What does your typical day of eating look like? I'm getting

I'm thinking my hardest meal of the day to figure out is breakfast! I eat yogurt usually in the am but that has sugar. I work 10 hr days, usually only have about 15 min to eat lunch. I have to be at work at 7:00 am in a very busy Veterinary Clinic. Need something to get me going in the am and stay with me. I usually have to eat something around 10:00 if I eat my breafast before I leave the house. Would love to see what your meal ideas are for a busy work day.

Thank you = )


  • haydancer
    I used to have a boiled egg in the morning or porridge oats made with water.
    I used to eat both but i have now cut down to one or the other. good thing about either is its brain food, lots of protein and energy from both. And only takes 10 mins in a sausepan of boiling water. (for the egg) and 1min 30 for the porridge x Hope this helps. also i add a banana midmorning or even for breakfast to stay me xx
  • LisaDunn01
    LisaDunn01 Posts: 173 Member
    Green smoothie w/ protein powder every morning - YUM!
    10 oz. water
    1 1/2 tight handfuls of spinach
    1/4 bunch of parsley
    1/8 c. fresh basil
    1/2 orange
    1/2 banana
    1/2 c. frozen pineapple
    1 scoop protein powder (I use Sun Warrier Raw Vegan Protein Powder - a little "chalky" but 17 g. protein)
    This green smoothie is nutrient dense and super yummy!

    3 c. baby greens
    1/4 c. walnuts
    3 strawberries sliced up
    4 oz. chicken
    2 tbsp. lemon tahini dressing

    steak or eggs
    hash brown sweet potatoes cooked in 1 tbsp. butter

    In between all this I have 2-3 c. coffee w/ half-n-half (2 tbsp. in each cup). If I'm wanting a treat, I'll have 1-3 squares of Genesis Chocolate, which is healthy and sugar-free. (www.genesischocolate.com)
  • TKHappy
    TKHappy Posts: 659 Member
    My diary is open if you want to take a peek....I'm not a super busy person but I am running around like crazy in the a.m. getting myself, my husband and three kids out the door while managing to cook a hot breakfast and prepare lunch and snacks for the day. :) I also eat a lots of little meals throughout the day. :)
  • Smuterella
    Smuterella Posts: 1,623 Member
    10 minutes for a boiled egg?
  • Zeromilediet
    Zeromilediet Posts: 787 Member
    Two giant meals usually, and a mid day small one: breakfast a couple eggs poached and pile of smoked salmon, and fruit; dinner some kind of meat or fish, 2-3 veg and a salad of mixed greens, pepper, cucumber, tomato & vinaigrette. Mid day is can of sardines and mixed greens with balsamic vinegar, or proscuitto wrapped melon, or homemade soup or the like. Not a snacker.
  • britexmom
    britexmom Posts: 145
    breakfast is always my hard to fathom meal, more often than not i end up with a banana and yogurt or a fiber bar, yesterday i scrambled 2 eggs and cooked some mushrooms and steak tomoato, with my coffee it was less than 300 cals and filled me up till lunch.
    lunch is usually a salad or a sandwich made with sandwich thins, lunchmeat and stacked with greens.
    dinner is either small portions of the family meal or i substitute out the potato or rice/pasta for salad or extra veg.
    snacks are nuts, cheese sticks, fiber bars, yogurts , fruit or a 100 cal pak of something.

    there are def changes i could still make but since i plan to be eating like this forever i dont want to make it so restricted that i can maintain it.
  • AlyRoseNYC
    AlyRoseNYC Posts: 1,075 Member
    Lately I've been eating like crap and just working out a ton to make up for it. My typical day for the past few weeks has been:

    -Roll w/butter and coffee for breakfast

    -Slice of pizza for lunch

    -Whatever I cook my family for dinner which is usually stewed, grilled, or stir-fry chicken breast with a little white rice and a ridiculously huge serving of veggies.
  • JVWard98
    JVWard98 Posts: 49 Member
    Thank you for your ideas! very helpful! anyone else, please feel free to post. The more suggestions the better = )
  • freckledrats
    freckledrats Posts: 251 Member
    I bought a $4 omelet maker on Amazon a while back. Best bang for the buck EVER. Basically, you pour your egg mix in there, whether it's real and mixed up with your ingredients or egg whites or egg substitute (I use substitute), then you close it and nuke it for 1 min 30 seconds. Fastest, easiest omelet EVER.

    I put a wedge of laughing cow cheese in my omelet. Freaking delicious and the omelets I make are rarely over 70 calories, which frees up a lot of room for fruit :)
  • poledancing_ninja
    I microwave an egg for 1 minute, scramble it with a fork and fold it in a slice of wholemeal bread and eat it on the way out the door (I oversleep A LOT) This keeps me going until lunch with a handfull of cashew nuts in between
  • caramammal
    caramammal Posts: 147 Member
    normally 66g porridge oats, 250mls soya milk, 2 teaspoons brown sugar and 20g strawberry jam. i have a sweet tooth, but that meal fills me up for a couple of hours and sees me through a 3mile run at lunchtime.
  • Whisperinghorse
    Whisperinghorse Posts: 202 Member
    Breakfast is my biggest meal :happy:

    I have 75g porridge made with water and a splash of soya milk, mix in an apple and 15g raisins, slice of wholewheat toast and 10g Whole Earth peanut butter... Have that about 730am, keeps my tank full til about 1230... lunch I have tofu in 3 slices wholewheat bread with tomato, grapes, cashews, soya yoghurt and a nakd bar which will keep me going til 630... I'm up at 530am and back home at 6, so i have to do my lunch at night when i do dinner...
  • kristinL16
    kristinL16 Posts: 401 Member
    I like to make egg "muffin" cups on Sunday night then keep them in the fridge to grab and go throughout the week.

    Egg Muffin Cups
    *app. 10 eggs
    *app 3/4 c of your choice of meat (I prefer ham but turkey sausage is ok, too. The ham seems more flavorful.)
    *app 3/4 c of your choice of veggies. I use onion with green and red peppers. I chop both peppersas well as the onion at the same time and also extra ham so that I can freeze some. I make three batches from this and freeze. When you want to use the frozen packs just thaw a little bit (not too much or the peppers get mushy) and add the eggs. I use 1/3 of each pepper and an equal amount of onion for each batch.

    Put equal amounts of the meat and veggie mixture in each well of a muffin pan. Then scramble the eggs with a bit of milk and any seasonings you want. Pour into the cups over the meat and veggies. Bake at 350 for about 30 minutes. Store in the fridge, microwaving for about 45 seconds when you are ready to eat.
  • btm03
    btm03 Posts: 38 Member
    My typical breakfast is oatmeal, pb, and honey, with a piece of fruit OR 1 egg, a cup of veggies (usually peppers, onions, mushrooms), with some cottage cheese stired in and a piece of fruit. Breakfast is the easiest meal of the day for me....not only do I enjoy it but I don't eat as high of calories as I do for other meals.

    Typical lunch is whatever leftovers I have from the previous night....I usually end up making a chicken sandwich, grilled cheese with tomato and onion and of course some veggies or fruit if I didn't have any in the morning.

    Dinner is whatever I end up making....usually something with chicken or hamburger in it, small serving of a carb (couscous, whole wheat pasta, etc) and lots of veggies. My family loves eating fish, but we usually only have it once a week because it's very expensive!

    I am always over my calorie goal for the day, so I may not have the best ideas, but maybe it will help a little bit!
  • SueGremlin
    SueGremlin Posts: 1,066 Member
    I usually skip breakfast. If not, I have oatmeal with brown sugar, then some soup for lunch. I save most calories for dinner when I am hungriest.
    A huge pile of greens like rapini or broccoli (big like a bale of hay), some squash instead of a starch, and 7-8 oz of a protein like salmon or tofu.
  • TinaCleg_cancel
    I cook 1 whole egg and put it on an 80 calorie reduced sodium whole wheat muffin. I am trying to now eat a protein and a carb at every meal and snack along with vegetables.
  • ShanaGore
    ShanaGore Posts: 58 Member
    my food diary is open, I do smoothies w/plain nonfat greek yogurt (which is less sugar then regular yogurt), I also do oatmeal w/fresh fruit and nuts added (very filling.) Some mornings I do scrambled eggs and turkey bacon w/ a serving of fresh fruit. I am very busy, work full-time, taxi 2 kids around and usually take my breakfast, snacks and lunch with me to work. The only meal I eat at home is dinner. Do you have a microwave at work? My office has one, so I try to make an extra serving at dinner each night and take left overs for lunch the next day to avoid getting stuck in the sandwich/salad rut.
  • AmyEm3
    AmyEm3 Posts: 784 Member
    Breakfast is usually some variation of eggs (frittata, scrambled, egg muffins, etc) or some variation of oatmeal (my current favorite is 1/2c. oatmeal plus 1T pb and 1/2 banana)

    Lunch is leftovers or usually a salad with chicken breast, tuna, etc

    Snacks--chobani greek yogurt with 1T of peanut butter
    pecans, walnuts, almonds, etc

    Dinner always varies
  • Diary_Queen
    Diary_Queen Posts: 1,314 Member
    For breakfast, i try to keep it to either dairy & fresh fruit or protein protein protein because I typically am a carb lover and will choose them over anything else then end up feeling all draggy at the end of the day.

    My favs are Non-Fat Greek Yogurt w/1/4 c. fresh blueberries & 7 or 8 sliced strawberries; Steel Cut Oats w/unsweetened almond milk, soybutter and chocolate protein powder; egg whites with sliced, sauteed zucchini & extra lean turkey bacon.

    I also like to make sure that if I am having carbs, they are low in sodium (and my protein too for that matter) and that my carb choices have lots of fiber - like grapefruit or fiber specific 'bars'
  • Roeri011
    Roeri011 Posts: 77 Member
    I have steel cut oats most mornings.


    I double the recipe (8 servings) and then portion it out for the week. In the morning I throw a portion of oatmeal in the microwave for 60 seconds, stir, then another 30. Depending on my mood or what I have on had I'll stir in greek yogurt and/or berries.

    I work in a busy pharmacy with some 10 hour days & breaks are not guaranteed. I keep a pre-portioned bag of trail mix in my pocket for a snack.