laurenpjokl Member


  • @rainbowbow That's interesting and it makes me wonder. I have hypermobility syndrome so I often use low weights. When trying a new movement or exercise, it's sometimes necessary for me to use absolutely minimal weight to ensure I can do the whole movement without any joint crunching. It's sometimes hard not to care that…
  • Eating a high protein snack within one hour after can help your muscles recover. However, unless you're doing some fairly serious strength training, you're unlikely to notice a difference. If you experience bad muscle soreness, it would be worth trying. Otherwise, I wouldn't worry.
  • The squats make my hips go a bit crunchy if my stance is too narrow. :-(
  • I do a lot of planking to improve my core and this also helps my shoulder stability. I use a theraband to exercise my inner shoulder muscles snd do lateral and anterior raises with 2kg dumbells. I also do squats with shoulder presses. I was doing chest presses and bicep curls, but recently I got back to basics with the…
  • Also, make sure you're working on the right muscles to support the joints. For me, there's no point spending ages on my biceps if I'm not also exercising the inner joint muscles in my shoulders.
  • I have hypermobility in my shoulders, hips and hands. My physiotherapist told me to be extremely careful. Because if this, I stick to low weight/high reps on machines. I'm having to be patient as I make very slow progress. When I can pick the 10kg bar off the rack without dislocating something I'll think about free…
  • Most restaurants usually have specifically labelled lighter options now. I'm often surprised at how satisfying and nice they often are. If the calories aren't on the website, then you just have to make your best, most honest guess using the MFP database. I also use the tactic of getting an appetiser instead of a starter.…
  • I don't believe many substances have been scrutinised as much as artificial sweeteners. I've read quite a lot of scientific literature on sweeteners, and I'm prepared to take my chances. The only three reasons I try not to drink *excessive* amounts of cola are: 1. Too much caffeine makes me jumpy. 2. The diet versions may…
  • I find we spend a bit more money in the supermarket now because we eat takeaway less often. Also I save a small fortune not buying lunch on campus. And we used to run to the corner shop every other night and spend more money on junk food. I now try to make sure I always have healthier snacks available in the house. More…
  • I'm also having the same problem to some extent. I've done the level 2 workout five times now and each time I've been able to do those plank jacks for longer and longer without taking a break. The modifications don't really help as they're not easing any tension on the shoulders, so I do have to take five seconds…
  • Ah, it's good to know I'll be able to find people to connect with. :-)
  • I know the second most expensive fitbit has a HRM. Apple watch is really out of my price range, unfortunately.
  • Yeah, it's just a shame I don't really know many others with a fitbit, but I think it would be great to set myself step challenges.
  • Yeah, I know someone who had a fitbit and apparantly everyone in her office had one. In the end they all got so competitive, they used to stand in the lift and jump up and down to try and beat each other's "floors climbed" score. I think she was joking about that last bit. I hope.
  • I started having doubts myself after reading a lot on here about how you can't possibly survive on 1200 a day, even though I've done this before and it works. I usually eat between 1200 and 1300, and I feel fine. It took me about a week to get used to it. I might start feeling hungry about an half an hour before a meal. I…
  • I agree with the others. Don't stress. You don't have to have a perfect 100% wholedome diet to be healthy. I find "processed" to be a weird blanket term. I would just try to get in the habit of checking the nutritional information of food. Sometimes things that are marketed as "natural and healthy" are really not better…
  • I was originally thinking of buying my sister's Jawbone, which she has never used, but it turns out she couldn't get it to charge. The reviews aren't so good, but I probably would have been able to buy it for only £20. Buying second hand might not be a terrible idea. I was a bit weirded out by the thought of having…
  • Well yeah, a job AND kids AND a commute is tough. College might be easier than that, but it doesn't make it easy. The OP did not post, "Help, my life is harder than everyone else's because I'm in college," She was asking for practical advice on how to balance her time.
  • To all the people saying how easy school is compared to work, I disagree. I've worked full time and I looked back with rose-tinted glasses on studying, and when I went back to uni it was so much more stressful than working. When you work, your spare time is your spare time. At uni, there is always assignments on your to-do…
  • It *is* hard when you've got loads of assignments and stress. I piled it on in the first half of this year. I was forever missing the gym because my meetings for my final year project or coursework groups would run over, or I was having a good run of concentration when writing an essay and didn't want to break it. Yeah, at…
  • If you up your fibre intake significantly all in one go, it can take your body some time to adjust. If I start eating porridge everyday it can take a week or so for things to go back to normal. Don't worry too much, but if you're uncomfortable, it might be worth trying coffee or anything with a laxative effect.
  • I've personally found it quite useful. I did the level one workout on days between going to the gym. As far as I am aware, it is not a big calorie burner. However, I've found it has built my strength quite quickly. I notice that sitting up, reaching down to get things and getting up again, opening heavy doors, they're all…
  • I used to find rice pilaf pretty good when I was living alone. I could throw pretty much anything in. I also liked baked eggs. Lightly fry onions, add chopped tomatoes, peppers, beans, basil, put everything in an ovenproof dish, crack an egg on top and place in the oven.
  • This may seem like an odd question, but was the reason you started on the implanon because you were in a new relationship? My doctor said it was very common for people in relationships to put on weight, for various reasons, one being that your hormone levels naturally change. I had lots of not nice side effects with the…
  • I find trying out new foods and recipes puts a bit of excitement back into it.
  • Might be worth investing in a thermos so you can bring soup in. I usually just take an old school ham sandwich into uni, but soup is great in when it's cold. I tend to avoid wraps as tortillas are so deceptively calorific.
  • To be honest, I tend to eat more potatoes when watching my weight, because they're so much more filling than pasta or rice.
  • For me, the purpose of having an open food diary is that it gives me just a little bit of extra motivation if I know people will be looking. I only really look at other people's food diaries because it gives me ideas. If I do see something off, (for example, very low calorie intake or very limited fruit or veg,) I…
  • Hello, I've just starting reusing mfp and I'm looking for some friends for support!
  • Oh, I love looking through people's open diaries for inspiration. :-) So please add me too if you're willing to share.