back. As well as all the mind boggling calculations that many on here like to cite,…
  • as well as everything above, also make sure you are lifting heavy enough. I spent a long time going nowhere by doing those low weight high rep exercises. They will not tone you as quickly (if at all) as doing a high weight with short rep weights. I saw a change in body shape within 2 weeks and was absolutely amazed. Lift…
  • I made a decision last year to put on weight as i was too obsessed/skinny and putting on weight is not as easy as you think. The first few weeks i thought i had gained 10lbs, but this was water and my body getting used to the shift from calorie deficit into calorie overload. Turms out that month i only actally gained…
  • This definitely, every single thing i eat get weighed, it's laborious but very much worth it. I was eating an extra 200 calories of salad dressing, because i was only eyeballing it. Good luck to you
  • OMG, it IS just way!!!!
  • So maybe its time to do what you originally did when you lost those 40lbs? I recently had a year off specifically to put on weight as i was too obsessed/skinny...but i forgot to stop eating ...and now have 16lbs to lose. So, i'm just doing what i did before to lose it, eat less, eat clean, move more :) Good luck to you xx
  • Im not stalled, just making a general observation that whenever advise is asked for about weightloss stalls, 'some' people offer exceptionally bad advise. But thanks for offering a sane '1200' is not too low opinion :)
  • try 1200 for a month and see how you get on. I've got about the same to lose as you and am eating 1500 cals per day but burning off 300, so in effect, am eating 1200. Seeing a 2lb a week loss so far.
  • scales depress the life out of me, i've started a new regime where i will not weigh myself until i 'think' ive lost 7lb. when I do eventually get there and weigh myself, if i've lost more, then great, if not, then I need better judgement, (and hopefully wont be too far off) The weird thing is, I want to work harder, and…
  • I cannot watch a film without eating..but i've realised it's not the food I want, its the hand to mouth action, so i get myself a big bunch of grapes, or blueberries, or anything that requires a lot of hand to mouth activity but is low in cals and healthy. You could chop some carrots into batons and nibble on them. Grazing…
  • suppose it depends on the chippy - my local always has a dedicated fryer for the chips :)
  • why arent they vegetarian? They're made from potatoes and cooked in vegetable oil??
  • going to say something controversial, but..if you need some sugar..have some. And work out for an extra 10 minutes..simple :) Artifical sweeteners are very unhealthy, stay away from them, they are chemicals your body does not need and have been linked to many illnesses. I also have a massive sweet tooth, every morning I…
  • they're under constant supervision, have dieticians preparing their food with the correct macronutrients based on their own medically worked out BMR, plus they work out for 8 hours or so. My idea of a living hell..would rather lose 1lb a week and have a life aswell :)
  • i take pain killers for the cramps and have a day free from working out..or 2 days if it's severe. I also try and stick to calorie goal. I crave sweet stuff at the middle of the cycle when I ovulate, rather than at the end. During that time, i'll have a bar of chocolate or something to satisfy the craving.
  • love this advise..This system works for me too :) sometimes we can just over complicate the heck out of losing fat by worrying about stalls, and trying to micromanage calories and macro nutrients, trust the process.
  • not sure where to report it, just check the people in that group are not small and have sedentary life, i.e. under 5ft with a desk job, as an 1100 calorie goal would be normal for a calorie deficit for that type of person. I'm 5'4", with a desk job, working from home, so I dont even walk to a coffee shop in the day, which…
  • cutting out or significantly reducing your intake of a major food group is great for quick loss but when you begin eating normally again, well, it can be tough, you are experiencing that right now. Maybe you can gently increase the amount of carbs you're eating and stay just below maintenance calories, for a week, to 'help…
  • If you ever read Paul McKennas 'I can make you thin' he focus' on identifying real hunger and eating anything you want as long as you're hungry. And stopping eating the moment you are full. He also uses NLP to 'programme' your mind every time you eat. I read his book a few years ago and immediatetly lost 10lb over a couple…
  • haha - likey Also like Tuff One of my friends has a dog called 'Sandwich'..yeah, messed up!
  • yep, i mix a tin with chopped spinach, pepper, tomato and onion and add about 50 cals worth of dressing to bind it all together. Nice on a sandwich too.
  • like this...need to remind myself more often of the ridiculousness of scales!
  • normally 66g porridge oats, 250mls soya milk, 2 teaspoons brown sugar and 20g strawberry jam. i have a sweet tooth, but that meal fills me up for a couple of hours and sees me through a 3mile run at lunchtime.