Just starting out am I doing ok?

Just getting back into the grind for what seems like the millionth time, but better late than never right? I'm just curious as to what other's think of my food diary. Am I eating the right stuff? Would you recommend more of something and less of something else that's in there. The scale hasn't changed but I know I'm just starting and due to a pinched nerve in my back ( well that's what I'm hoping for an not another herniated disc!!) I haven't been able to get in as much exercise. Any tips, criticism and advice would be great appreciated!


  • Vorenus85
    Vorenus85 Posts: 112 Member
    Are you logging everything? Your calorie goal for the day is higher than mine; yet you're eating half as much. You definitely need to eat closer to your goal.
  • Hlm103010
    Hlm103010 Posts: 39
    Every single thing except I know I forgot to last Friday and I didn't get to it this weekend. I haven't decided what I'm making for dinner yet today so that is why my diary is blank there. It amazes me at how full and satisfied I am now that I'm actually choosing healthier foods. I used to go home from work ravenous and eat everything in sight because I had McDonalds or Noodles and Co for lunch, now that I'm eating healthier ( or at least I think I am) I'm not as hungry at all!!!
  • xilka
    xilka Posts: 308 Member
    You're not eating enough. And you could do with less processed food.

    I'm shorter than you (which means I need less food), and I lose weight on 1700-2000 cals.
    Without exercise, that would be 1300-1600. So, you should be AT LEAST eating that.
  • Vorenus85
    Vorenus85 Posts: 112 Member
    Well, my only other advice (if you don't already) is to weigh everything you eat. A food scale is essential. That, and don't deprive yourself of your favorite foods; you will end up binging and undoing your hard work. Try and fit chocolate and chips or whatever cravings you get, into your calorie goal whenever you want some.
  • caramammal
    caramammal Posts: 147 Member
    Well, my only other advice (if you don't already) is to weigh everything you eat. A food scale is essential. That, and don't deprive yourself of your favorite foods; you will end up binging and undoing your hard work. Try and fit chocolate and chips or whatever cravings you get, into your calorie goal whenever you want some.

    This definitely, every single thing i eat get weighed, it's laborious but very much worth it. I was eating an extra 200 calories of salad dressing, because i was only eyeballing it.

    Good luck to you
  • Hlm103010
    Hlm103010 Posts: 39
    Thank you! I do not have a food scale that is something I need to get I most likely am underestimating some if not most of my foods. I try to keep the chips/choc for the weekends as a little reward for being good most of the week. I do need to log on the weekends also just seems like we are always running! Thanks again for the tips!
  • dailytammy
    dailytammy Posts: 49 Member
    some days your sodium is way off try eating less processed foods as sodium will cause water retention and drink 1/2 your body weight in water daily good luck