Help! Constant Eating

I'm embarrassed to say but I need some help/suggestions. I have this horrible habit of constant eating. Even though I'm not hungry, I seem to always eat. If there is food, I find it. It sounds like a simple problem. I kept telling myself "Just don't eat it. Make a conscious decision, realize you're not hungry, and put down the food." This has worked somewhat, but next thing I know, I have an empty wrapper in my hands without remembering eating. It's like I'm on auto pilot. I try to keep a drink in my hands and gum or tictacs with me so I'm using them instead. This also works to an extent but I still find myself eating for no reason. Any suggestions? I really thought I could just will myself out of it but apparently I can't.


  • markyb1977
    markyb1977 Posts: 28 Member
    Record all food before eating, and dont go over your calorie allowance... if your hungry increase allowance, but try to give it some structure...

    Will power is in your hands... but give yourself and achievable goal...
  • Stallion_Duck007
    Don't sweat it! This is so common when you first start dieting/exercising. No matter if you are a bored eater, stress eater, emotional eater, or just an eater eater, grazing is such a bad habit and hard to quit! Tips you can do are eat healthier snacks lick white cheddar popcorn. It's so yummy and not that bad for you. Or even better, fruits and veggies! You can also try gum to trick your brain into thinking you are eating! Drinking liquids also helps too. It's something you can do constantly to replicate constant eating.

    I'm trying to break this habit myself!
    Don't give up!
  • VoodooLuLu
    VoodooLuLu Posts: 636 Member
    i have a huge food addiction and i was always eating thanx to mfp i have more controle over it ... i plan all my meals in the morning,when possible and keep to it! it really makes it so much easier...
  • Ren1111
    Ren1111 Posts: 2
    This nay be a silly suggestion, but have you thought about seeing a hypnotist? With the best will in the world, sometimes the help you need, is professional help, something that can actually tackle the pyschological habit of eating
    Good luck with however you manage to do it though. The best thing you can ever do for yourself, is to know that you have a problem and that it needs to be dealt with.
  • setaylor86080
    setaylor86080 Posts: 210 Member
    Common problem and really hard to fix but here are some things that helped me. Put a picture of you near the food and make sure it is one that shows off everything you want to change about yourself. That way when you go to get something you are reminded that you don't want to look like that. When I found myself reaching for something I would walk out side and take a short walk to the mailbox (not very long but it is a straight hill). Keeps your mind off of it and then you did something positive. Also, maybe for a little while you should plan your meals and snacks out the day before. I know it is time consuming but after 3 weeks eating that much will become a habit. Last thing, get tons of supportive friends. This site is full of them. Then come and complain to them. They don't get tired of it. They understand this is a processes and you need to talk it out. I don't know if I would have gotten so far without mine
  • hastenbeck
    hastenbeck Posts: 35
    i know exactly what you mean, I do this too, its like you just cant help yourself, you know that you are on the road to self destruction, you keep telling yourself not to do it but nothing makes any difference :(.
  • mom2gar
    mom2gar Posts: 100 Member
    I chew gun - the minty ones and the ones that "taste" like desserts. It has really helped.
  • sheguay
    sheguay Posts: 14
    Oh I can identify...mines night eating... so this week I am going to focus on deterring that bad habit. My days have gotten so much is definitely nights that I can totally identify with what you are saying. I am glad you have the courage to tell on yourself. I am going to find something to do to keep my hands and mind busy at night by going to a craft store and seeing what I can find to do just that. I also added my measurements this week when I did my weigh in in the hopes it will give me some incentive to think twice about reaching for bigger helpings or crackers or m&ms (my biggest addiction of junk food). Gosh these habits are hard to break!! Hope you do better and the same goes for me! Thanks for sharing. I am not alone & nor are you. I like what Stallion_ Duck had to say too...Its only been 3 weeks for me so I have to give myself a break & understand that these old habits do not go away in that short a time!!! Good Luck!!
  • marti_a
    marti_a Posts: 2

    I have always thought of myself as a carb addict, but since I've been eating more fat and fewer carbs all cravings are gone. You might want to look into Perfect Health Diet and see how a diet change might help you. I am always well under my calorie goal because the food I'm eating is more satisfying, and I eat less.

    Best wishes!
  • stephieb186
    stephieb186 Posts: 127
    I have this problem too, but I've been getting better... try drinking mass amounts of water. Also try to snack on fruit, that is what helps me. Fruit and lost of water. The longer you go without sugar (sweets) the more you won't crave them. You can do this! ;)
  • kitinboots
    kitinboots Posts: 589 Member
    I don't know what your daily routine is, but if possible I would try only eating when others are around. It might encourage you to eat healthy snacks or question your hunger in the first place.
  • Emancipated_Tai
    Emancipated_Tai Posts: 756 Member
    Open your diary, you may get more help. Additional info such as how many calories you consume, what type of food..

    You may be consuming too few calories overall.
  • Jody0121
    Jody0121 Posts: 1
    Have you tried over eaters anonymous? You cannot use "will power" and habits are not broken but replaced. Sending love hope you find an answer ♥
  • Cocochickdeleted
    Cocochickdeleted Posts: 343 Member
    Are you eating out of boredom? If so, instead of getting up and walking to the refrigerator, get up and walk around the block. Grab a big glass of ice water instead. Try to occupy your mind with constructive things, and eventually, your body will follow.
  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,926 Member
    I find that planning my day a day ahead is how I avoid pit falls. If I plan all my calories I won't be tempted to eat anything else. When you start the day with every option under the sun the temptations are plenty. This is what worked for me and I'm down 35 pounds and at goal. Good luck to you. Hope you find something that works!
  • slsmoot123
    slsmoot123 Posts: 98 Member
    Are you drinking plenty of water throughout the day? I know that helps with appetite. I agree with the above poster about OA, especially if you know your not hungry but you are eating because you are bored or purely out of habit.
  • Bigsexy290
    Bigsexy290 Posts: 29
    I have found myself doing this from time to time, try chewing gum it helps me.
  • caramammal
    caramammal Posts: 147 Member
    I cannot watch a film without eating..but i've realised it's not the food I want, its the hand to mouth action, so i get myself a big bunch of grapes, or blueberries, or anything that requires a lot of hand to mouth activity but is low in cals and healthy. You could chop some carrots into batons and nibble on them. Grazing isnt bad as long as it's healthy and can actually help a sluggish metabolism as you are digesting all the time.
  • Vermilla
    Vermilla Posts: 348
    Thank you for all the replies. I'm not sure why I eat, to be honest. I'm always running around having something to do. The days pass by quickly. It's not emotional or bored. I it. I wish I knew why but I don't know. I do like the picture idea, though. I'm going to try that. Most days I'll eat around 1300-1500 calories or so, give or take, but then I go and eat around 2400, then back down again. It's NOT because I'm hungry. Heck, even with my 1300 or so, I usually am just eating because I am eating, not because I'm hungry. I'm very very rarely hungry. I try to eat one "fatty" meal a day, usually a chicken quesdilla with cheese, and then try to eat more healthy, fish or oat cereal or fruits, yogurts, corn, things like that. Unfortunately, I also happen to make junk food or extra food disappear, even when I don't plan it (which is why I don't keep junk snacks in my house, else it'd be all gone in a day!!). Many suggestions here, so I'm going to try some out, see if it helps me out. I'm always open to more as well. Thank you everybody :flowerforyou:
  • desert_rhino
    desert_rhino Posts: 104 Member
    I find that sugars and simple starches like white flour make me hungry about 45 minutes later. Even if I wasn't hungry before, now I am, AFTER eating. Makes no sense, but if you're triggering your insulin response with sugars, your body may simply be reacting without much conscious thought, and making you eat more sugar every time your blood sugar drops.

    Try having nuts, protein shakes, chicken, or something else LOW sugar, LOW carb, NO artificial sweetener as your FIRST snack of the day, and it might break any cycle of insulin/blood sugar you're falling into.